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5:07 1080x1440 392MB View on Zora

Proof of the Death of Depth. (FIN)

The world being built is one that lacks honor, integrity, honesty, fairness and feels so dystopian & foreign that subjecting myself to keep participating in things my spirit so deeply rejects has manifested itself in physical side effects I'm quite frankly over experiencing.

I want out, I want off.

The Context already exists, but context means nothing in an lazy automated world.

I barely have the bandwidth to exist day to day, but I fight daily. I chose a life dedicated to creative expression, because art / music was the only thing that made life feel worth living.

I'm desperately trying to cling onto finding that worth in this new world, I'm absolutely light hearted and my spirit is playful and cheerful by default, but I lose that when forced to interact with B.S. I spent a lifetime dedicated to art and grew up during times when art reflected it's surroundings, expression was cathartic and powerful in dealing with broken systems and power imbalances.

I'll carry that energy with me until my last breath. You don't take how serious these systems getting worse to point of hopeless is, because you didn't spend the largest chunk of your life standing on principle for something bigger than yourself.

I can't log on virtually anywhere without seeing how f***ked the things I care about are, from healthcare to basic human connection, reach, search. Everything is stacked to suppress & extract.

You adapt, compromise, build an audience doing silly sh*t that distracts and eats up time that could be spent working on meaniful things, and hey look. They almost nuked your entire short form platform, just because......... oh you got it back? false alarm?

You realize the music industry has always been an abusive pimp so you take control of your own destiny and release independent. Oh what? Virgin / UMG just acquired one the largest independent distro / publishing in one swoop.

You realize there's a monopoly and you're a hamster on a wheel and your audience can be taken away at anytime so you pivot to new tech that markets itself in way that you own your audience, your work is safe. Oh wait, that entire sector of tec pulled a scooby doo mask off and turned out to be just as bad as the legacy systems their mission statement rejected and wait what's that? There's hardly any real humans using that tech either.

I literally don't have it left in me to keep exposing myself to reminders that any fair chance to survive in this world or even share meaningful human experiences virtually are being becoming non existent.

f**k shouting with my whole chest, my entire heart is about to explode.

waste of breath, energy.

Spirt me the F away with haste already.
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3024x4032 5.4MB      

and it begins...

Jan 13, 2025, 9:41 PM :::incoming email from producer Mad Keys with file attached, "get ya wings - 134bpm" - Instrumental:::

The return of the Super Emcee, powered by Music Nerd. Let's Begin.

The context why this is culturally historic can be read here:

[🔗We're Specia🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0x85a6f3ef0672a8117ad348ad4548da06fc9b845e/4?referrer=0x26eF03A20AaeDA8aaFCeE4E146DC6B328195947C)

#Dutchmassive #Dutchyyy #MadKeys #MusicNerd
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3:33 1080x1080 406MB View on Zora

Hope (at scale)

+ 81 Total Images Each edited Individually across a 3 day period the final week of 2024. + Audio created spring/summer 2024 was a live, real-time recorded unreleased Evolving Portal made while @_rnd1 & @thxk_u were over. Created effortlessly at the time. Another day bringing the vision to life, meticulously editing all images & audio to create the video.....The concept was to create something meaningful and invest a typical 40 hr work week of time into that work. I chose to use photo's of my reconstructive jaw surgery that happened September 25th 2024 to express emotions of gratitude as well as fear it might not be healing properly or as fast as I hoped it would. I'm eager to hit the ground running, writing and recording a new album, live streaming, filming videos, but the reality is my health isn't quite ready for that. I don't know how to be kind to myself anymore because there is so much pressure to constantly show up and pump out "content" If that wasn't already stressful, 2024 was a year that new found hope was stripped away, as the industry that gave artists a second wind and hope all pivoted to creating systems that demand more and have little hope of being valued.. it's too much. all we wanted was healthcare but instead we got terrorism on the value of art. I have so much love and light in my heart and it feels like it's being systematically stolen from me every time I log on to show up anywhere online. If this isn't relatable at all consider yourself blessed. the only thing I wish to see scale in 2025 is hope. <3

searching, searching, searching...

+ [Meta Label - Network Archives 001: "A Directory of Inspiration"](networkarchives.metalabel.com/directoryofinspiration?variantId=1) - While at the moment this doesn't exist onchain, this $6.99 limited edition run [100] is a near 200 page PDF curated, created by and featuring stories of some of the most important artists/collectors/builders experimenting with music using blockchain.

+ [CATALOG WORKS - 1/1 Music (Dutchyyy.eth)](legacy.catalog.works/dutchyyy)
120 songs composed / produced by: Dutchyyy (1995 - 2024) [ETH MAINNET]

+ [CATALOG WORKS - 1/1 Music (Dutchmassive.eth)](legacy.catalog.works/dutchmassive)
25 songs written, performed, recorded by: Dutchmassive (1995-2023) [ETH - MAINNET]

+ [FOUNDATION.APP - 1/1 photos / video / art (Dutchyyy.eth)](foundation.app/@dutchyyy)
59 1/1's used to world build & add visual / additional context around albums released by Dutchmassive (emcee) / Dutchyyy (producer) across his 3 decade music career [ETH - MAINNET]

+ [ZORA - Open Editions, Limited Editions, 1/1's (Dutchyyy.eth)](zora.co/@dutchyyy)
~ [Dutchyyy / Dutchmassive (The Starter Pack)](zora.co/collect/zora:0xaecf7d807b137eae8c67d24c4e0e66c1e6319266) - 5 open editions [zora chain]
~ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4) - 47 open editions [zora chain]
~ [[ME + ME] V.1](zora.co/collect/zora:0xf9c498b4ad4bc769978e39ac9d7be9272ba38917) - 4 open editions [zora chain]
~ [Zora Posts](zora.co/collect/zora:0x51a4f167438deedabbfd6deeb8c50ca271d4d449) - 17 "posts? / Editions" created from Temu I.G. aka ZoraAPP [zora chain]
~ [Organic Discovery](zora.co/collect/base:0xbe96be7547a203ebff86c815a1feb27d47407cbd) - 32 open editions [base chain]
~ [Evolving Portals (Collection)](zora.co/collect/base:0xa9ccc602fd4fde28abf9e7a2d9cd2d8c84d5924c) - 6 Limited Editions [base chain]
~ [Evolving Portals: Surprise Canyon Jacuzzi](zora.co/collect/eth:0x19ae196d39a356e9d5018a5fd09d09f3725cb308) 1 Limited Edition [ETH - MAINNET]
~ [Previously on..[Proof of Artist]](zora.co/collect/base:0xa9ccc602fd4fde28abf9e7a2d9cd2d8c84d5924c) - 3 open editions [base chain]
~ [[ME + ME] V.2](zora.co/manage/1155/base:0x61e7bb3b186d2ab1dc9adf717b0af88cebf26929) - 1 open edition [base chain]

- [SOUND.XYZ - Limited Edition Music (Dutchyyy.eth)](www.sound.xyz/dutchyyy/releases) 4 limited editions songs [ETH MAINNET]

- [SUPERCOLLECTOR - Open Edition Music [songs,albums] (Dutchyyy.eth)](release.supercollector.xyz/artist/dutchyyy) 1 full length album, 1 ep, 1 song [Optimism Chain]

- [Rarible - 1/1's (PeacePeaceGawd)](rarible.com/peacepeace/secondary) Genesis onchain creator travel log 2.25.21 [ETH MAINNET]

This traveler feels so so lost in this digital world. [Dutchyyy.xyz](dutchyyy.xyz) and is just documenting their journey searching for a save point.
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3:33 1920x1080 364MB View on Zora

tiny2 freestyle

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3:06 1080x1920 312MB View on Zora

Dear Zora,

Survival at the cost of your soul & at a detriment to others is how non sentient operate. I empathize with the ones who joined when the mission was pure in intentions. It likely hasn't been easy on their spirits navigating through all of this.

Zora had one of hell of mission statement when it started, I'm sure it moved the people who would apply to be a part of the team as deeply as it moved and convinced the Artists who read it that this was going to be something special.

It feels unreal reading that mission statement today knowing the platform became everything it stood against. The level of greed it must take to pull off being the one who is calling the shots, willfully knowing they not only abandoned their entire community & struck a massive, if not a final death blow to already used and abused artists in their ability to trust in this world. That's already unredeemable if it ended at that, but to double down and now try to sell false hope to new users by preying on the hit to everyone self worth on social media in this post algorithm world is some super villain behavior. There is no honest justification one can tell themselves or others to frame it otherwise. Survival? is the team that large? are there no other career choices out there? Is Zora surviving at the cost of disrupting so many souls worth it? Devalued art, devalued artists, devalued trust, devalued blockchain all for what? A platform of insider memes glazing the platform. IMAGINE, just for one second, that every social platform you went on was just everyone posting cult images of that platforms logo.... How out of touch do you have to be to pull off what we have all just witnessed. Is survival really worth the ripples that survival has sent out to world. I truly feel bad for everyone involved not calling the shots. You signed up for noble mission and now have to move forward in life with the truth of how the company you also believed in chose to survive by becoming the pale trojan horse.

I'm being sincere. I wish i wasn't, it's exhausting. Maybe next life I'll be born with the ability to turn off compassion and empathy for others for my own survival. A life without honest artistic expression where I can too meme carefree.


with love always,

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1:55 1080x1920 89MB View on Zora

longing to belong type beat

Video captured of song (untitled/wip - Produced by Dutchyyy) being created in real time on 11/21/2024 12am.


This was the first time since I first moved across the country in Feb that I opened up Ableton Live with no pressure or goal. Just felt happy for the 1st time in months and wanted to transmute that into music.

over the past few years, I've been so overwhelmed with urgency to document the past, or distracted with technology and logistics that have seen been completely turned upside down now anyway. Only time I would work on music would be when participating in sample challenges (community / culture and all that jazz)

This was just me having fun in the moment. If the sample sounds familiar, it's because I loaded up a previous project file "Crate Escape" and just started from scratch using the sounds in the session.

You can read the backstory of "Crate Escape" in a previous Proof of life (Continued...) post on zora in the link below:
[🔗The making of "Crate Escape"🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/22?referrer=0x26ef03a20aaeda8aafcee4e146dc6b328195947c)

You can listen to / collect the 1/1 song on legacy Catalog Works below and set some magic in motion =)
[🔗"Crate Escape" f/ Thxk_u 1/1 via Catalog Works🔗](legacy.catalog.works/dutchyyy/crate-escape-w-i-p-f-thxk-u)
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1080x1920 203MB


Somewhere in the present.
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8:31 1920x1080 377MB View on Zora

Kaelin Ellis & The MKRS Club (Dutchyyy Submissions)

Getting Weird with my submissions for the latest Kaelin Ellis Sample Challenge.

I've been producing for decades, So making objectively dope beats hasn't been tickling my neurons lately... It's too easy and predictable. So I've been just getting as weird with it as possible, and recording one take live recordings... than just submitting pieces of those live takes... I think ima slow down on the fun experimental stuff before people forget I can run laps around objectively dope haha...
I originally created a first version, not thinking I would have time to create a real version and posted it in Proof of Life (continued...) Just to document proof of ... well proof of being a an artist haha.

[🔗VERSION 1🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/42?referrer=0x26ef03a20aaeda8aafcee4e146dc6b328195947c_)

And then last minute I decided to make another attempt, this time flipping Kaelin's flip of the sample, and well.... It got weirder than the first.

+ Kaelin Ellis & The MKRS Club - Streetlights Compilation (Full Visual Album) [🔗LISTEN / WATCH ON YOUTUBE🔗](youtu.be/-YeLTjTxldE?si=XeLtW-H3jtUjYOLN)

🎹 Join the MKRS CLUB
💥 Get Exclusive Discord Access with Any Purchase: kaelinellis.com/sounds

Dutchyyy & Kaelin collabs:

🎧 "Lua Cheia" (f/ Kaelin Ellis) [🔗1/1 via Catalog🔗](legacy.catalog.works/dutchyyy/lua-cheia-f-kaelin-ellis-)

🎧 "Skate Park's Closed" (f/ Kaelin Ellis) [🔗Editions via Songcamp / Zora🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0x798b63d9fcf8874e4efb624f0b490b5a3cf1a718/1?referrer=0x26ef03a20aaeda8aafcee4e146dc6b328195947c)
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2:55 1080x1080 170MB View on Zora

"Street Lights V.1" (MKRS CLUB) Sample Challenge

Produced by Dutchyyy

Not my official submission to the new Kaelin Ellis sample challenge. Just snippets of the initial 3 hour evolving portals version. Will try to get an official version in by the deadline... Just in case tho.... Proof of....

