SCENES has been such a beautiful piece of history to witness & be apart of. What began as thoughtful vehicle to encourage a more intimate connection with the music i think ended up taking a life of it's own outside of the main focus (The Music) You had so many people, myself included submitting super personal and vulnerable photographic memories because of how clever and safe and honorable the transformation of those inputted memories were treated and the output of those SCENES alone is a magical successful experiment that elevated a collective of personal memories in such a profound way.

I think the emphasis on the SCENES might has distracted or confused people from Collecting the Music side of the project, I only say this because after speaking with Jamie (SOF) I was shocked to hear how many people who loved, championed and backed this wonderful performance art project never collected any of the songs, Including myself, because I honestly thought I already did. I missed the not so obvious detail that there were two options, collect song and collect scene. Because SOF put so much emphasis on the SCENES side of it, I wonder how many people missed collecting the music side like i did. If you're reading this and you also missed it but love this project, please take a few moments to go back and revisit the site to grab the music also <3

This was inspirational to watch unfold. Grateful I was able to witness it up close..
