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📽️ Video Documented on 5-14-24 at 11pm CST somewhere in the desert ; )

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](beta.catalog.works/dutchyyy/stop-sleeping-in-so-much-f-rnd1-) To [listen / collect / read back story] one of our past collabs "Stop Sleeping In So Much" from my 2016 album Traversal


My dear friend & one of my favorite producers, Irv (RND1) pronounced "Round One" came to visit the Cave of Solitude from May 13th to May 19th to celebrate my upcoming 43'rd solar return (May 23rd, 1981) by gifting me the one thing in life I cherish the most and don't get to experience often these days... IRL HUMAN INTERACTION =)

Being that when i'm isolated, I'm forever on devices living terminally online, on the rare occasions I get to spend quality time with people IRL, I tend to purposely not touch my phone so I'm able to remain as present as possible so I only documented a few moments throughout the week, and honestly they were mostly private videos sent through text messages. This video was from the 2nd night RND1 was here, just playing me 28983303803803938 unreleased beats for me and the kitty =)

Stay tuned for "BEATS, RHYMES & CAVE LIFE" [VIDEO 2 of 2] for more context / adventures...

🎧[🔗Click Here🔗](rnd1.bandcamp.com/album/imaginary-wknd) To listen to my favorite RND1 album [IMAGINARY_WKND]
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