✎ 357 128 70 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 575,755 / 824,815 (70%) $ENJOY

222222 $enjoy

131313 $enjoy

on Trip#1
pipe dreams

55555 $enjoy
olfaction traction

77777 $enjoy
Peak over the top 80's villain era

88888 $enjoy 
Watch Me Escape after I immortalize my mission <3

111111 $enjoy
Beautiful to read.  

To me, being able to cement music that's dear to your heart on the forever library is the valuable magic.   Discourse, public sentiment have always been such a fickle noise signal, at the beginning and the end it always was and always will be the quiet personal journey that fuels the art of turning imagination and emotion through creative expression into something tangible in the real world.  The amount of music I've created that I always didn't release or didn't love myself that ended up having deep impact on strangers changed my perspective on the value of resonance so many decades ago.   It's why since I pivoted to smart contracts, I've maintained uninterrupted consistency and unwavering conviction in staying the course and never slowing down due to external factors like market price, sentiment, or public discourse.  120 1/1's on catalog since 2022 and I'm not even close to finished securing my back catalog.      Things like Scarcity, Price, and all the "tradable asset" side of this technology aren't as important as the reason I choice to hard pivot in the first place..      A Forever Storage of Legacy tied to Context that will hopefully remain in tact long after I'm gone to serve as Proof of a lifetime of uninterrupted dedication, love and servitude to the love of my life.      "Music"

"I Used to love H.e.r." 
inner visions

77777 $enjoy 
SCENES has been such a beautiful piece of history to witness & be apart of. What began as thoughtful vehicle to encourage a more intimate connection with the music i think ended up taking a life of it's own outside of the main focus (The Music) You had so many people, myself included submitting super personal and vulnerable photographic memories because of how clever and safe and honorable the transformation of those inputted memories were treated and the output of those SCENES alone is a magical successful experiment that elevated a collective of personal memories in such a profound way.

I think the emphasis on the SCENES might has distracted or confused people from Collecting the Music side of the project, I only say this because after speaking with Jamie (SOF) I was shocked to hear how many people who loved, championed and backed this wonderful performance art project never collected any of the songs, Including myself, because I honestly thought I already did. I missed the not so obvious detail that there were two options, collect song and collect scene. Because SOF put so much emphasis on the SCENES side of it, I wonder how many people missed collecting the music side like i did. If you're reading this and you also missed it but love this project, please take a few moments to go back and revisit the site to grab the music also <3

This was inspirational to watch unfold. Grateful I was able to witness it up close..
:::insert smallville theme song here:::

131313 $enjoy
Always Enjoy

77777 $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
Dear Coop:

It ruffled feathers because when it comes to music the way you have moved and shifted narratives loudly is always as far from organic & authentic as it gets.      I have no doubts you’re a fan of music, but you don’t move as someone who respects culture & or anything organic,  I’m sure you’ve made the people around you money from music, but you, me & everyone else knows it’s never been organic, from botting sound, to boosts..   You’re an intelligent human & no one can deny you’re business savvy,  but you’re strategies & influence are not used for good of music or artists in the ecosystem.   It’s blockchain,  it’s all transparent.      VC’s & Founders, Protocols & Friends is who you serve.    You know in your heart this an objective truth so of course you ruffled feathers, you’re the loudest voice & you have of history of not being a net positive for culture, art, music.     Wish you could understand, but your actions & words have done the most harm to “this ecosystem”   🫂
Captured 2013 at the crack of dawn on a rooftop in downtown Los Angeles a few hours after creating and exporting "Loft Music"


A captured moment in time, seen through SCENES

111111 $Enjoy

137,195 $enjoy
The Ninja Shall Vanish, but in public 🥷🏼💨 77777 $enjoy
Is this mic on? are my 2k + followers real humans? Is adding a “mute” function to platforms that have algorithmic feeds where reach is tied to engagement a detrimental blow to the sanity of humanity all for the sake of the cowardly action of not properly using the follow/unfollow function that worked perfectly for decades in the virtual world. Are we building the new internet responsibly or just recreating the same broken systems we tried to escape. Are humans disposable, context forsaken & the future is the dead internet theory as a result over user retention stats needed for profit to the point we lost the free internet and trusted human choice with deep insecurity that we played virtual god removing the control of the human curation by force feeding its users the most popular by engagement which has the FM radio ripple effect burying the true human spirit? Is this mic on?
Those were the times