KAELIN ELLIS — 11/04/2024 5:39 PM
Title: “Streetlights”
Label: MKRS INC.
Catalog Number: MKRS-001

[🔗Dutchyyy x Kaelin Ellis 🔗](legacy.catalog.works/dutchyyy/lua-cheia-f-kaelin-ellis-) 💽
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0:23 1080x1920 45MB View on Zora

Boom Bap, Original Yap

I must… rock… the mic.

All this typing out expression was never my forte, Time to return to form.

A lot to cover. Hiatus is officially over.

Powered by Music Nerd.

🔗[Dutchyyy VS The Algorithms](dutchyyy.xyz)
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📶 4 comments • 888,888 est. $enjoy tips
Nice art! Check my collection, maybe you'll like it? Have a nice day and good luck with your collection)
Here for the passion, here for the music ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 888888 $Enjoy
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7:19 1920x1080 409MB View on Zora

"I'M GOING TO LIVE" (Save & Continue..!)

[🔗DUTCHYYY.XYZ🔗](dutchyyy.xyz) Briefly popping my head out from my extended healing hiatus to update every / anyone who cared enough reach out after watching & reading my scream for help back on June 6th, when I reluctantly publicly documented the full context "I WANT TO LIVE" which is needed to understand how beyond blessed I am to be able to share this update today. [🔗"I WANT TO LIVE!" (Continue...?)🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/29) Documented on Zora June 5th 2024 via [🔗Proof of life (continued...) Collection🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4) To understand the magnitude of this artifact, taking a few minutes to digest the context provided in the video and description of "I WANT TO LIVE" is needed. I still have a long way to go and many months of recovery ahead so I'm afraid to even begin celebrating prematurely, but thanks to friend, mentor, founder, prolific collector, xDJ, legendary Music Nerd @cxy I was just able to get the highly complex, risky & unrealistically priced - Reconstructive Jaw Surgery - done after years of barely existing pushing through life threatening reoccurring infections causing my body to always be in sepsis. If you've never spoken to me one on one for extended period of time to get to know me, but always noticed the intensity and urgency in my tone through music, social media or artifacts documented onchain, you likely wrote me off as combative or holier than now as I struggled to adapt or go with the flow when it comes to the preservation, value and organic discovery of art. Imagine you spent a life time, dedicating 4 decades to creative expression & making a positive impact on the world, experiencing every technological pivot along the way. Never compromising your integrity, and creating so many positive ripples along the way. Having that legacy documented across time. Now Imagine, your faced with the reality that your life expectancy is set to a quickly approaching end. This is already something anyone would have difficultly processing. but now add the undeniable drastic changes happening across the internet the past few years. Algorithms, AI, Search engines purging history and information left and right and everywhere you turn to find solace begins adapting these broken systems that flatline discovery, control and genuine human connection. easier to optimistically brush off as a healthy human with a future ahead. Not so much when it feels like your last days are being spent watching everything unravel when you're hyper fixated on the preservation of your existence and the desire to experience meaniful human interactions via the internet while your stuck in isolation. Hopefully with context, it helps to resolve any misconceptions & snap judgements that could have & likely have formed. While I still feel it's honorable to critically think and use your / my voice to communicate honestly and often about observations pertaining to the Enshittification of our once fair, open, free and optimally functioning virtual landscape. Not having an uncomfortable, rapidly approaching human expiration timer ticking loudly in my head 24/7 for the first time since before the pandemic greatly lessens the urgency in throw myself into the fire trying save the world & my the memory of my place in it. I look forward to returning to life as a human in the physical world and allowing myself to be present in that world, long enough to hopefully reprogram my mind and spirit to highly deprioritize my exposure to a virtual world that I know is going to force feed me algorithmic landmines that are going to feed my inspiration. Thanks to C.Y. I'll soon be able to return to the life long cathodic ritual that kept me sane and balanced no matter what life threw at me. I.E. instead of ranting into a void typing novels online, I get to refocus and channel it back into the pen, paper & recording booth. Beginning with finally recording (the still highly relevant) last official verse I intentionally wrote A decade ago. 📽️🎶[🔗"Planet's In Orbit" - Produced by Potatohead People🔗](foundation.app/mint/eth/0xC35407130cE86eCab7d670E4D6405E9bD9391E8e/8) - 1/1 Video collected Oct 7, 2023 for 1.5 ETH by cxy Feel's cosmic...🌌🪐🌎🌙💫 the same person who on collected that 1 minute, horrible video quality version of me reciting the last verse I wrote nearly a decade ago ended up being the person who would ensure it wouldn't be the last time the world would hear my voice. ---------------------------- 🙏 In a vacuum, that doesn't sound to magical. Keep reading to have your mind blow & your faith in fate & the universe expand. Backstory: 📖"In the summer of 2015, Dutch returned to Tampa, Florida. Shortly after the move, he experienced a health crisis. He was rushed to the ER, struggling to breathe, and was diagnosed with sepsis from a severe dental infection. Immediately upon leaving the hospital, His mother took him to the dentist in hopes of finding a solution, but the complexity of his dental situation required a near 6 figure surgery. An unrealistic sum needed they could not afford. Even if they could, the complicated surgery came with a 80% risk of the left side of his face being paralyzed for the rest of his life. This health challenge marked a turning point in Dutch’s musical journey. He vowed not to write or record another song as Dutchmassive until his music could generate the income needed for his surgery. ------------------------------------- ▪ However, due to the unsettling prognosis from Dentist. He wasn’t going to waste time by holding out for hope while also punishing himself. He wanted to utilize his gifts while he still had the chance. So the next seven years, he recorded freestyles purely for personal enjoyment, without any intention of releasing them. This became one of his most cherished creative endeavors, as it allowed him to be vulnerable and have fun with music in a way he hadn’t before."📖 The Reluctant Clap: (Daily Rambles) Tascam Freestyles [2015-2022]. ⏲️Total Runtime: 283 minutes 🗣️🎙️ 💽 Chapter I (2015-2016) 1/1 on Catalog Works 💽 Chapter II (2017) 1/1 on Catalog Works 💽 Chapter III (2018) 1/1 on Catalog Works 💽 Chapter IV (2018-2020) 1/1 on Catalog Works 📻 Chapter V (2020-2022) Editions on Supercollector 🎧[🔗Backstory / Listen to Chapters I,II,III,IV🔗](legacy.catalog.works/playlists/363bc27d-0748-4b15-8f8b-32488e30ee6d) 🎧[🔗Listen to / Collect Chapter V🔗](release.supercollector.xyz/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-v-daily-rambles-dutchmassive) • 28 songs total • Individual tracks - $10 • or Full Album - $280 • [🔗Download full series via Bandcamp🔗](dutchmassive.bandcamp.com/album/the-reluctant-clap-daily-rambles) Bonus Context: [🔗"S.O.S. Freestyle" (Daily Rambles) - prod by thxk_u🔗] (zora.co/collect/zora:0xaecf7d807b137eae8c67d24c4e0e66c1e6319266/5) Video Documented January 6th 2024 in the "10x12" in Tampa Bay before the rescue mission that led us to this day. Nearly a decade later, the promise I made to myself to not write or record another song until my art can pay for the surgery needed has just been fulfilled. still many months of healing ahead, before the final surgery happens. but thanks to C.Y. the world will now experience a future that includes new written & recorded vocals by Dutch <3 Eternally, Grateful. If anyone would like to Help Fund the physical, 6 Cassette Box Set Release of "The Reluctant Clap" (Daily Rambles) [2015-2022] to help keep me busy during this healing hiatus while also serving as a symbolic step to close a very long chapter, before my next one begins. You can visit the link below [🔗help Fund the physical release here🔗](foundation.app/collection/emceee) ----------- Proof of life, Continued.. Executive Produced by: C.Y. Lee @cxy 🫂
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mystikal hamsterz
I should mint a video showing the contrast of how much reach & love this same video received when posted to instagram verses the “post to earn” ghost town 🫂
Eternal Gratitude. Thank you.
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3:14 1920x1080 329MB View on Zora

flipabeatclub #35 (Sample Challenge)

Produced By: Dutchyyy

Two Flips, One Beat.

flip a beat club #35 submission.

Flip one.
0:00 - 1:12
Sample stems provided by:
matt.e.j & @jteaa__ fka whknws

Flip two.
1:12 - 3:15
Sample Stems by tvkii

Flipped the first half on September 19th, & woke up to Matt sending me stems that tvkii submitted last minute. So I quickly hopped into Ableton Live & created a 2nd beat & submitted the combined versions at the deadline buzzer on September 20th

This was fun. I’m glad I got a few pockets of time free to pay tribute to the homies 🫂
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📶 4 comments • 55,555 est. $enjoy tips
want to participate next time 55555 $enjoy
“Yoyoyoyoyoyo” Proof of Super Producer
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0:19 864x1154 27MB View on Zora

"CONTINUE!!!" (Like This...)

PLEASE EXPAND FOR FULL CONTEXT (this may be the last artifact documented on zora for a while)

Infinite gratitude to Cxy for putting quarters in the machine while I was out of HP, out of healing potions and out of lives...

Sounds dramatic right? You need context?

[🔗"I WANT TO LIVE" (Continue?..)🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/29)

After you've absorbed the context above, the deeper context exist below:

[🔗 The Reluctant Clap (Daily Rambles) Tascam Freestyles [2015-2022] - Executive Produced by C.Y. Lee @cxy 🔗](legacy.catalog.works/playlists/363bc27d-0748-4b15-8f8b-32488e30ee6d)

If you ever see me on the timeline, taking the direction of apps, platforms, and internet in general way more serious and less forgiving than most. It helps to understand context and nuance, the problem with this though is that every digital place we turn, the spaces we have to share and communicate are being optimized for less intentional interactions, sacrificing meaningful human experience and connection in attempts to scale by trying to encourage, less intentional, highly disposable daily activity and the reason why this isn't something I can't help loudly push back on with everything I have was ironically already documented. The Context exists.... It all exists buried in this collection, unfortunately... Not many take the time to dig through previous artifacts, deep dive full collections... Discovery is broken, and it's hard to justify sharing level of meaningful life events further on platforms that proved they can't be trusted to not change everything without notice... and if you absorbed all previous context, you'd understand my urgency for permanence up to this point.

The issue is, I want to keep documenting. I have a lot more to share, I began documenting here specifically because it didn't feel as disposable and inconsistent as legacy social.... The type of stuff I want to share is special to me, I'm not interested in participating in another version of I.G. I don't care about "earning", I care about meaningful connections formed through organic discovery and shared interest.

For the first time in a decade, I have been giving a fighting chance to possibly course correct my critical health issues... This was only made possible due to the right people being able to absorb context and backstories attached to 1/1 music on Catalog Works

[🔗Dutchyyy 1/1's🔗](legacy.catalog.works/dutchyyy)
[🔗Dutchmassive 1/1's🔗](legacy.catalog.works/dutchmassive)

and meeting those people is what encouraged me to keep documenting on Zora & Foundation.

Do you understand?

Because of the availability to escape legacy social and document with context without algorithms, I'm able to get a very complicated and risky jaw surgery done on September 25th, 2024 that has made life unbearable...

I'm so so so grateful, you have no idea...
and it's still hard for me to be at peace because if I was one of the most consistent and prolific artists documenting via blockchain while I was barely clinging onto life for 4 years, Imagine the magic a healthy Dutch will be able to pull off...

I'm just a single person, the world doesn't revolve around me and I understand that. But this digital world is in a very bad spot in time, it hurts to see the places I believed in, that made even the possibility of me healing pivot to a model everyone here tried to escape.

