Yards: I Hate The Phrase "Race To The Bottom"
Appreciate you adding to the convo.  I would assume at this point, the platforms (obviously the main pain point for most creatives and artists) already are fully aware how bad this all feels for artists and creatives but also realize there aren't enough real humans using the platforms to keep the lights on, so everyone is rushing to change what made this all special in an attempt to try to scale with hopes of mass adoption, when we aren't ready for that clearly.   And it seems like the ones making the calls think the ability to "possibly" make income for uploading compared to legacy web2 social is the thing that would be so intriguing to already skeptical normies, whom if did magically all onboard rn, would quickly realize, they jumped into a new ecosystem minus their existing following only to land in a void that just adopted the same broken discovery mechanisms where following and having followers have no meaning...           sustainability, income are a bonus, the majority of creatives I've crossed path with the past 30 years main concern beyond the creative process is their art making meaningful connections.           This mass pivot to obviously farm creatives and users for frequent traffic i can't see having the successful outcome whoever sacrificed and sunset our control over contracts, pricing, what and who we see on our feed, etc seems to be hoping for.        Wish it made sense, and wish all that retrofunding would have just went into creating an app experience separate from the magical goated web platforms.         but i'm also thankful because this all happening at once was very eye opening and taught me a valuable lesson once again.        So i'll do my best to not repeat the same bright eyed, heart full trusting mistake again. <3

500,000 $enjoy