111111 $enjoy
Sidechain Sadness

111111 $enjoy
Surreal Timing 🫂

37773 $enjoy

Songcamp Genesis

First post from inside the Zora Plus (Mobile App) had to be a recovered screenshot from an ancient phone that documents consistency in isolation to protect other peoples energy.
on shizen

33333 $enjoy
"No More Guessing, For me"


13131 $enjoy
SP1200 cardiovascular love potion incoming

11111 $enjoy
Bit crushed rem cycles

33333 $enjoy

33333 $enjoy
on chie

33333 $enjoy
Each One Teach One +++

33333 $enjoy
Love and Miss you Little Brother. You'll never see this but that's ok. <3

33333 $enjoy
Rift Drifting 

6000 $enjoy
Loop Sessions.

"Sings the Smallville theme song"

131313 $enjoy

131131 $enjoy
Would much rather be collecting this post from inside the app but still love collecting from web.

Happy Friday.

33333 $enjoy
Artists can’t ever say goodbye to creating.    Trust me,  3 & half decades being a starving artist connected to the most talented audio wizards of our generation,  no one ever can walk away from the sacred process of creating from imagination..     maybe a hiatus, but never goodbye.       Enjoy your rest, see you on the other side 🫂

222222 $enjoy
<—- Proud Tree Hugger 🌳🫂
#NatureBoyKickSnare #TheUproot #Traversal

🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱Organic Discovery🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 
"Artists Need Lunch Money"

Token Chat - Help make something Magical happen below <3


11111 $enjoy
Music +++

11111 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy
May I please become absent from all Social Platforms Long Enough to restore "The Right Energy" Pretty please 33333 $enjoy
thank you for making me see seen and heard every week <3

77777 $enjoy
on take7

13,997 $enjoy

101010 $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
on breeze
Breeze Steez

111111 $enjoy
Jawn is a resonance check <3 Happy it to hear the slang I grew up using due to exposure to Bahamdia and The Roots, Etc still signals to right people even tho I'm not from philly

more jawns:
215 $enjoy

33333 $enjoy
Please let me in kind sir 🫂

First Ps1 game I played was called “D”. It was mid. The dog jumping through the window in the hallway of resident evil is a memory of true fear I will never be able to overwrite. As I type this, I’m reminded I still have all the beats I made on MTV Music Generator & I pray that memory card still works.

“The More You Know” 🌈

33333 $enjoy

77777 $enjoy
Feed as gatcha.


111111 $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
☄️🌊 111111 $enjoy

Please let this acapella loose into the wild <3

333333 $enjoy
 |_ ._  o  _     o ._   _  | | | 
 |_ | | | (_) \/ | | | (_| o o o 
       _|     /         _|       

131313 $enjoy

11111 $enjoy
you are the garden.

7777 $enjoy
Fin the hoomin
+5 🫡

Thanks for all you do.

333333 $enjoy
on 90a0sk
So dope! 

3333 $enjoy
I'm very shook right now.

77777 $enjoy
"Send me an Angel"

1111 $enjoy
"Quit Work, Make Music"

7777 $enjoy
Peace Be Still...