The next 4-6 months, I'll be doing my best to heal and return to baseline normal human health, I need my spirit in tact for that to happen, which means I need to step away from showing up and participating in places that don't appreciate or respect my voice. I will keep documenting privately and hope i return to the magic I once knew.

Peace Peace.

<3 Dutchyyy

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.
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Today is pivotal
Searching for Save Point. Catch you in the future 🫂
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4096x4096 889KB

“END OF AN ERA” 💽 1/1

Please visit the main collection page here: [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4) to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.


On August 23rd 2024 around Noon (PST) the ability to press / mint new 1/1 music via Main-net ETH on Catalog Works was officially Sunset.

Before this happened I was blessed to press a total of 145 1/1 music artifacts between both of my artist profiles

120 - Dutchyyy (Production)
25 - Dutchmassive (Vocalist / Emcee)

The last official 1/1 pressed on Catalog works was by the goated Catalog engineer @computerdata

The 2nd to last was “Sun Will Set” my symbolic hug & thank you to the platform that gave me hope & actually changed my life in such an impactful way that with zero exaggeration I can say with full transparency that If it wasn’t for Catalog Works & the amazing souls that entered my life because they found me through my music on Catalog, I 100% would not have survived through all the series of unfortunate events that life threw at me all at once post p_ndemic.

When I first pivoted to documenting my music / art via blockchain / smart contracts in February of 2021 I was tunnel vision on a mission of urgency to combat legacy internet & find a more permanent storage to allow my lifetime of creative output the best chance possible to survive long after I’m gone. The ability to attached Linear notes / backstory / credits / context to media in what seemed like a format that would exist forever made me approach how I used this tech very intentionally. Set it, and forget it.

Instead of highlighting newer work or even focusing on being present and creating new work, my plan was to document my entire expansive back catalog of music as 1/1’s. While many people were focused on scarcity of supply I was focused on the scarcity of human existence so I documented as much of my back catalog as possible. I wasn’t just minting a song, I was documenting music with context attached which takes time. There is also the factor of cost to mint on main-net, while that cost seems more reasonable at the time of writing this, many of those records cost $70-$300 to get up, especially the earlier ones. Unfortunately, this news of sunsetting the ability to press new music came as a surprise with not enough notice to allow me to complete my vision of having every song from every album I planned to all exist together in one place but I’m thankful I was able to document as much I did.

I’ll expand on all of this in greater detail in the future. I want to properly thank and acknowledge people and I also have a lot of thoughts and feelings around what’s been happening recently and what’s happened since I stumbled into this brave new world.


To be continued?….
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so cool
“Sun Will Set”
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4007x4007 336KB    

Disposable Arts

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist. “Passion or Apathy” Feel weird to have a bad feeling attached to something you’re passionate about. It’s not something that artists / creatives are strangers to but there are levels to this that the majority of the non creative side of this exchange of energy & consumption will likely never understand, care about or respect. This is expected, understandable & to be honest is a tale as old as time but please humor me for a moment and allow me to contextualize. + The Inspiration / Catalyst The things, feelings, experiences that led up to the very first moment & any future moment the human paused the world around them to create art (any & all mediums) *This a level where negative feelings can be harnessed into a productive outlet. + The process For some it’s natural & effortless, others maybe not so much. No matter the medium, for those whom fall in love creating all share different levels of sacrifice / investment. Practice, Tools, equipment, schooling, but the most important & overlooked investment is time. 10 thousands hours…. time not spent with friends, family, working, relaxing, etc…. *this is another level where negativity can be justified & used as fuel or motivation, and most importantly, harnessed & transmuted into something that has potential to ripple out and creative positive impact. + The external factors You now have art. Congratulations, you put in the 10,000 hours, or even 5 minutes and you created something from expression that wouldn’t exist in this world if you chose to do something else with your valuable time. Now comes the parts that almost always end up being a conflict to the magic & the process. This level has consistently changed over time, As a creative who has lived as a creative, consuming & surrounding themself with creatives at every level and stage. I can only share what I have lived through and witnessed or experienced. Creative expression (Art) as a sustainable career… If you are able to sustain as a creative for years or decades without compromising losing your love for the process. You are A unicorn. Truly magical. (Avoid Tim curry at all costs). The reality is, Art as a sustainable career has always required more non creative work than most jobs or careers…. I’m not speaking to exceptions, but the majority and reality. The most talented Artists, that a majority of strangers view as “successful” I know or have met the past 30 years usually had non creative careers also. With that part out of the way let’s make our way to the most important level for the creative soul removing the financial ROI of time from the equation. + Reach, Impact, Purpose, Resonance… Art is powerful AF…. It’s also subjective AF A song created from a negative place with a negative message equally has the power to seed negativity & in contrast, allow a confused soul to process vicariously & create positive ripples based solely on the impact that song had on them. Art is magic & powerful AF. Knowledge, Culture, Imagination, Empathy, History, Laughter, Relaxation, Love, Hate…. It’s so so powerful. And Art impacts each personal in a unique way. That power & magic have a tiny flaw tho… It only works if it’s available to be experienced & perceived. Sure, the Counter argument could be that power & magic still exists for the creator even if it’s never shared & honestly, most artists already know this and it’s not just weird quirk or coincidence that almost every great artist I know only releases a fraction of the art they are most proud of…. The reason myself & nearly everyone I know does this is…. It’s not perfection, it’s not doubt, not insecurities…. It’s protection. An act of clawing to retain the magic that happens during the process. Because it takes a special kind of person, a certain level of sensitivity & vulnerability & an insane amount of passion to spend large chunks of your only life, creating and expressing over and over. One might say, It’s their true purpose. So where & when is the last place A creative soul, who sacrifices time, energy, experiences with other humans that has already accepted that any consistent monetary ROI of time is unlikely but always would be appreciated. Any guesses? If you guessed the external distribution layer. High Five Yourself :) And everytime this Level became inorganic, tainted with payola, manipulation, curated or gate kept to the point where no amount of hard work or talent has the same effect as compromising, politics, and playing nice when a nice game is being played. Artists pivoted & found a way to at least reach the dedicated people seeking out art. We lost… TV, FM radio, College Radio, Magazine Print, (Actually lost the ability to tour and do shows live for a few years) lost blogs, lost journalists, platforms, websites, lost soundcloud, all of our social media following (algo hellscape) lost search engines, lost YouTube to thumbnails and clickbait, we never had Spotify or streaming platforms, lost tumblr, deviant art? And during all this loss of basic reach (forget the financial part) just the ability to have all the basic functions that created decades of meaningful art and connections as we flourished culturally ignoring the world of FM radio & billboard chart tactics…. Artists are expected to increase output, quantity over quality (content) in a system that treats it all as disposable. So in closing, where is the absolute last place an artist should have bad or negative feelings attached to…. ? The Level where the artists pivoted from all of those broken, manipulated & greedy places because we finally had a chance to get it right & restore some sanity & order into the world… The 3rd Level & Evolution of the Internet. On any Platform that is centered around and simply just does not function without….. Art. “Feels Bad” Cus, the amount of Levels it took to entrust “forever branded” art is…. This Collection was meant to display real time Proof of human existence after a human nearly stopped existing. It feels bad that I feel bad documenting anything meaningful further in it because it’s clear the direction we are headed to is the direction that artists expressing meaningfully came to the level 3 internet to escape. and if it’s not, well there is a major communication error that needs to be…. Communicated.
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📶 3 comments • 500,000 est. $enjoy tips
This doesn’t show up in my minted section, doesn’t show up on the feed. Is discovery literally tied comments? Lemme know 🫂
This part really hit for me,

"A song created from a negative place with a negative message equally has the power to seed negativity & in contrast, allow a confused soul to process vicariously & create positive ripples based solely on the impact that song had on them. Art is magic & powerful AF. Knowledge, Culture, Imagination, Empathy, History, Laughter, Relaxation, Love, Hate…. It’s so so powerful. And Art impacts each personal in a unique way."

Grateful for your thoughts and format. 500,000 $enjoy.
Passion or Apathy…

Passion may not scale as quick you’d like or need but sacrificing passion in an attempt to scale Apathy…  

Also doesn’t work.

Synonyms w/ Live Service Games

Passion shows praise & expresses discontent when the game the love breaks things they love after patch updates.    It’s a push & pull but that’s passion and passion equals retention.

Unlike a fully realized and finalized game, Live Service lives and d*es on player retention.

The Live Service Game deathblow is the shareholder roadmap.  Most of the players know the game devs love the game but shareholders & execs control the ship.     This ship seems to travel down the same path.   Pivot to Free to play,  dumb down game to not scare possible new player experience,  making long term player experience miserable.  Slow bleed of passionate dedicated player base,  New players come but don’t stay, Apathetic & unemotionally connected….         Game Studio let’s go of 30% of staff. 

Passionate players remember how their investment of time was tossed away and voices felt unheard.   Never trusts or touches future games by the studio they know makes amazing games cus they know as soon as it begins to pop off,  they won’t be happy with active player base and attempt to scale, repeating the same failed play book.

If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t care so much. Passion might not scale but building for apathy is well….   Raid Shadow Legends… 

Choose Your Adventure.

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4:04 1920x1080 140MB View on Zora


Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Produced by [🔗Dutchyyy🔗](dutchmassive.bandcamp.com/)

#DIBIFLIPSESSIONS07 hosted by [🔗Dibia$e🔗](mrdibiase.bandcamp.com/music)

Original Sample Provided by [🔗Low Key🔗](lowkeythelegend.bandcamp.com/music)


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111111 $enjoy
You are now witnessing one of the most active creators & collectors reach the end of their passion, dedication & consistency.        It was a really simple concept.      I loved it.       But what I love, think, feel or do doesn’t move the needle.       I loved being able to follow specific people & never miss what the post.  I loved the false reality that this tech made sense for high effort, deep intentioned documentation.   

My heart breaks watching the platforms I love, hard pivot to mimic the platforms we tried to escape.  It breaks my heart instead of seeing the peoples original uploads of people I chose to follow,  I’m bombarded by only seeing what’s actively being engaged with….        It breaks my heart I trusted my legacy to places that acted like they cared about my work & story when I remained active during times where there was low activity & then as soon as I passionately gave honest feedback about changes about the platforms I actively & consistently use as a creator and collector.    That support was cut, & now I’m stuck watching the space I thought was on track to bring the magic back to the internet, force feed me low effort, disposable posts in a race to create Instagram 2.0.            I’m heart broken I minted my own work, just so I could leave a comment on it for a better chance for the people who follow me to see it. 

I’m heartbroken no one leaves the feeds to explore previous works, I’m heart broken seeing protocols drop a subpar image that trends with 50k mints when there aren’t 50k people collecting.  

I’m heart broken that being open and honest about what I’m not happy with, will have a greater impact on your perceptions of me over the fact that beyond my passionate words,  I’ve shown up consistently collecting and creating with love and intention to the point I’m ranked in the top 50 

My wittle heart and spirit can’t keep giving and giving  and showing up in places that loudly signal, I don’t belong.      Godspeed w/ mass adoption.       When you trade passion for apathy you end up as the live service game that lost its loyal player base in the quest for new players with no emotional investment or attachment.      

Sincerely, A Token Chat sweat.    Yearning to return to couch co-op & never boot up another live service “game” again. 

🫂 If you can’t grasp why someone is so emotionally invested in the topics that have just been expressed. 

It will all make sense soon. 

When no new context is documented,  the existing documenting context will connect the dots. 

Optimus Prime Lost His Spark in 1987…

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1:41 1080x1440 130MB View on Zora

"OVERSLEPT & OVERCOOKED TYPE BEAT" (Dibia$e Sample Challenge)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Produced by Dutchyyy

On the day of the #Dibiflipsessionsweek6 sample challenge submission deadline, I realized in the rules that submissions had to be under 1:30, My original submission was a little over 4 minutes long, and there was no way to just shorten the track because it was created with an intentional slow build. So on no sleep, I attempted to create a new version to submit but I was well beyond a healthy or productive limit of being awake so I set my alarm for 2pm so I'd have enough time to finalize and submit the track before the 5pm deadline. Turns out I set my alarm to 2AM, so I ended up waking up at 6pm and abandoned all the new work I did to the track and ended up submitting the quick, first take, horribly mixed and unfinished version as a quick as possible but still ended up disqualifying myself being late. I have no intentions to ever go back into this session and release the intended finalize version. I honestly don't have time or energy for these sample challenges but I feel a slight duty to show up and participate for the culture because I really appreciate Dibia$e spending so much time helping inspiring so many creatives.
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2400x2400 819KB      


first time experiencing a dust storm.

