Beautiful to read.  

To me, being able to cement music that's dear to your heart on the forever library is the valuable magic.   Discourse, public sentiment have always been such a fickle noise signal, at the beginning and the end it always was and always will be the quiet personal journey that fuels the art of turning imagination and emotion through creative expression into something tangible in the real world.  The amount of music I've created that I always didn't release or didn't love myself that ended up having deep impact on strangers changed my perspective on the value of resonance so many decades ago.   It's why since I pivoted to smart contracts, I've maintained uninterrupted consistency and unwavering conviction in staying the course and never slowing down due to external factors like market price, sentiment, or public discourse.  120 1/1's on catalog since 2022 and I'm not even close to finished securing my back catalog.      Things like Scarcity, Price, and all the "tradable asset" side of this technology aren't as important as the reason I choice to hard pivot in the first place..      A Forever Storage of Legacy tied to Context that will hopefully remain in tact long after I'm gone to serve as Proof of a lifetime of uninterrupted dedication, love and servitude to the love of my life.      "Music"

"I Used to love H.e.r." 