3737 #enjoy

I'm going to be real, I'm going to be honest.  I'm going to be really honest.      I made the conscious choice to NOT support the DSP model for years both as an Artist and A Consumer.  During this a bit shy of a decade of stubborn protest.  Sure, I lost a lot of momentum not meeting "consumers" where they mostly seemed to be at,  but during that time. I created a lot of profound art and my spirit felt intact.        It's tough because you can't blame artists for pivoting where the demand is, but this model has been transparently predatory and exploitative of artists and it's not been hidden in the slightest.  It's hard not to feel like consumers who engage for convenience didn't completely drop the ball on this from the start.  With every upload to DSP, I feel my spirit weaken, every time I've watched Artists do elaborate Roll outs, including paying money, for the hope of reaching a playlist to reach a broader audience, I'm reminded of the real world Data provided from very successful independent music friends with 50m + monthly listeners that less than 2% of those Millions of so called fans, ever navigate to the Artists page and listen to any other music...     Passive listeners is an understatement.    Sure when you reach that level, even at fractions of a penny, at least you're able to make a decent passive income,  but the illusion of meaningful impact based on those listeners is very very very minuscule.    The system discourages artists from releasing full albums, long songs, anything experimental, the payouts are often cheated and the risk of your entire discog getting wiped for something you have no control over is something I've seen time and time again....           "If you can't beat them, join them"   Everyone hates Spotify but feels forced to focus so much energy into it.         It breaks my heart that society can't seem to collectively unify and rebel because of convenience. because I've watched more artists than I count lose their light and passion being forced into all the very time consuming effort that they expended being pressured to meet consumers where they are at.    GODSPEED my friend.

3333 $enjoy
The Underwater Album. 

33333 $enjoy

1111 $enjoy
You are seen 🫂

33602 $enjoy
I'm going to real, I'm going to be honest.  I'm going to be really honest.      I made the conscious choice to support the DSP model for years both as a Artist and A Consumer.  During this a bit shy of a decade stubborn protest.  Sure, I lost a lot of momentum not meeting "consumers" where they mostly seemed to be at,  but during that time. I created a lot of profound art and my spirit felt in tact.        It's tough because you can't blame artists for pivoting where the demand is, but this model has been transparently predatory and exploitive of for artists and it's not been hidden in the slightest.  It's hard not to feel like consumers who engage for convenience didn't completely drop the ball on this from the start.  With every upload to DSP, I feel my spirit weaken, every time I've watched Artists do elaborate Roll outs, including paying money, for the hope of reaching a playlist to reach a broader audience, I'm reminded of the real world Data provided from very successful independent music friends with 50m + monthly listeners that less than 2% of those Millions of so called fans, ever navigate to the Artists page and listen to any other music...     Passive listeners is an understatement.    Sure when you reach that level, even at fragments of penny, at least you're able to make decent passive income,  but the illusion of meaningful impact based on those listeners is very very very minuscule.    The system discourages artists to release full albums, long songs, anything experimental, the payouts are often cheated and the risk of your entire discog getting wiped for something you have no control over is something i've seen time and time again....           "If you can't beat them, join them"   Everyone hates Spotify but feels forced to focus so much energy into it.         It breaks my heart society can't seem to collectively unify and rebel because of convenience. because i've watched more artists than I count lose their light and passion being forced into all very time consuming effort that they expended being pressured to meet consumers where they are at.    GODSPEED my friend.

333333 $enjoy  
on side_a
“Artist need lunch money” 🫂
on side_b
My mellow my man….

31111 $enjoy
I want to live through art forever

1111 $enjoy
Bitter to Butter

111111 $enjoy
it takes a village

7777 $enjoy
Love the #evolvingportals concept ripple out <3 111111 $enjoy
#evolvingportals in the void

77777  $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
notes not as a currency 

137173  $enjoy
"chop it down with the edge of my hand"

7777 $enjoy
Peace to the kitty Dabbing towards the cosmos

33333 $enjoy
M3 🤗💐

137137 $enjoy

333333 $enjoy
on fallen
kitty needs to eat

1371 $enjoy
I've respawned.

137731 $enjoy
Will be back at reset ily
everything comes from everything

777 $enjoy
on spicy!
this is so dope, will collect again when Enjoy resets <3
Testing 1,2,3. why can token chat index this media but zora can't?

"my love for you is ticking clock, BEZERKer!!!"

777 $enjoy
warp to level 8

888 $enjoy
memory obtained

55555 $enjoy
next level!