It’s dark & I was distracted with head buried in Ableton Live finalizing new & old music but this alert serves of proof of…..
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2484x2484 468KB      

A Failed Experiment In Transparency

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

In the end, the context already exists.

You have choices. Your choices short term ripple out long term. What you build, what you value, what you acknowledge, what you cosign, what you signal boost, what you ignore, what you say, what you don’t say. Every choice shapes the future.

In the words of O.C. from the timeless classic “Time’s Up” - Produced by Buckwild

“You’re whole aura is plexiglass”

You worship empty calories, praise the curated veil of success & happiness. Value low effort, with the taste of stale white bread. How do we know this? Your actions made it clear. Your digital footprint is uncool, uncultured & safe. You didn’t disrupt, you lacked the courage to take the difficult path. You adapted to survive at the cost the future of a better world.

As said in the classic chorus of “Catch a bad one” from Del’s sophomore released “No Need For Alarm”

“You had your chance and you blew it!”

Now forever hold your peace

::::Insert classic GangStarr DJ Premier scratch chorus here::::

“Take it personal, ta-take it personal”

Positivity & High Vibrational Energy isn’t real through the practice of avoidance. Add public Cliche Quotes to that formulation & now your are living the lowest vibrational form of EGO there is.

Brand safe, Content, Leaderboard, Incentives, nepotism, talk the talk, extract.

If you caught feelings reading this, a guilty conscious is a compass.

It’s not too late too late course correct.

I just don’t have the privilege to wait to get a chance witness a better future world.

I should have chose a different path haha. What a lonely road walking the walk is.

“Powerful Impact! BOOM! from the Cannon”

You either die a hero or…………………………
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7:38 1920x1080 289MB View on Zora

"INTERNAL BLEEDING TYPE BEAT" (Dibia$e Sample Challenge)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Runtime: 7 minutes & 39 seconds

Produced by Dutchyyy

"INTERNAL BLEEDING TYPE BEAT" #DIBIFLIPSESSIONS04 Submission that was never officially submitted.


If you've been following the previous artifacts in the Proof of Life (continued...) series the name and context surrounding this particular artifact shouldn't be too confusing.

For those who are new to series, TDLR (Recurring severe infection recurred the day prior to my birthday last month, being it's something that has happened a few times a year going on decade my body has built up resistance to all available antibiotics, but when your body is in sepsis you have no other choice. I  usually get 3 to 5 months after taking antibiotics where I feel 30% better but this time they did not take, which only makes the infection stronger and halfway through the 10 day antibiotic cycle I began (TMI) bleeding internally...  As of today, this has not stopped.  I am as far from well as it gets physically but I am still Dutch in spirit and my spirit loves to create,  So when the homie Dibia$e holds a sample challenge, my spirit really wants to show up. So I keep trying to show up...   I keep trying to show up as much as possible regardless of how bad I feel. I keep showing up and using the energy I don't have to use my creativity... create artwork, music, videos, type backstories and document them.    

Of all forms of creative expression, creating music is my greatest joy but it's also the most difficult of the bunch to do when your entire body is betraying you. but I keep attempting it haha.

The first part of this video should have been my submission,  I should have exported the beat instead of recording a proof of work video in real time and submitted it then, but I wasn't feeling well so I put off finalizing it for later.

Unfortunately the deadline was the next morning and I was having one of the worst nights healthwise to date.  I really had no business opening up Ableton Live in the state I was in but a stubborn little engine that didn't want to admit defeat was in the drivers seat.  So I opened up the session and instead of just bouncing out a sequenced version of what I already began, I got distracted by my body and ended up recording 20 minutes of chaos (Evolving Portals) or Devolving in this case rather.    6 hrs passed as the sun came up and I realized I didn't do anything but experiment and record a bunch of madness instead of exporting something I could submit. So I admitted defeat, pivoted to editing a 20 minute session down to a 4 minute video just to show proof that I didn't just blow it off and posted the video and apologized that I wouldn't be able to officially submit....

Next thing I know, Dibi is playing part of nightmare fuel video on the playback stream haha.        

I don't know how much longer I can keep trying to show up publicly anymore.  As much as my little spirit wants to interact and be productive, I'm not sure that I'm sending proper signals that do my current harsh reality justice. I say this but I'll likely keep showing up until the day I no longer can....         This is so weird to share publicly, I'm not a fan of this level of transparency,  but I do no one justice by going through all of this in silence. 

This track will likely never be officially exported.

Please show Dibia$e some love over on his youtube channel below <3

[🔗Full Dibia$e #Dibiflipsessions04 playback stream here🔗](www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kZBTwHKhQA&t=2872s)
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connect wallet
Literally minting this for using "Jawns" in the bio 🤣
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4:13 1920x1080 115MB View on Zora

"SEPSIS TYPE BEAT" (Dibia$e Sample Challenge)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

"SEPSIS TYPE BEAT" - Produced by Dutchyyy

Video Snippets of my unfinished sample flip submission for #DIBIFLIPSESSIONS03 from the playback stream on Dibia$e's youtube channel where DIBI & Marques Murrey (who provided the original sample) Played back the top 40 submissions.

I attempted to start the challenge the first day of my 10 day Antibiotic cycle after my infected jaw once again sent my whole body into sepsis so I wasn't able to hang too long and really dive into flipping this sample to my best ability. It was funny DIBI mentions that I micro-chopped the sample (which is my usual method of choice) because I didn't even make it that far into the process unfortunately, did a few passes of live resampled takes manipulating pitch, stretch w/ some effects as usual and then my body couldn't handle being up at my studio desk anymore, so filmed a quick video in the moment of a few takes layered just to show proof I didn't blow off the challenge and at least started it, but I never had a chance to return to it and put in actual work I could be proud of. I happened to have my alarm set to take my next antibiotic when I saw A tweet from Dibi about having a few hours before the deadline, and ended up just submitting that initial placeholder session as a joke, not imagining it would make it to the playback stream haha.

Guess i'm glad I submitted it in the end, just hope that doesn't end up being one of the last new Dutchyyy people end up hearing. 🫂

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📶 3 comments • 500 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
niggas =)
500 $enjoy
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6:30 1080x1080 247MB View on Zora

"I WANT TO LIVE" (Continue?..)

🎵📽️ Music Video of embarrassing vulnerable context. ❤️‍🩹"I WANT TO LIVE" but not like this....🦷🩺🩻🩸💊🪦 This video is the hardest thing I've ever publicly shared. More than the video itself, which is basically just a 12 month snapshot of events that led up to the beginning of the Proof of life (continued...) collection being created. Trying to build up the courage to attempt to contextualize the years leading up to it, explain the captured moments in the video and give absolute transparency around my life and health in the present is much more difficult than I thought it would be. I was so grateful for those who rallied together and showed support in helping me escape what seemed like an impossible situation and move across the country. the thought of bursting the perceived bubble that changing geographical location alone would of course correct all the severe health issues I've had. The reality is, having to quickly move across the country, I lost access to my health insurance, which honestly wasn't very helpful as you can see in the video as I violate hipaa... As I type this, I'm currently on my 2nd cycle of really strong antibiotics after my Jaw got infected the day before my birthday (May 23 1981) and sent my entire body septic.... The problem is, My Dental Surgery is very complex, very risky and unrealistically expensive, it's not something that can be done in waves, It has to all be taken care of at once. Because of this, I've been on antibiotics twice a year for the past decade which destroyed other parts of my body and worse, my body is resistant to antibiotics at this point. My last severe infection happened while at storage a week before moving across the country in February of this year. This gave me a small window of false hope thinking moving across the country improved my health as 90% of my really bad symptoms subsided. About a month after moving in to the new house, they slowly came back, and suddenly ramped up worse than ever before, I pushed through it like a trooper, using whatever small moments of relief I had to document as much as possible while I still could, but there were multiple days I just wanted to end things. It's a level of physical pain I can't even begin to describe, but I pushed as long as possible until I reached a critical state earlier this week. I spoke with the Doctor for an hour who made it clear that I am trading temporary relief that won't last due to how resistant my body is to antibiotics and when the infection eventually wins, It will come back much quicker, much stronger and much worse than I've experienced thus far.... Basically, I'm on a clock, a very small window while these antibiotics are trying to fight this infection to attack the cause of the infection at its root... My unrealistically expensive, complicated and very risky jaw surgery. I am tired... I've been a silent trooper for years pushing through this all alone and hiding the extent of how bad it is because it's just too heavy to burden people with. If you watched the full video, you know that my Dental issues aren't the only severe health issue, though allowing it to go unchecked so long absolutely caused most of the other issues, Spinal tumor obviously not related... It's super overwhelming. It's overwhelming to share publicly, it's overwhelming to share privately and has alienated loved ones, friends and community. I push forward with a sense of purpose because I don't want to make anyone sad, but most of all this is overwhelming existence and no matter how heavy it sounds, it's my reality and i've fought as long as humanly possible to endure it... but this isn't living, this isn't what I want to be remembered for and this isn't how I want to spend my limited time on earth. I pivoted to documenting legacy via smart contracts in early 2021 when I realized after years of health slowly deteriorating and then suddenly escalating to critical levels that made existing in my own body feel like a curse daily... I mainly focused on documenting back catalog records from the mid 90's - 2016 as 1/1's on Catalog Works. As of today 110 records exist with very extensive back stories, I then begin slowly world building via photos and videos surrounding those albums on Foundation with multiple 1/1 collections with 56 1/1's as of writing this. Beyond my expansive 3+ decade music career, with my health being so critical to the point of extreme isolation, unable to go out into the world or socialize, I created a collection meant to show proof of human, proof I existed out in the world, connecting and touching people, adventuring in nature and traveling the country. Leaving breadcrumbs of context about my health scattered within backstories written in the descriptions of my artifacts. In May of 2023, I released a series of Freestyles I began recording daily on my Tascam that were never intended to be public... With lots of encouragement from C.Y. (cxy) I finally mustered up the courage to make the entire series public. With Chapters 1 - 4 (2015-2020) only existing on Catalog Works and Chapter 5 (2020-2022) existing on Super Collector. I wrote a pretty in depth backstory which explained my health situation, and if you listen to them fully from Chapter 1 to Chapter 5, you can hear in real time as I slowly come to terms privately with what was happening and escalating as time passed with Chapter 5 being basically my Farewell. I have so much more I want to document... I hate feeling like I'm letting people down, but I've endured this way too long. It's impossible to focus on creating in the present with so much legacy and important lore still left undocumented, but I don't even know If I will be able to fully execute that. I'm not well... I tried so hard to stay the course and focus on conviction with consistency while spreading love and creating tiny ripples and hope things would all just work out, but having a clock counting down and being fully conscious that your body is going to betray you in the most savage way is a hard pill to keep swallowing while holding out for hope. I'm very proud of the path I walked in my lifetime and can say I lived a very rewarding and fulfilling life without ever faltering my spirit... Holding onto purpose these days feels impossible, which I didn't think was ever possible, I don't like the world and systems that are being built right now and I really don't want to go out with a disgruntled spirit so I'm sharing my most vulnerable reality with a singular purpose. To leave no room for questions and ask for forgiveness and compassion when the time comes I can no longer be a trooper and continue enduring... I've been an absolute superhero, I shouldn't be right now...... This has been GAME + and I'm honestly grateful I was able to exist another year and reunite with loved ones IRL even if for very short periods. If you would like to learn more about what I've dedicated my entire life to.... Please deep dive in the links below. The most important part is the back stories attached. Thankfully.... Even if the platforms cease to exist after I'm no longer here to pivot, the media and meta data that's tied together will still exist thanks to blockchain.... so no rush. Proof of life (Continue?) [🔗DUTCHYYY via CATALOG WORKS🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy) [🔗DUTCHMASSIVE via CATALOG WORKS🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive) [🔗FOUNDATION - Further Context🔗](foundation.app/@PeacePeaceGawd?tab=collections) [🔗SUPERCOLLECTOR🔗](release.supercollector.xyz/artist/dutchyyy) [🔗PASSTHEDUTCH.ORG - Compilation + Fundraiser🔗](linktr.ee/comptapefordutchyy) [🔗Digital Artifacts Collected by Dutchyyy.eth🔗](gallery.so/Dutchyyy) [🔗Music Collected via Bandcamp by Dutch🔗](bandcamp.com/dutchmassive) 🎧 Track ID: [🔗 "8 Million Woes" - Produced by Dutchyyy 🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/-8-million-woes-continue-)
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📶 10 comments • 1,421,920 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
1000 $enjoy
x-ray doctor 19 $imagine 23 $enjoy
big love man, this hit me hard

500000 $enjoy
sending love, my internet friend <3
god speed king
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the journey onchain. Keep living, keep creating, keep loving! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
By far the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen anyone put onchain. No words are enough. Just pause you life and take it in.
Sending all my love and strength bro 🫂 ❤️

143143 $enjoy
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1:57 1080x1080 100MB View on Zora

"MAY 23rd 1981" (I'll cry if I want to)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Today was not dope, let's not do this again next year, k?

