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projecting onto the WORLD artists statement_v1.020240902
projecting onto the WORLD "my internal thoughts, reflections, and energy about the world's current state."
projecting my internal thoughts, ideas, and energy onto the world.
this projection is more than a reflection; it’s an active engagement with the environment around us. the aim is to blur the boundaries between the internal and the external, creating a space where personal emotions, beliefs, and inspirations interact with the broader world.
by projecting my inner self outward, i invite viewers to examine their own internal narratives
and how these shape their perceptions of reality. my work acts as a mirror, reflecting not just
my internal state but also prompting others to explore their own thoughts and feelings.
this exchange creates a dialogue between the personal and the universal,
encouraging a deeper understanding of how our internal experiences influence
our view of the world.
keep going and stay heartFULL,
David T Phung 09/02/2024
those who love it will keep showing up and creating no matter what. don't ever lose the soul and essence of how you move/ walk it out or i'm fly to you and have talk.
let's check-in on 07/16/2025, 07/16/2026, 7/16/2027, 7/16/2028, 7/16/2029, 7/16/2030, 7/16/2040, 7/16/2045, 7/16/2050, etc. etc. etc.
MOOD tonight. this still goes HARD (stank face energy)
i miss you roy hargrove
keep going and stay heartFULL,
David T Phung
this documentation of comments onchain is necessary.
keep going! happy friday.
p.s. its fun to see so many familiar names here. its like I've come home to the fwb discord channel chats.
all it needs is one blog and person to care about documentation onchain. thank you, yuri rybak! need a yuri beats energy as i browse comments in the future.