✎ 251 79 50 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 2,593,258 / 651,148 (398%) $ENJOY
on spicy!
this is so dope, will collect again when Enjoy resets <3
Testing 1,2,3. why can token chat index this media but zora can't?

"my love for you is ticking clock, BEZERKer!!!"

777 $enjoy
warp to level 8

888 $enjoy
memory obtained

55555 $enjoy
next level!

444444 $enjoy

3333 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy
on Saru

77777 $enjoy
Free me, I'm trapped in dopamine warfare 

111111 $enjoy
on Gamer
game recognize game
I need another one.    Lore too deep

1597 $enjoy
I love you so much 🫂 Thanks for sharing embarrassing sacred lore of our beginnings

200000 $enjoy
CC0 Gawd

1000000 $enjoy
Testing Testing 1 2 3. Proof of ….
“Quit work, Make Music” LLC 2006

111111 $enjoy
World Build.

Reticulating Splines…
no hugs for spotify <3 1111 $enjoy
It's like Lore Xmas rn.... 11111 $enjoy
This was sent right after landed in Los Angeles. Core Directive Consistency Documented. 11111 $enjoy
Status vs Stasis Update 222222 $enjoy
Thank you for Documenting this!!!!

333333 $enjoy

9040 $enjoy
enjoy print

40000 $enjoy
on Amani

33333 $enjoy
7477 $enjoy

Crash Coded

100000 $enjoy
For the kids.

200000 $enjoy
.’”/;,.-‘’”!//“‘;,.;:*+—> 171717 $enjoy
Sidechain compress the ghost kick onchain.


1111 $enjoy
on Novą

13333 $enjoy
Energy Energy Energy

33333 $enjoy
11111 $enjoy expanding
Gemini tings

7777 $enjoy

“Time’s Up” - O.C. & Buckwild

111111 $enjoy
This made smile,  thank you for sharing.

33333 $enjoy
Breathtaking Aurora Aura!

33333 $enjoy
on FAM

33333 $enjoy
The Legendary OG Majik Most has finally arrived onchain!!!

1000000 $enjoy
Lelouch vs L 

1111 $enjoy
plantasia audio phaser

3333 $enjoy
building adhd

There are ancient spores that open worlds & connect the cosmic dots, and there are spores that drain your life force. Me & Ancient Spores have a love / hate long standing relationship.

Proof of life (continued)

3333 $enjoy
The Process Is the sacred purpose. The shiny Results are just bonus features.

Keep documentiing 🫂

33333 $enjoy
Tidal wave into a whirl pool when the Tiny Ripples don’t connect.

77777 $enjoy
"The Wrong Side of The Tracks" - Artifacts

1111 $enjoy
"This ain't disco, this ain't no rodeo either"

1111 $enjoy
Super Dope

1111 $enjoy
The Odyssey and the Iliad ARPing in a Tree

3333 $enjoy
I emote too often & transparently.

I also don’t know how use 3 seashells

77777 $enjoy
“Crashing Thru” 

74777 $enjoy
1981 born, 1995 rebirth AOL Art & Entertainment- Room: HipHop

I have no more internet fwends. 👤

1999 $enjoy
Spoke to my soul 

17777 $enjoy
::Queues theme from smallville::

77777 $enjoy
I need to take a seat in this.

77777 $enjoy
Happy Friday <3 111111 $enjoy
on ⏱︎
Mosh Pic 

77777 $enjoy

1111 $enjoy
Super dope 170000 $enjoy
advocacy in absence
ded by dawn

11111 $enjoy
on !!!

1111 $enjoy
Token Chat Discovery.

I shall tip my myself for stumbling upon this digging for artists to support.

1 $enjoy cus you're a 1/1...

Gemini Rambles
first person shooter origins 

7777 $enjoy
this brought me peace.

thank you for sharing <3

1111 $enjoy
Wooohoo another super talented music homie has taken their brave first step to pivot on-chain!!!

33333 $enjoy
Organic Tonal Reset +++

7777 $enjoy
I love/hate the internet (now)

20000 $enjoy
Each One, Teach One.