Track ID: [🔗"YAWN OF THE GEMINI"🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/yawn-of-the-gemini)

[🔗Proof of life (Origin Story, Literally)🔗](foundation.app/collection/life-3fc3?sort=oldest)
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55555 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy
hbd legend!!
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4:24 720x1280 109MB View on Zora

"BEATS, RHYMES & CAVE LIFE" [VIDEO 2 of 2] f/ RND1 & thxk_u

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

📽️ Video Documented 5-13-24 through 5-19- 24 somewhere in the desert ; )

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/stop-sleeping-in-so-much-f-rnd1-) To [listen / collect / read back story] one of our past collabs "Stop Sleeping In So Much" from my 2016 album Traversal


My dear friend & one of my favorite producers, Irv (RND1) pronounced "Round One" came to visit the Cave of Solitude from May 13th to May 19th to celebrate my upcoming 43'rd solar return (May 23rd, 1981) by gifting me the one thing in life I cherish the most and don't get to experience often these days... IRL HUMAN INTERACTION =)

The week was super dope, my skittish kitty (Little Paw V.2) which I inherited from my Nana who inherited her from my mom always runs and hides when any comes over, but this week she immediately grew attached to IRV and followed us around all week and hung out. Super wholesome...

The week started with setting him up in my guest room and listening to hundreds of unreleased tracks... You'd think two producers spend a week locked in the cave together a bunch of new music would come from it, but I'm always alone and forcing myself to be productive, so we used this time to just hang and do friend stuff, like me putting him on to a few of my favorite K-drama's and just hanging since I wasn't feeling great healthwise alot of the time....

My childhood Best friend ERIC came over to meet IRV, and we put IRV onto to one of my favorite 80's classic movies "The Secret of my success" - Fun Times...

I tried to get my younger brothers login password to show IRV "Solo Leveling" but he never got back to me...

The Next day the homie [🔗thxk_u 🔗](zora.co/thxk_u?tab=created) came over to chill and meet RND1 and the same day I realized there was another FLIPABEATCLUB challenge, so we all set up to flip the samples provided, but I ended up getting distracted and opening portals instead of finishing a beat...

thxk_u come thru the following day as well to work on music, but I wasn't feeling well at all... So we basically each swapped PC's and opened a session created by the other producer, and created something new with all the samples, drums, effects, etc already in there... Once again, wasn't feeling well so I got distracted opening portals instead of staying on task...

I gotta say, Not being in control of my health/body sucks in general, but it's much more tolerable when around loved ones instead of just pushing through in privately in isolation, kind of like it's not happening if no one sees it, but it unfortunately is happening....

I probably should have documented more video footage of this week, but my heart and mind documented it all at least.
Rnd1 is planning on visiting again before he moves to Los Angeles in July, so I'll try and document with a little more intent instead of just sharing videos sliced together that I sent to cxy, nydia and my brother.....

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](rnd1.bandcamp.com/album/imaginary-wknd) To listen to my favorite RND1 album [IMAGINARY_WKND]
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8:08 720x1280 202MB View on Zora


Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

📽️ Video Documented on 5-14-24 at 11pm CST somewhere in the desert ; )

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/stop-sleeping-in-so-much-f-rnd1-) To [listen / collect / read back story] one of our past collabs "Stop Sleeping In So Much" from my 2016 album Traversal


My dear friend & one of my favorite producers, Irv (RND1) pronounced "Round One" came to visit the Cave of Solitude from May 13th to May 19th to celebrate my upcoming 43'rd solar return (May 23rd, 1981) by gifting me the one thing in life I cherish the most and don't get to experience often these days... IRL HUMAN INTERACTION =)

Being that when i'm isolated, I'm forever on devices living terminally online, on the rare occasions I get to spend quality time with people IRL, I tend to purposely not touch my phone so I'm able to remain as present as possible so I only documented a few moments throughout the week, and honestly they were mostly private videos sent through text messages. This video was from the 2nd night RND1 was here, just playing me 28983303803803938 unreleased beats for me and the kitty =)

Stay tuned for "BEATS, RHYMES & CAVE LIFE" [VIDEO 2 of 2] for more context / adventures...

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](rnd1.bandcamp.com/album/imaginary-wknd) To listen to my favorite RND1 album [IMAGINARY_WKND]
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4096x4096 19MB

Music Nerd TV Cribs (f/ cxy)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist. Photos Captured April 24th, 2024 (cst) in The Dutchyyy / Dutchmassive Cave of Solitude somewhere in the desert 🏜️ 📷 by cxy ↓ Ok, you actually are doing yourself a disservice if you don't absorb the context that provides the deeper and beautiful meaning behind this Artifact. Do you mind sparing 10 minutes to watch/listen to that context before proceeding? ✅[YES] → [🔗"Music Nerd" (Evolving Portals) f/ cxy🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0xaecf7d807b137eae8c67d24c4e0e66c1e6319266/2) 🚫[NO] → .... you sure? ok, for those who took the time to digest the context, I'm sure without even going into further written detail you'll likely understand a bit more how special this moment was for us both. For those who didn't, I'll do a short summary. I've been releasing music (officially) since my 1st 12" Vinyl release that dropped in 1998 while I was still in highschool. There were a few years of stumbling into, teaching myself, practicing and just falling in love with creating music before that first official release. So you do the math... 1995 - 2024... That's a lot of years dedicated to collecting, creating and releasing Art/Music.... If search engines weren't cursed and broken, I'd just say google "Dutchmassive" of "Equilibrium" or "Dutchyyy" fka "Dutchy" or just check discogs but the reality is... The internet is not the same open and free space of discovery it once was. Typing "Dutchmassive" into your search engine in 2014 would yield around 2.6 million search results. When I checked in 2017, around 17k came back. That's a lot of history / legacy wiped from digital archives.... Around 2015, nearly all social media platforms moved from the cherished (if it's not broken, don't fix it) Chronological timelines and introduced algorithmic feeds. As someone who grew up using the internet and every new platform from 1995 to that point and did so as a net positive of discovery and reach and being a boon to my artistic career, I was very sensitive and observant to how quickly things changed after this. I would no longer see posts from people I chose to follow, and the days of me being a reclusive, mysterious artist that was able to live life in the real world not on camera, and use that life experience as fuel to create well thought out albums had swiftly been nerfed into oblivion... The days of just making a single post on each different platform, with a link that says "pre-order new album" and selling out the same day or week.... it vanished hahah. At the same time, Streaming Services were picking up steam, but I refused to adapt to a model that was clearly anti-artist, So from 2017 and on, I stopped releasing official albums, and to this day not even 3% of Body of Work is available on digital streaming platforms.... from 2017-2022 I made more music that remained unreleased than I did in total from 1995-2016... I figured, I lost the direct pipelines to my fanbase and supporters I spent decades slowly building, and doing self promo over and over again on social media is a lose/lose as people just feel you're spamming and the internal feeling of showing the world something you spent a lot of time and love on only to get immediately lost in shuffle, just wasn't a new meta I was willing to adapt to... Did any of this stop me from creating daily? not even a little bit. Not releasing was self care. I wasn't willing to risk tainting my love of the most magical part of being an artist.... getting lost in the process.... So I kept creating and kept hoarding hahah.. Fast Forward to 2021, My health (which had been declining since 2015) became hard to manage. Your perspective changes when mortality feels closer and realistic. For me personally, All I could think about was not only all this unreleased music, but the 3 decade legacy I put my heart and soul into and sacrificed so much along the way to always find or create those moments where I could express myself artistically. If you are alive, you might not want to, but you do have the ability to pivot, or re-upload your music somewhere else if the place it exists suddenly goes away (i.e. Myspace, AOL MAIL, Imeem, etc) This unfortunate reality of mortality led me to blockchain... The magic of smart contracts.... Being able to attach credits, backstory, etc to a media file in a way that that data can't be separated from the art/music. So I pivoted... I kept my head down, and began uploading back catalog music as 1/1's on 💽Catalog Works💽 🔗[beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy](https://beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy) + 🔗[beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive](https://beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive) While doing so, I did something that went against everything I felt about art and music, and I began to write very long and detailed backstories / lore for almost every track I added to the Forever Library... Prior to me doing this, I always felt that... it didn't matter how I felt, or what inspired and what I intended for the music to mean. That context just never needed to be shared publicly, because once that music is released into the world and heard by strangers... That feeling, that meaning becomes theirs. How it impacts them, who they bonded with hearing it, If it's something that they experience alone that helps them get through days.... I hope this makes sense haha... needless to say, I was very conflicted about explaining my art or being transparent in general, but I fully leaned into and committed to it. I wasn't / and aren't a part of any communities, I just kept to myself, focused on sharing my art and story, while also collecting and supporting art that moved and impacted me... I was blessed to have a few people collect my 1/1's and because I wasn't used to receiving that type of value for my art, for me it was the perfect resonance checkpoint. It allowed me to reach out and get to know some of the people who chose to collect my stuff. Not everyone who collects cares to know about the artist or context, but I was fortunate to have a few that I am thankful I can call them friends... The common theme between those few were they really appreciate the near perfect recall backstories and world building.... cxy being the most interested in the things I valued the most... Not the finalized, shiny polished end result, but he really appreciated the process that led to it.... I just so happen to have made my entire identity since 2016 about sharing the full, unedited real time process... "The Reluctant Clap" (Daily Rambles) - Tascam Freestyles (2015-2022) "Evolving Portals" which was born from live streaming on twitch and then became my whole default process of basically, Recording the music making process from start to finish and having fun experimenting and drawing out of the lines and capturing that whole process. So the more C.Y. and I spoke, the more core principles seemed to align (w/ my hoarding being the exception haha, but we are working on that) I could go on and on and on, and I likely will.... Hopefully you took time to listen / watch the "Music Nerd" (Evolving Portals) Video, so a lot of what I just spoke about makes more sense and better explains how magical this moment was, Having someone i've been talking to the past few years, who believed in me more than anyone else ever has, and is the literal reason I have to ability to type out this backstory, in my new home across the united states, two miles away from childhood best friend I've known since 1985 and for him to be able to meet that friend and also capture us both holding our original pound puppies together hahaha. Proof of Life was meant to serve as a collection to document past experiences before my health complicated things so there was proof I once was out in the world sharing memories with loved ones and creating tiny little ripples..... Proof of Life (continued...) isn't something I thought would happen, It's only been possible because of this special "Music Nerd"... So do you know how full circle and fulfilling it was to be able to invite cxy into my home. which is basically a museum of not only my full artistic career, but holds evidence in abundance that beyond just an artist, I'm a lifelong collector and supporter of culture / art / music..... C.Y. is very busy, so he was only here for less than 24 hours, and to even begin scratching the surface of this insane archive of dope tangible relics and artifacts, you would need at least 3 or 4 days minimum. So until we are able to reunite and deep dive into the archives, I'll continue documenting Proof of life (the good, bad... all of it) and keep slowly archiving my back catalog on chain and world building across platforms.... If you took the time to read all of this, and you want @cxy and myself to actually film a proper "Music Nerd TV Cribs" episode before 2025, Please let us know in the comments.... ↓ Get to know "Cxy" below. The More You Know 🌈 ↓ [🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.1🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0xaac93a2f96e884b4258a71eab768c9566e42a01d/2) [🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.2🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0xaac93a2f96e884b4258a71eab768c9566e42a01d/3) [🔗supercollector.xyz/cxy.eth🔗](supercollector.xyz/cxy.eth) [🔗MusicNerd.xyz🔗](www.musicnerd.xyz/search/cy%20lee)
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0:03 720x1280 1.4MB View on Zora

"Super Collecting Music Nerds" f/ cxy

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Captured April 25th, 2024 at 6:31am (cst) somewhere in the desert 🏜️by Dutch.

