✎ 829 890 170 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 0 / 2,162,355 (0%) $ENJOY
tic itc tic itctic itt ct tic
29292 $enjoy
hermosa textura
39393 $enjoy
esto esta incrible hermanos,
120000 $enjoy
on tea
80000 $enjoy
200000 $enjoy
3000 $imagine
love this collab
130000 $enjoy
me encanta toda la textura que es
90000 $enjoy 3000 $imagine
hermosisisimo santi
130000 $enjoy
6000 $imagine
esto esta tremendo juanito,
140000 $enjoy
8000 $imagine
esta buenisimo esto taka, me encanta profundo
120000 $Enjoy
9000 $imagine
realy fun friend
100000 $enjoy
8000 $imagine
enjoy home, love the idea.
50000 $enjoy
5000 $imagine
conected to 40000 $enjoy
so soft and so destruction
90000 $enjoy
love this
30000 $Enjoy
on Home
love this comunity expresion in poetry
30000 $enjoy
love you guys, so excited about creating together

40000 $enjoy
territory and space in color description.
202202 $Enjoy
sooo niiicee pixel dreaaam
really nice animation friend!
30303 $Enjoy
love love love
40000 $Enjoy
1200 $imagine
infinite as it could be,
150051 $Enjoy
1212 $imagine
on Hero
You have lifetime material with NFT 100000 $enjoy 30000 $imagine
ohhh amazing! love the frame 50000 $enjoy 15000 $imagine
love it! the lines and the monochrome 50000 $enjoy 15000 $imagine
on l0ve
love for you 50000 $ENJOY 15000 $imagine
B.A.A.N 50000 $ENJOY 15000 $imagine
awesome work! 50000 $enjoy
This is awesome, the piece, the collection, the idea, the curation, and how we all want to grow in community feels for real here yoo.
50000 $enjoy
15000 $imagine
love all your creations
mint and love
33333 $Enjoy
love this format of circle animation
40404 $Enjoy
40000 $Enjoy
2022 $Imagine
florrr de relooooossssss
80808 $Enjoy
me encanta totalmente
40000 $Enjoy
2000 $Imagine
this is awesome friend!
101101 $Enjoy
33333 $Enjoy
tremendus landscape to go inside and 
60606 $Enjoy
sooo beautifull collab!!
60606 $Enjoy
too right for this moment in life, I feel, like that flower
30303 $Enjoy
realy nice emi, love it.
Id make some codes for tomorrow with this pink died sensation
30000 $Enjoy
really nice this error !!
30000 $Enjoy
this is so so so great mariet.
rocio, o sea yo, es muy muy fan de vos.
40000 $Enjoy
gomitas acidaaaas 30000 $Enjoy
love it dear taka
10000 $Enjoy
Im in love with this movement, color, composition. see it so many times, and always want to take a deeper look.
160000 $Enjoy
love this collaboration friend,
really enjoy creating soo espontaneamente with you
Love experimints. TYSM for your always support
what a machine !
what about this robots in the wild forest ?
30000 $Enjoy
missing the sea too. make a dres with codes, and irl one just in case i went.
90000 $Enjoy
1000 $imagine
420000 $degen tambien amigo que aca los degen son infinitos.
love the colors, the moovement, the frame,
love your art friend, 
90000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
some day its going to happend, we are going to go to corrientes street to buy some used books, and meet some cows. next covid maybe.
90000 $Enjoy
love all creations from this comunity
90000 $Enjoy
3000 $Imagine
yyess goo to moon with that mood !
333 $imagine
7777 $Enjoy
me encanta mucho esto. que ganas de jugar.
70000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
messi ball enjoying
love iu friend and your falopa art
70000 $Enjoy
3000 $Imagine
looove the thunnndeeerr!!!
70000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
ooh wahat a nice code molecula.
80000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
siempre equipo, me encanta
los quiero mucho hermanitos
70000  $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
love this collage juanit!
40000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
love your art pedruca!
40000 $Enjoy
3000 $imagine
I realy like this inner place, 3636 $imagine
77667 $Enjoy
awesome! love this one!
6000 $imagine
love this almos, so magritte
70000 $Enjoy
muy bueno rama!! 30000 $Enjoy
enjoy it so much 70500 $Enjoy
on trap
catch the comfort bears please,
22000 $Enjoy
this vibe every day, please.