444444 $enjoy

3333 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy
on Saru

77777 $enjoy
Free me, I'm trapped in dopamine warfare 

111111 $enjoy
on Gamer
game recognize game
I need another one.    Lore too deep

1597 $enjoy
I love you so much 🫂 Thanks for sharing embarrassing sacred lore of our beginnings

200000 $enjoy
CC0 Gawd

1000000 $enjoy
Testing Testing 1 2 3. Proof of ….
“Quit work, Make Music” LLC 2006

111111 $enjoy
World Build.

Reticulating Splines…
no hugs for spotify <3 1111 $enjoy
It's like Lore Xmas rn.... 11111 $enjoy
This was sent right after landed in Los Angeles. Core Directive Consistency Documented. 11111 $enjoy
Status vs Stasis Update 222222 $enjoy
Thank you for Documenting this!!!!

333333 $enjoy

9040 $enjoy
enjoy print

40000 $enjoy
on Amani

33333 $enjoy
7477 $enjoy

Crash Coded

100000 $enjoy
For the kids.

200000 $enjoy
.’”/;,.-‘’”!//“‘;,.;:*+—> 171717 $enjoy
Sidechain compress the ghost kick onchain.


1111 $enjoy
on Novą

13333 $enjoy
Energy Energy Energy

33333 $enjoy
11111 $enjoy expanding
Gemini tings

7777 $enjoy

“Time’s Up” - O.C. & Buckwild

111111 $enjoy
This made smile,  thank you for sharing.

33333 $enjoy
Breathtaking Aurora Aura!

33333 $enjoy
on FAM

33333 $enjoy
The Legendary OG Majik Most has finally arrived onchain!!!

1000000 $enjoy
Lelouch vs L 

1111 $enjoy
plantasia audio phaser

3333 $enjoy
building adhd

There are ancient spores that open worlds & connect the cosmic dots, and there are spores that drain your life force. Me & Ancient Spores have a love / hate long standing relationship.

Proof of life (continued)

3333 $enjoy
The Process Is the sacred purpose. The shiny Results are just bonus features.

Keep documentiing 🫂

33333 $enjoy
Tidal wave into a whirl pool when the Tiny Ripples don’t connect.

77777 $enjoy
"The Wrong Side of The Tracks" - Artifacts

1111 $enjoy
"This ain't disco, this ain't no rodeo either"

1111 $enjoy
Super Dope

1111 $enjoy
The Odyssey and the Iliad ARPing in a Tree

3333 $enjoy
I emote too often & transparently.

I also don’t know how use 3 seashells

77777 $enjoy
“Crashing Thru” 

74777 $enjoy
1981 born, 1995 rebirth AOL Art & Entertainment- Room: HipHop

I have no more internet fwends. 👤

1999 $enjoy
Spoke to my soul 

17777 $enjoy
::Queues theme from smallville::

77777 $enjoy
I need to take a seat in this.

77777 $enjoy
Happy Friday <3 111111 $enjoy
on ⏱︎
Mosh Pic 

77777 $enjoy

1111 $enjoy
Super dope 170000 $enjoy
advocacy in absence
ded by dawn

11111 $enjoy
on !!!

1111 $enjoy
Token Chat Discovery.

I shall tip my myself for stumbling upon this digging for artists to support.

1 $enjoy cus you're a 1/1...

Gemini Rambles
first person shooter origins 

7777 $enjoy
this brought me peace.

thank you for sharing <3

1111 $enjoy
Wooohoo another super talented music homie has taken their brave first step to pivot on-chain!!!

33333 $enjoy
Organic Tonal Reset +++

7777 $enjoy
I love/hate the internet (now)

20000 $enjoy
Each One, Teach One.


100000 $enjoy

175000 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy

I.P. Is imaginary

I 7777 $enjoy mangling I.P. Until the world is all CC0
Rewind Selectah

7777 $enjoy
“Artist need lunch money” - @thxk_u

7777 $enjoy
on hana
keep em coming.

77,777 $enjoy

7747 $enjoy 

7777 $enjoy
Format error FAT32, Dr Spatsioa, by creative labs

$1111 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy
This brings me peace.

7777 $enjoy
on !!!
Thank you for assets

Will world build soon

7777 $enjoy