The final moments of a brief but cherished visit from the #MusicNerd himself, cxy.

Super early morning, half asleep Dutchyyy walking cxy to his uber to catch his flight to his next destination. I don't have many irl human interactions these days but even when I was traversing state to state being a social butterfly, i've never really been one to be distracted or pulled out of the moment by touching my phone.

For a visit where the foundation of that visit was centered around "The Art of Documenting and Worldbuilding" I didn't realize until the very last moment of that visit that I never documented any photo or video proof of life myself haha. Thankfully, cxy snuck some photos in and sent them to me to document. To be continued...

Get to know "Cxy" below.
The More You Know 🌈

[🔗"Music Nerd" (Evolving Portals) f/ cxy🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0xaecf7d807b137eae8c67d24c4e0e66c1e6319266/2)

[🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.1🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0xaac93a2f96e884b4258a71eab768c9566e42a01d/2)

[🔗Productizing Patronage: Vol.2🔗](zora.co/collect/base:0xaac93a2f96e884b4258a71eab768c9566e42a01d/3)


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6:57 1280x720 172MB View on Zora

#dibiflipsession01 (Dutchyyy Submission) [playback livestream video]

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist. Video, Sample Challenge Submission Playback Livestream: #dibiflipsession01 (Hosted by Dibia$e) ⬇️ Produced by: Dutchyyy ⬇️ 📖Backstory / Timeline: 🗨️ Quoted from Dibia$e on 04/13/2024 1:28 PM (PST) "Peace ya'll its been a minute I done a Dibi Flip Session . This time around I have a sample from the BAPNOTES. So everyone has til Thursday April 18th to post their flip in this discord channel. I will be playing all the flips on my Youtube channel on April 19th 1 pm pst so make sure to subscribe. Also if you post your videos on ig or twitter makes to use hashtag #dibiflipsession01 and tag @bapnotesmusic"🗨️ ⬇️ I started my flip of the sample on April 16th, putting in around 45 minutes before my health started acting up and I went to lay down and rest. ⬇️ On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 at 12:59am (PST) I realized my health probably wasn't going to allow me to put real time into the submission before the deadline, So I recorded 3 quick real time takes, 1 of blind sustain chops, and 2 of me just warping the sample to drums before chopping and posted a quick "Proof of work / i.e. I promise I didn't blow this Challenge off Video) [🔗 Click here to visit proof🔗 ](x.com/darealdibiase/status/1780956117960659200) ⬇️ 🗨️ Quoted from Dibia$e on 04/19/2024 at 9:11 AM (PST) "Oh yeah I forgot to mention regarding the #dibiflipsessions01 I’ll be pick 3 of my favorites which is gonna be tough considering the amount of heat. 🏆1st place - Serato sample & Serato Studio 🏆 2nd place - Serato sample🏆 3rd place - Serato Studio" ⬇️ I woke up and never officially submitted in the discord, being I never actually exported anything since I never worked on it beyond for those 3 initial live resample takes. So I ended up splicing together those 3 separate Wav files and uploaded to discord at 11:39am (pst) ⬇️ What I didn't see was this message from Dibiase in discord haha 🗨️Dibi 404 — 04/19/2024 9:57 AM "It’s closed so no buzzer beaters from this moment on" ⬇️ The homie Devon Who pop's up in discord.. 🗨️devonwho — 04/19/2024 11:46 AM "where is this sample lol. no pin life" and shortly follows up with.. 🗨️devonwho — 04/19/2024 12:51 PM "@Dibi 404 im in the middle of work, but made a lil loop jus now." ⬇️ At 1pm (PST) The Submission Play Back Live Stream Begins on Dibia$e youtube Channel... [🔗Click here to Subscribe to Dibia$e youtube channel or to view the entire 8 hr playback stream and hear all the submissions for #dibiflipsession01🔗](www.youtube.com/live/YiDeakOf7RQ?si=U_6ERRvR-JBJcvNB) ⬇️ A man of the People, Dibia$e streamed for 8hr strait, playing back every single one of the 200 + Submissions, even the ones posted after the buzzer. He Streamed so long, He missed FlipABeatClub. Which my good homie Thxk_u came over middle of the livestream to my place so we both could participate remotely, being my health wouldn't allow me to go participate in person (What a super thoughtful guy <3)... ⬇️ We missed the last few hours of the live stream trying to prepare for the 1st (Phoenix Chapter of FlipABeatClub) but couldn't get a hold of the samples in time, so we pivoted to me teaching him my more of work flow in Ableton Live and ended up making a beat not related to either challenge. [🔗Listen / Collect that wip Here 🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/22) ⬇️ On April 20th DibiaSe Posted the 3 Finalized to his twitter 🗨️ - @darealdibiase "Congrats to @aerateloops , @beatsbysolace_ , @whknwsbeats on yesterday #dibiflipsessions01 it was tough to just pick 3 but they definitely had some amazing beats. Make sure to tap in with all 3 of them if not knowing already." ⬇️ Super wholesome, Super Inspiring seeing so many homies show up and hearing so many new people. I had a lot of fun Editing the Live Stream and splicing in the parts where I know Dibi was stressing having the sole responsibility of having to Judge and Choose winners hahaha. I hope to see you in future challenges. ⬇️ [🔗Click here to join the Dibia$e Discord for future Sample Challenges🔗](discord.gg/aBvV5YggEc)
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Token Chat Discovery.

I shall tip my myself for stumbling upon this digging for artists to support.

1 $enjoy cus you're a 1/1...

Gemini Rambles
dutch be on some other shit fr 🫡

42069 $enjoy
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1:13 1920x1080 73MB View on Zora

"Crate Escape" (w.i.p.) - Prod by Dutchyyy x thxk_u

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

🎶 "Crate Escape" - Produced by [Dutchyyy](dutchmassive.bandcamp.com/) & [thxk_u](zora.co/@thxk_u)


A work in progress created 4/19/24 while showing thxk_u more of my sample chop workflow in Ableton Live.


Proof of life (to be continued...)
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love thiss. 

12000 $ENJOY

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1:16 720x1280 60MB View on Zora

"Already Been" (Put In Work) [ re-imagined w.i.p. ]

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Audio Created: 4/04/24
Video Captured: 4/05/24

🎹Produced by: [Dutchyyy](dutchmassive.bandcamp.com/)
🥁Drum Assistance by: [thxk_u](thxk-u.bandcamp.com/)


The homie thxk_u came over for brief "Ableton Workflow, The Dutchyyy way" training session.

It just so happened to fall on #404day which if you aren't familiar is a day dedicated to the Roland SP-404 which the goat [Dibia$e](www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmHhCqfiN3U&t=31s) basically spearheaded along side [Nassirah](nassirahnelson.com/about)


So while trying to find a sample to use for the training session, I thought of my favorite Dibia$e track [🔗"Put in work"🔗](mrdibiase.bandcamp.com/track/put-in-work-79) and said "Man I wish we had the original Sample Dibi used" and thxk_u suggested looking it up. Oddly way easier than expected... (whosampled is the feds) So, I found the sample on youtube, said "nope, I wanna buy the high quality version" wasted like 20 minutes trying to find it on amazon, Purchased the full album... loaded up the sample and began the lesson...


Unfortunately thxk_u had to leave for work, so all we got to do was him quickly laying down drums, and me one take, blind chopping the sample in 3 separate takes.... only 2 of those takes are in this video....


Will I continue working on and refining it? 🤷‍♂️ you tell me in the comments... it's fate is your hands.


💽[🔗#404day 2020 1/1 Audio via Catalog Works🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/-404day)
📼[🔗#404day 2020 1/1 Video via Foundation🔗](foundation.app/mint/eth/0xb052Dca75aE19FEE471227269aec30a6E9127967/1)
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1080x1920 404KB      

"The plot thickens"

I still don't f/w cowboys or cactus (Cactuar being the exception)

Context: [🔗PASSTHEDUTCH.ORG🔗](passthedutch.org)
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10000 $Enjoy
ahah that was funny
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4:37 1080x1080 116MB View on Zora

In the Meadows (Evolving Portals)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

📽️Video Captured: March 23, 2024 at 11:47 (CMT)
🎧"In the Meadows" (Evolving Portals) - Produced by Dutchyyy 🎧
Question: What is/are #EvolvingPortals ?
Answer: [🔗Jump through Portal 🔗](zora.co/collect/eth:0xed4943fa35675d84903aa1a414c0836d2aa5c13b)
Examples: [🔗💽🔗](beta.catalog.works/playlists/a912bad3-0362-4df5-8a64-97a65f9acdfd)
Backstory: 📖

Picking up where we left off on the previous documented artifact [🔗Previously on "Proof of life (continued...)🔗](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4/18) thxk_u had to leave before I ever got to actually hop into ableton and create something from scratch as planned. These days it takes the stars to align properly for me to sit at space station helm and create so I decided to use the burst of lucky energy stars to create something new from scratch for the first time in my new Dojo on my main pc.... I blacked out, fell through a mini portal channeling mixed emotions of gratitude, solace and that ever looming anxious feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop....

Simple expression on autopilot.

Peace Peace.🫂

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1:04 1920x1080 77MB View on Zora

thxk_u for coming into my life.

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

📽️Video Documented: March 23, 2024 at 5:55pm CMT
[🔗thxk_u link in bio🔗](linktr.ee/thxk_u)

"thxk_u" previously known as "lo_tek" came into my virtual life and hopped on my dope AF radar a few years ago. This mysterious producer who popped up out of nowhere dropping heater after heater. I'm from school of showering with flowers when art makes an impact on me, so I was quick to publicly and privately give him high praise, to my surprise he told me he only recently started making music and even more to surprise that all the dope stuff I was hearing was created using the Koala APP, hence the nickname "Prince Koala" - This wasn't too surprising because a lot of homies were pivoting to making music on Koala and making dope stuff ish, but thxk_u was the first Koala main i know of that wasn't also using other machines or software at the time.
Beyond the prolific and consistent output, thxk_u moved with immense humility, gratitude and love, genuinely one of the most genuine kind hearted human beings I've had the honor of crossing paths with on my 4 decades on this earth. A few years later & thxk_u has over 100 releases on bandcamp (and I don't mean singles) so in my humble opinion you should absolutely subscribe to his bandcamp 🫂
[🔗thxk_u Discography via Bandcamp🔗](thxk-u.bandcamp.com/)

💽In late 2022, I was chosen to be curator for #CatalogWorks and onboard 5 Artists to the platform. This was more difficult than I anticipated at the time because so many artists were afraid to be associated with anything blockchain related. I was still able to onboard 5 artists that were on my collector/fan wishlist:
💽[🔗Ahmed Sirour🔗](catalog.works/ahmedsirour)
💽[🔗Javier Santiago🔗](catalog.works/javiersantiago)
💽[🔗thxk_u 🔗](catalog.works/thxku)
💽[🔗Vienna 🔗](catalog.works/vienna)
💽[🔗RND1 🔗](catalog.works/rnd1)
Fast Forward to 2024...This entire collection gives the context and backstory as to how and why we got here so I'll let you dive in to previous artifacts in the collection to catch up 😉
As fate would have it, I ended up moving from Tampa, FL to [Redacted], AZ... which is crazy, because I love foliage... Plants, Grass, Trees, forests and have always detested the idea of living in a desert haha. I had my reasons tho to make this drastic choice and with the help of respected music comrades and friends [🔗PASSTHEDUTCH.ORG🔗](passthedutch.org/) and a very special Music Nerd, I landed safely in a strange land, 2 miles away from my childhood best friend / brother who's been in my life since the early 80's but does not make music nor really seek it out these days.... but for once RNG blessed me, because this kind hearted, super talented musician/human "thxk_u" happened to live close to the random location I ended up in.
For Context sake in case you aren't familiar with me or my backstory, I've been creating, releasing and collecting music since the early/mid 90's... I've got the most insane vault of treasures in the form of tangible relics and hard drives upon hard drives a unreleased gems, but i've spent the past nearly decade in extreme isolation and solitude, even prior to the pandemic... but 2020-to present was rough and honestly thought I would never get a chance to socialize IRL and connect and share with loved ones again...
The first time, thxk_u came over with mel, I'm bombarded him with unreleased music and backstory.... time flew by so fast hahah...