(ruido de maquina, silencio, alguien grita,)
-que paso aca? (el hijo apurado busca el neskiq y sale una rana)
estoy en el taller, deja la cocina asi que lo resolvemos cuando las ranas duerman cariño( cierra el telon)
love this lavander field colors, that green remind me to lavander ink also.
going to portugal? need this in my crown
love your alchemy
Art residency siempre
dear bull, love your shoes for this halvin gala 30000 $imagine
me encanta esta calle de rio con ese ser 88888 $imagine
tip my girl, dont stop the fantasy
12000 $imagine
love that bear dress,
really nice textures lu!
realy like this kind of contrast.
love this red, the couple, the garments, all
30000 $Enjoy
too contemporary my friend,
40002 $enjoy
this is awesome I really like this series need more 1899 $enjoy
love this friend. 10000 $enjoy
on Worms
4200 $enjoy
meditation for eyemind 25000 $enjoy
1234 $enjoy
awesome work! 1900 $enjoy
soo lovelyy! 10000 $enjoy
love mossy cement,
20000 $Enjoy
psycowater! love it! 20100 $Enjoy
on Mint
Look mom I have an Steven! ❤️123000 $ENJOY
amazing canek! 10000 $enjoy
love rain
666 $Enjoy
you are so talent my friend, I truly admire your view 30000 $Enjoy
on Pasos
me encanta verte volando y caminando en este mundo luci
666 $Enjoy
love it hard friend, 11111 $Enjoy
really nicee mariet, cant wait to see more
111111 $Enjoy
this is so like water movement, love.
111111 $Enjoy
gracias por meter pinguinos en web3, los quiero abrazar
33333 $Enjoy
This is awesooomeee 33333 $Enjoy
dear clara, love to see your creations, your studios, and your broken things toos, love to discover new ways of art by corrupting smthing
40000 $Enjoy
long live to dancers in the forest, long live to forest dancing
33333 $degen
lov the landscape 30000 $Enjoy
love that garments 11111 $Enjoy
love your codiguis man, 11111 $Enjoy
cyano love forever
11111 $Energy
more 4/3 in the internet world please
11111 $Enjoy
internet dancing mode
11111 $Enjoy
I love the channel and this art collab, we shoud do one friend,
11111 $Enjoy
love you cyano plays, never stop.
10000 $Enjoy
love your pipol friend
10000 $Enjoy
on Kiddo
lovely animation friend! 5000 $Enjoy
came back because I want to hug him
10000 $Enjoy
hermosisimo maga, o la otra maga, 1000 $enjoy
soo beautifull!! 1599 $enjoy
hermooosoo fungi world!! 777 $enjoy
on shards
nice to meet you! 1634 $ENJOY
1498 $ENJOY
want to have an hologram card with this 999 $enjoy
love fungis! now is time of fungis at BosqueGracias.. yumm!! 478 $ENJOY
wonderfull, love the colors! 899 $enjoy
Displayed on timesquare NY!!! congrats!
📽️ Displayed on timesquare NY!!! 🗽 congrats! 524 $enjoy
love this kinf ot work and exploration
3000 $enjoy
Feliz cumpleaños Pedruca!
in the fungi season!
allways in love with your screen friend
333 $enjoy
on portal
what a place!
amazing one! 100 $ENJOY
nice one 100 $Enjoy
what a nice animation gif luu!! love all your experiments here.
amazing one
what is she feeling? about what time?
beautifull aida
TYSM to all collectors 🫂🆙
on portal
wooo amazing!
fking amazing!
oooooh hago tinta amarilla con el tanaceto de abajo, lo adoro
a golden amazing piece
wisdom for all being on earth
la linterna siempre fue la mejor parte, la vivorita tambien.
colors want to move, but then they feel just soo confortable, that stay calmed, but now, they make movement
love this exploration, I fell so close to us.
listening astromaya!
love this native space in glb zora lifestyle
wonderfulll piece!
more and more 🆙
Just a couple of bears taking carbohidrates
on M.M
haha needed
amazing! love this collection ready for more!
a marietta exclusive
construct / deconstruct
amazing serie and only 100!!
want so hard to mint this. me encanta.
esooos briiiyooos
this is so dope
throw something here
OMG so creative, this is the best
On fire this Aries seasson!