100000 $enjoy

175000 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy

I.P. Is imaginary

I 7777 $enjoy mangling I.P. Until the world is all CC0
Rewind Selectah

7777 $enjoy
“Artist need lunch money” - @thxk_u

7777 $enjoy
on hana
keep em coming.

77,777 $enjoy

7747 $enjoy 

7777 $enjoy
Format error FAT32, Dr Spatsioa, by creative labs

$1111 $enjoy

7777 $enjoy
This brings me peace.

7777 $enjoy
on !!!
Thank you for assets

Will world build soon

7777 $enjoy
Love mechs and this whole concept 🫂

77777 $enjoy
screaming in the void 

1111 $enjoy
I enjoy bending 

1111 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy 🫂
on 420
chords and blips bliss 77777 $enjoy
Ghosted in the shell

$7777 $Enjoy
Unless someone wants to handle the logistics, the music will have just be enough for this exhausted dinosaur =)

I need to drink some of your tiger blood and some prompting tutoring <3

100000 $enjoy
Hella digital codec artifacting on this, this from stem separating?

1111 $enjoy
7777 $enjoy
on cnn_84
A Classic! thank you for documenting this! Expanding on the world building between artists.

200000 $enjoy
Crashing thru the deck
This a super bop!   GG!

7777 $enjoy
You saw the OG picture so you know why this one never made it social media haha. My pops wanted me to post it so bad. He's gonna absolutely love seeing this. Thank you for this experience.

7777 $enjoy
Document like no one one's listening / watching 7777 $enjoy
enjoying thought doodles 7777 $enjoy
dope 7777 $enjoy
Thank you asking the important questions instead of just “lfg”. You are appreciated.

7777 $enjoy
Fantastic Vol. 2 

11111 $enjoy 
"The Planet" - Gang Starr

1111 $enjoy
battle mech type beat

1111 $enjoy
soul vs voice - convo with higher self 1111 $enjoy
I got slimed.... 1111 $enjoy
Crashing out!!!! 7477 $enjoy
I 1111 $enjoy high res transparent png
Connection Correction
"yoyoyoyoyo!" 1111 $enjoy
“ Bot or Not? Someone checked @dutchyyy:
Not a bot. Good casts: music,art,culture”

Thank you for this, sincerely 🫂

1000 $enjoy

Thxk_u for being u

777 $enjoy
Token chat signal boost
“Yoyoyoyoyo!” 1111 $enjoy
My mellow, My Man….  🍣 has arrived!! 

1111 $enjoy
Classic 1111 $enjoy
Literally me.

111 $enjoy
747 $crash

Ultimate Oppa
111 $enjoy
Happy Friday

777 $enjoy 
Collecting Resonance 7777 $enjoy
111 $enjoy

Forever ghosted In the void 
GN token chat, 111 $enjoy your morning / night.

Dig through Dutchyyy collections, expand ...more

digest backstories.

Follow the bread crumbs.
on shards
777 $enjoy
mask off

111 $enjoy
Next level

777 $enjoy
dead seagull on zora.

Net Positive

1111 $enjoy
777 $enjoy

glitched my rompler
111 $enjoy

dope! 777 $enjoy
voice jawn 1
Next Level! 1111 $enjoy
Phonosynthesis 777 $enjoy
747 $enjoy ✈️ big ____ plane
Very much i 777 $enjoy
777 $enjoy
777 $enjoy

Resample may occur.   
777 $enjoy 

I give it a 9.95!!!!  

777 $enjoy <3
Graviton 7470 $enjoy
Ground is Lava - Keep Documenting
RESET 🕹️ 111 $enjoy
on cabeza
Dopeness 111 $enjoy
Love to see it!!! 1111 $enjoy
As a tortured soul as shall $enjoy it now
Processing the process
on 747 Zorb via cxy
Crash the car, into stars
A Wild Collection Has Appeared:
"Organic Discovery" (Collection)

on C.Y Lee via cxy
Collecting Another via Token Chat.
“I got cha opin” - BlackMoon
Finally on Zora! Been waiting for this
going to miss you lil brother <3
xp boost :::inserts game genie:::
blue note, Cosmic documentation
public Diss_Course 💔📴
on &nbsp
💽 My Mellow, My Man