The 2nd time (Which this artifact that's documented is from) We had a mission, for me to show thxk_u my start to finish creative process in
Ableton Live......
welp... haha, I got distracted quickly and played more unreleased music, and music that inspired me not realizing he had limited time to chill and never got to create something in front of him.....
So after he left.......(To be continued...)
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4:43 1080x1920 482MB View on Zora

Proof of progress (Daily Ramble / Freestyle)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Captured 🎥 Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6:22 PM
While keeping the Music Nerd Himself, CXY updated on my slow & arduous progress multi-tasking sanitizing everything contiminated w/ toxic spores that I own while also trying to set up my new place so I can return to creative productivity, I must of caught the holy hip hop spirit because as soon as that beat came on, unplanned… Rapper mode Dutchmassive took over haha.
This Documented Artifact is Edited out of order. The End of this video is when the beginning of this artifact w/ me Freestyling actually begins.
If you want to hear more freestyles, last year C.Y. convinced me to release all 7 years of my daily ramble freestyles that were never meant to be released to public. 2015-2022.
🎤 [🔗 The Reluctant Clap: Chapter V (Daily Rambles) 2020-2022 via Super Collector 🔗](release.supercollector.xyz/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-v-daily-rambles-dutchmassive)

🎤 [🔗 The Reluctant Clap: Chapter IV (Daily Rambles) 2018-2020 via Catalog Works 🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-iv-daily-rambles-)

🎤 [🔗 The Reluctant Clap: Chapter III (Daily Rambles) 2018 via Catalog Works 🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-iii-daily-rambles-)

🎤 [🔗 The Reluctant Clap: Chapter II (Daily Rambles) 2017 via Catalog Works 🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-ii-daily-rambles-)

🎤 [🔗 The Reluctant Clap: Chapter I (Daily Rambles) 2015 - 2016 via Catalog Works 🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/the-reluctant-clap-chapter-i-daily-rambles-)
Track I.D.
🎵 Yesterdays New Quintent - Prelude (Instrumental)
🎵 The Procussions - Move Yer Self
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9:17 1080x1920 946MB View on Zora

Preserving Artifacts (Speed Run) [Part I]

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

🎥 Video Document: Monday, March 11, 2024 at 2:38 PM


🎧Track I.D.:🎧
🎵”Fanfare Jawn” - Produced by Dutchyyy
🎵 “I’ll House Yu” (During The Great Depression) - Produced by Dutchyyy


2 hr’s of footage, sped up into 13 minutes of footage of meticulous sanitation of various collectables that i’ve acquired since the early 80’s to the present. I’m tired b. This is so much more difficult & a lot more time consuming than I had anticipated. Doing my best, please hold tight.
Sincerely, The HobbyShop Hero.
🌀😷Dutchyyy Vs The Spores 🤢🦠
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1:08 1080x1920 112MB View on Zora

“Air Out Your Dojo” (Ozone VS The Artifacts: Act II)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

🎥 Video Documented: Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 3:55 PM 🔵


🎧”Air Out Your Dojo” - Produced By Dutchyyy (2019) 🎧



After fleeing the “Tropic States” (Tampa Bay, FL) After two separate places I Lived: Maybury (House 2017-2020) / Nantucket Bay aka “The Cursed 10x12” (Apartment 2020-2024) both, back to back that had ultra severe toxic mold. I was given the blessing of cross country relocation. Somewhere absent of Humidity ;)


unfortunately, everything I placed in storage for 4 years was incubating that black mold, and everything I could fit into the cursed 10x12 while being the caretaker of my late grandmother was also actively incubating in multiple strands of toxic mold, A few weeks before I moved, most items in storage were brought to the apartment, mixing strands of spores. The only truely safe option was burn everything I owned and start over. But I didn’t pay 260 a month to store all these priceless artifacts from July 2020- Feb 2024 just to throw it all away. So I’ve spent every moment awake since I got the keys to new house (Feb 16th) Endlessly Scrubing w/ baking soda and vinegar, throwing out what definitely isn’t salvageable, and blasting Ozone during the small windows I’m able to drop my cat off at my friends house. The amount of legendary cultural relics & personal historic artifacts this Dojo holds awaiting to be fully Documented could without a doubt be the greatest example of world building / self doxing an artist / human has done to this date. A lot of challenges are ahead and I’m still battling challenges in the present but if I can manage to ensure re-contamination isn’t possible so I can focus on my other major health issues with a clear mind, and without the fear of basic survival the rest of 2024. I Promise to pull off the most robust, comprehensive and chronological act of Documentation / World Building that anyone has ever seen.


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3:00 1080x1920 306MB View on Zora


Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Documented: Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 6:24 PM (CMT)


If you’ve been following this out of character public documentation of the hardships usually kept private and used for fuel for Art then you probably already understand the context of this artifact.
(TDLR: Summery - 2017 moved into a house in Tampa Bay, Infested with black mold the entire time through July 2020. Pandemic Pivot, Family Duty… Changed Course and instead of moving back to NY or Los Angeles, Was asked to move in with my 90+ Grandma as she was alone after losing both my grandfather & mother back to back all in that tiny apartment. July 2020, I put most of my stuff in storage (supposed to be short term) and moved what I could fit and be productive into the cursed 10x12 room I spent a decade trying to get my mother to leave. Time passed, my health got drastically worst. Turns out this apartment had been incubating mold for 20 years to the point it wiped nearly my entire family out. Nov 3rd, The cursed apartment claimed my Nana. Friends & Loved ones banned together to create 🔗[passthedutch.org](passthedutch.org) 🔗
A compilation tape featuring some of the dopest music from the dopest producers & also created a go-fund to get me out of that death trap. The Go-fund me didn’t reach the goal, and the costs to pull of cross country relocation of this scale far far exceeds that goal anyway. Either way, Eternally grateful for spirit boon and aid and compassion. With the help of a very special music nerd that wouldn’t allow me to just roll over and give up, I was able to pull off this seemingly impossible relocation. 🫂
Now the immediate context: I just relocated all my belongings across country. Everything I own has been absorbing and infested with those toxic spores. So step one. I purchased an Ozone machine to suck out all oxygen and kill all living organisms / bacteria. This will take multiple sessions, being I need to unpack and expose all of belongings, then after that. Will have to carefully wipe and sanitize everything before I even think about setting up my house and settling in or I risk being in the same toxic mold prison again Hahaha.
I’m so so exhausted…. I just want to focus on creative projects, past due ones, new ones, but an unhealthy Dutch can’t be something I just quietly suffer through for the sake of consistency being artistically productive. I mean…. I’ve been consistent since the mid 90’s.
I hope grace is shown, and what I’ve already put out into the world up until now is still valued and appreciated while I do my best to get my health back on track so I can continue to create tiny ripples & push culture forward and lift those around me for a very long time.
To be continued…
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1:00 720x1280 16MB View on Zora

“S.O.S.” (W.I.P.)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Produced By: Dutchyyy
🎧using Ableton Live 12 BETA on an old malfunctioning Laptop 💻
Picking up from the previous artifact’s backstory in this collection. (T.D.LR. - Long Moving Day, Hot Tub, Indica Gummy, ready for bed)➡️ So, that gummy kicked in hours later…. I’m staying at my friends house, where both he and his wife are sleeping & wake super early so being quiet is essential. My main PC is not put back together yet. All my headphones I just dropped off at my house, I remembered I installed the beta of Ableton Live 12 on this janky laptop the day before I left Tampa Bay, So I loaded it up, and quickly mangled & chopped some samples, evolved some portals, using my laptop speakers with volume at like 15% haha…
Technically this ultra fuzzy low res creation presented in the worst sound quality possible is my first time creating since I closed the chapter on the “Cursed 10x12” Tampa Bay Arc and moved so I documented the moment in real time.
Will I ever revisit and finalized this? Stay tuned?!
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1:30 1080x1920 150MB View on Zora

Moving Day Finale (SunWillSet)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Documented Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:19 PM (CMT)


Captured moments after the movers helped my transport all my belongings that I loaded onto a 24 foot trailer in Tampa Bay, and moved them all from that trailer into a 26ft U-Haul truck I rented, Then unloaded it all finally at my new house.


Moments after this video was captured, I locked the door, returned the U-Haul truck, had my best friend heat up his jucuzzi, took a indica gummy… quietly soaked my achy body in the dark. Dried off, ready for bed, the gummy kicks in….. To be continued…
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4032x3024 12MB      

"Hope" (is...)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

[🔗Context via 1/1🔗](foundation.app/@PeacePeaceGawd/life-3fc3/13)

Future Creative Spot Secured.
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4032x3024 29MB      

"Hope" (has arrived)

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Photo Captured: Friday / Feb 16th 2024 / 4:16pm (MST)

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0:25 720x1280 20MB View on Zora

PeacePeace! (813)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Video Captured: Tuesday / Feb 13th, 2024 / 6:45am (EST) at Tampa International Airport. ✈


[🔗The Love🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/-the-love-produced-by-remot)

Peace Peace Tampa Bay.
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3024x4032 14MB      

End of the "10x12" Chapter.

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

The context / backstory lives inside of the [🔗1/1🔗](foundation.app/@PeacePeaceGawd/life-3fc3/12)

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3024x4032 20MB      

Packing Artifacts...

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.


[🔗Fundraiser - Created by Friends & Love Ones🔗](www.gofundme.com/f/fundraiser-for-dutchyyy)

Pass the Dutch is a collaborative compilation tape featuring the creative work of 34 exceptional artists, this album serves as a tribute to Dutchyyy, a respected OG of the beat community currently facing health and housing challenges. Each track is a unique expression of solidarity and appreciation for Dutch. All proceeds generated directly contribute to supporting Dutchyyy during this critical time. Thank you to our talented contributors for making this labor of love possible. Join us in honoring Dutchyyy through this musical journey. If you want to further explore Dutch's massive catalog of music or provide further support please visit [🔗passthedutch.org🔗](linktr.ee/comptapefordutchyy)
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2059x4096 2.2MB      

"Remind me please"

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Happy Birthday Nana! Thanks for the reminder Mom <3



I've always been self aware of my strengths and weaknesses. If my life were a JRPG/MMO, I began with a specific stat distribution that would probably look something like this...

🎨 - Creativity / Imagination [+ 10]
💪 - Strength [+ 3]
🛡 - Resilience [+ 8]
🧠 - I.Q. [+5]
💜 - E.Q. [+9]
🔭 - Focus / Retention [+1]
🩸 - HP [+3]
🏃‍♂️ - Stamina [+3]
⚠ - Awareness [+8]

I was Diagnosed w/ both Scoliosis and Severe ADHD in Elementary School, My Parents couldn't afford the corrective back brace, but tried their hardest to get me to take Ritalin for my ADHD. I Refused the medication. I did horrible in school because I couldn't listen and write to take notes at the same time fast enough so I couldn't digest or retain anything taught, So instead I would just draw in class. This continued from Elementary School and all through High school. Eventually pivoting from Drawing to Writing Lyrics in Class Jr. High & High school (which paid off since my first release on vinyl happened while still in High school.

