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Form & Function by Matthew Chaim

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Dutchy I love how you use 'magical' in multiple comments here. I don't know if you fuck with this dude [flusser](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vil%C3%A9m_Flusser) but jamie sof put me on to his work 'towards a philosophy of photography' and he uses magical in a simillar way. im only through a couple chapters but it already feels like the best thing ive read on media and the blockchain. thanks for commenting :)
Beautiful to read.  

To me, being able to cement music that's dear to your heart on the forever library is the valuable magic.   Discourse, public sentiment have always been such a fickle noise signal, at the beginning and the end it always was and always will be the quiet personal journey that fuels the art of turning imagination and emotion through creative expression into something tangible in the real world.  The amount of music I've created that I always didn't release or didn't love myself that ended up having deep impact on strangers changed my perspective on the value of resonance so many decades ago.   It's why since I pivoted to smart contracts, I've maintained uninterrupted consistency and unwavering conviction in staying the course and never slowing down due to external factors like market price, sentiment, or public discourse.  120 1/1's on catalog since 2022 and I'm not even close to finished securing my back catalog.      Things like Scarcity, Price, and all the "tradable asset" side of this technology aren't as important as the reason I choice to hard pivot in the first place..      A Forever Storage of Legacy tied to Context that will hopefully remain in tact long after I'm gone to serve as Proof of a lifetime of uninterrupted dedication, love and servitude to the love of my life.      "Music"

"I Used to love H.e.r." 
2021 feels so long ago sometimes. "I feel like we'll see something real again".

I think it's really worth asking why we put our best work out in 2021. Part of the answer is that a lot of the best musicians at that time were hired by platforms or started platforms to help build out the space. The platforms got really interesting but did less great work get put on them?

I don't personally thinking onboarding new users is particularly interesting until we can answer why our own output changed (at least for me) in quality and quantity between 2021-2024. Having a highly dedicated core of talented and engaged users is pretty cool - I don't understand the rush to onboard the rest of the world. I'm used to building for process instead of outcome; it's much more sustainable over time.

The track [I contributed to for songcamp season 2](
is one of my favorite things i've been a involved in.

"I've been know to never quit, even when nobody gives a shit"
Formally feeling this form and function family
wow yuri — thank you for sharing. beautiful to learn + to know 'form' can surface all this is a true blessing <3

thank you for the paper so i could scribble a lil map down
for a while "still remember how to skate with the knees in" was the line that lodged itself like a splinter in my brain. a pigeon toed as a kid, I started skating and playing hockey to try and deal with it and needed to learn how to keep my feet parallel so i could skate backwards because they made me defense as i wasn't quite fast enough for offense and i've sorta felt like that in one way or another ever since. my daughter woke me up early today so i got breakfast down the street and waited for the typewriter store to open but the woman looked busy when i looked in the window so maybe i'll go back tomorrow and see if she'll sell me a typewriter. it really doesn't seem like she wants to sell anyone a typewriter despite running a typewriter store. there's whiskey around the edges of these verses - let it all sweat out of your pores. when i met matt for the first time i was 3 beers into it at the function. the night my wife's water broke i was on my third glass of whiskey and haven't had a drink since. i've put a lot of things off for a really long time.

im not even gonna touch the substance of what you're saying in the written piece here because i have so many thoughts about that moment and they're gonna come out in a really long thing I'll post later. but i wanted to share how the song makes me feel. also, this piece is so personal, and i don't think i was going to find that tone on my own but i wanted to get there. thanks for giving me a map.
amazing. thank you matt. wouldn't expect less from you on the topic. also love this typewriter aesthetic
@coop you just minted it by leaving that comment :)
thank you for writing this
Form is such a banger.

Appreciate the trip down memory lane - agreed on the resonance and the special early feeling of a record feeling truly valuable and the energy behind that interaction.

Looking back at the bids takes me back to what the vibe was back then and makes me wonder how we get back there.

It's not gone forever - I think it just needs a reset.

Appreciate all you do and love the vibe of this post. Can't figure out how to mint it but has my full support!
Here is [Form on Catalog](beta.catalog.works/chaim/form) btw
crying a little right now. will come back later when i'm not crying.
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