From very early on in life, I leaned into Strengths and tried my hardest to level up my weaker stats, but all efforts always failed and I was hard on myself because it felt like despite my desire and determination, increasing those weaker stats was just out of my control.😥

I've always been good with near perfect recall for memories attached to experiences, but I've never been able to retain things like numbers, dates, names of people, songs, etc, appointments, deadlines and so on. and I felt really bad about it because sticky notes, bookmarks, lists, journals only work if you remember to look at them.

At this point, if you've read this far you're probably thinking "What does this have to do with your Grandma or mother?" So let me explain. 🗣

My Mother saw how hard I would take forgetting my loved ones birthdays year after year and in 2013 she created an email alert system through google. Scheduling reminder alerts for me and my brother that trigger 10 minutes before that special day begins. I was so grateful for this and it helped me so much from that point on to not miss the chance to let special people in my life know that I love them.

My Mother Debbie passed away in August of 2016, My Nana just recently passed away on Nov 3rd, 2023... She would have been 95 Today <3

I have no idea how these alerts are still firing off almost a decade after my mom passed away but i'm so grateful they still are active, even tho it wasn't the best feeling waking up to seeing it's my Grandma's Birthday while I'm still alone in the 10x12 room in the apartment she lived in for decades that I moved into during the pandemic to be her caretaker. Since she has passed I've been treated horrible by Leasing Office, not letting me finish out the lease so I can get transparency on my health before I lose my county health coverage, Not even Evicting me, but playing dirty and pretending like I haven't been a resident here for years and slapping me with an unlawful detainer which is insane because my Grandmother was the longest living Tenant in this apartment complex, I've been coming here for decades, while they bought out the apartment complex a few years ago. They want me to move out, but do petty and unlawful things like deactivating my key card to access my mailbox or get in and out of the gate, even after telling them I'm moving out across the country and will be out by the 15th. My Grandmother would be so heart broken if she knew what they have been putting me through the past few months. So even though I'll be flying across the country on the 13th of February to a new home, free of toxic mold. I feel like my Grandma's looking down heart broken on her birthday seeing me in this apartment with all my belongings packed super stressed out trying to navigate the insane logistics and costs of moving long distance while my physical health is beyond severe and the reality of this move means I'm losing healthcare and taking on new expenses. My Grandma was such a doomer haha. I don't know if she's looking down proud of how I've been handling all of this and thankful for the people that have gone above and beyond to make this move in general a reality, or if she's upset I'm not fighting back when I was so close to getting transparency on my health.

High emotion filled Artifact, Documenting Proof of life on a high emotioned filled day in what's been a high emotioned filled year. Happy Birthday Nana and Thank you for reminding me Mom 🙏
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3072x4096 21MB      

Trial by Firaga

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

Not the most conventional use case of documenting on chain huh? 📝

Reality is, Life... whether you're an artist, consumer, collector or just a human existing isn't a road pathed with curated wins. There's a fine line between brand risk behavior and wearing your heart on your sleeve at the risk and creating parasocial dynamics. Thankfully, I am not a brand and if I were to be boxed into that label, wearing my heart (even broken) on my sleeve, being transparent and without a filter would be very "on brand" for me.

What's the context / Backstory behind this artifact? What purpose does it serve in the grand scheme of world building?

Well, The context leading up to this and why it's a significant artifact to document already exists on chain. Scattered across multiple platforms and multiple artifacts. This time, I'm not making it easy and pointing you to it.

I will add context in the future explaining how traumatic, unfair and unbearable this last year existing in the "10x12" has been. For now, I'll just say... I'm trying my hardest, i'm not giving up and I hope to be able to document some inspiration on the other side of all this madness.


"Send me an Angel..... Send me Angel........Right Now...... Right Noooow" 🚲
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putting things on record onchain. happy friday!
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3198x2408 14MB      

"Hope" (TBD)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

If I walked from my current location to the Portal of Hope in this photograph 2,223 miles away it would take 33.5 days.


I see this photo and I see a future. I see days and nights spent sitting on that bench with my laptop in headphones getting lost in my DAW, getting sidetracked and pacing around the trees, quietly freestyling into my Tascam DR-05 [🔗"The Reluctant Clap: (Daily Rambles)"🔗](dutchmassive.bandcamp.com/album/the-reluctant-clap-daily-rambles) and if all goes well, eventually sitting at that bench and writing a new album as "Dutchmassive".


Will I escape the swamp chapter and rebuild and heal during the desert chapter? Nothing is promised. Hope, Manifesting, Positive Affirmations. I spent a lifetime applying these practices. Life has a funny way of being very unpredictable and reality check you when you think hard work, preparation or consistency will guarantee the results you seek/expect. So this document is just a gesture of faith. Maybe soon in the future I will be able to follow up this artifact with an updated version where you can see Dutchyyy under those trees and on that bench doing what he does best. World Building via creative expression.


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1536x2048 2.9MB      

The Uproot (again...)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

🔗[The Context](foundation.app/@PeacePeaceGawd/life-3fc3/7)🔗


"ah sh*t here we go again"

History Repeats.


[🔗"The Uproot" SIDE A 1/1 🎵 via Catalog Works💽](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/-the-uproot-side-a-demo-version-)


[🔗"The Uproot" SIDE B 1/1 🎵 via Catalog Works💽](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/-the-uproot-side-b-demo-version-)

[🔗Further Context: Passthedutch.org🔗](linktr.ee/comptapefordutchyy)
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2560x1400 7.4MB      

"Bubble Boy"

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist.

📌Pop that Buhloone Mindstate 🎈


"With eyes on the prize, you're reaching the wrong side and a balloon (Buhloone) mind state can only fly so high / tie down that ego, make sure it doesn't escape / or i'll be behind you to make sure that it deflates / play date with destiny, solitude is my fate / till the day one's taste is no longer considered hate" - By Design.


🔗[1/1 🎵 via Catalog Works💽](beta.catalog.works/dutchmassive/-by-design-)🔗


🔗[1/1 📸 via Foundation](foundation.app/@PeacePeaceGawd/life-3fc3/11)🔗
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7:22 1920x1080 523MB View on Zora

Unwrapping Artifacts (Still Wonderful)

Please visit the main collection page here:→ [Proof of life (continued...)](zora.co/collect/zora:0x4cc5fbe2ea14d8fb62af7bdcff1ac0f8211daab4)← to experience proper world building as it is meant to exist. 🎥Documented video footage of Dutch unwrapping gifts on 12.25.2022 in an attempt to cheer his grandmother (Nana) up on what would be her final chance to experience a little holiday cheer.🎥 ⬇ 🎹Music produced by: Dutchyyy ⬇ ⏰ Track 1 [00:00-04:54] 🔊"Still Wonderful" (f/ Howie Wonder) ⬇ Listen / Backstory 🔗 💽beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/still-wonderful-f-howie-wonder💽 ⬇ ⏰ Track 2 [04:55-07:22] 🔊"The HobbyShop Holidays" (Sincerely, Dutch -2010) ⬇ Listen / Backstory 🔗 🎵www.sound.xyz/dutchyyy/the-hobbyshop-holidays-sincerely-dutch-2010🎵 🎄 📖Backstory: ⬇ I haven't regularly celebrated holidays since the mid/late nineties with a few exceptions here and there over the years. Majority of my holidays have been spent alone, away from family/friends. So at least for the past decade, my best friend I've known since the mid eighties is usually the only one who sends me gifts. 🎁 He is very intentional, thoughtful and puts a lot of carefully tailored curated love behind this process. He also knows me better than anyone else, so i'm always blown away by the relics he sends me each year, like he is trying to level up and outdo himself each year that passes. Me usually being alone during the holidays, while also being a lifelong collector of tangible artifacts. I can't properly articulate the level of gratitude and appreciation I have for this ritual he's created and has continued for so long. An assortment of refined intel into my love of music, video games and nerd culture in general. 👵 In July of 2020, I was asked to move in with my 90+ year old grandmother who wasn't adjusting well to living alone during the Pandemic after losing both her daughter on 8.19.16 (My Mom) & her husband on 8.1.19 (My Grandpa) since they all lived in this apartment together for over a decade. ⬇ She was always the saddest during the holidays and refused to celebrate them after I moved in. Which I wasn't expecting, but didn't phase me since I was already used to not treating holidays like every other day. ⬇ If you're familiar with me, my artistic career and what was ultimately the catalyst to hard pivoting to documenting my legacy via blockchain, you likely know my own personal health has been rapidly declining, which seemed to expedite shortly after moving into this 10x12 room in this tiny apartment. Why is this important context? because as someone who has spent 3 decades documenting and collecting creative expression through art and music naturally and consistently, there's no better catalyst than the fear of realistically sooner than most would expect approaching mortality during a turbulently evolving / ever changing technological time & the fear of your life's work and legacy being erased after you're gone to greatly enhance that already inherit love and desire to document moments, memory, music, proof of life. ⬇ So with both of our health being really bad, we would often joke about who would pass away first, 90+ year old Nana or 40+ year old Dutch... Light hearted humor in the face of very difficult times is tried and true effective coping mechanism =) ⬇ Last December (2022) my grandmother was very low on hope, cheer, happiness and my patience for respecting her desire to pretend the holidays don't exist was greatly over powered by my desire to make sure she and I didn't leave this earth without creating at least one last "happy holidays" memory. So, I grabbed all mothers xmas decorations from my storage, set everything up while she was out and made sure I saved a few presents my best friend sent me early December to open on xmas morning, while she sat and watched me in hopes it would lift her spirits. (Foreshadowing Reference in the video context: My best friend always sends me unique snacks, hard to find ramen, spices along with these packages. I did not have the patience to hold off until xmas to open those and eat them. I did get myself sick because of this (my body doesn't react normally or well to food these days) so when I opened the card labeled [🚫NFT] It was like he saw into the future haha, Like I said, my dear friend Eric knows me too well. ⬇ Filming this process was not something I would usually do, I only did so to send the video to my friend since he never gets to see how excited I am opening his gifts. This isn't something I would usually document on chain, being so niche & personal, but my efforts were not in vain, since that experience seemed to really life my Nana's spirits up and brought us a lot closer. My instinct to document that moment in time for the reason I did was sadly also on point because  that was the last time my grandmother would have a chance to celebrate the holidays.. 🤶 💔 She passed away recently, on November 3rd, 2023. [94 years old] ⬇ I was very reluctant and hesitant as a 40+ year old man, who's passion and favorite pastime is creating music, exploring nature and sharing memories with friends to self isolate myself to a tiny apartment in a city I keep trying to leave behind me for many reasons, and while it's true this choice came with a lot of serious downsides that added to my health declining worse. Through these past few years, I was able to break through my grandma's very thick emotional walls and connect and bond. She never understood or respected why after 3 decades of releasing music and it not providing the monetary value for the time I dedicated to it. That always stung, if I'm being honest but after living with her and her getting the chance to see first hand how much time, effort, hard work and love into creative expression and then seeing letters, emails, messages from the people that creative expression has deeply impacted. She was super proud of me, was amazed and interested in seeing how I edit and sequence visuals w/ music the most. She, along with most of my friends, have zero understanding of blockchain technology, but thanks to the amazing humans I've met through collecting my work. They absolutely appreciated and cheered me on seeing it having a tangible impact on improving my quality of life during a time when I was isolated in this 10x12 room I am writing this backstory from. ⬇ I will forever be grateful for the positive and impactful moments I got to share with my grandmother in her last days and I'm eternally grateful to everyone who helped play a part in showing her that time spent on documenting creative expression is valuable and the farthest thing on earth from a waste of time. ⬇ Heavy Backstory I know, but intentional transparent world building is something this carefully curated and crafted virtual landscape we all are collectively immersed in feels important. It may feel heavy at times but this life we are blessed with is "Still Wonderful" ⬇ Happy Holidays... Sincerely, Dutch - 12.25.2023
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unwrapping and moments. happy friday!
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