One of the first things I did when I started using the world wide web a couple of decades ago, as was the custom back then, was search for my name. I used my last name for that: Tupan. What I found was initially very surprising, but there was also a sort of logic to it. Diving deeper into it, and thinking about it, it showed me some very interesting lines of connections.
Two brothers and a typhoon
The story, for me, starts centuries earlier. In the realm of origin stories. It's not precisely known when exactly the events took place, but at one point in time, two brothers were on the ocean in their prahu, or pirogue, a small boat consisting of two canoes connected together. It generally is powered by oars and sometimes a small sail. They suddenly found themselves in extreme weather, and a typhoon split their prahu in two, and both brother drifted apart and found themselves stranded on two very different islands. They both took on the same name, with different spelling, a variation on the, probably Chinese, word typhoon. My forefather named himself Tupan. And so, our family tree was planted on Ambon, an island in the Maluku archipelago, that now forms the eastern part of Indonesia.
Back to the mid-1990s, when I ventured out in the ocean of the then relatively new world wide web, which we navigated with the prahu of Mosaic and Netscape. You would have to navigate to a search engine back then. The likes of Altavista or Hotwired I think I used. So, I typed in my last name on one of those. Tupan. Two notable things came in the search results that initially surprised me. Made me laugh, then made me wonder until I found the connections. I still don't know how it's all connected, but the links are too obvious for it not being connected.
A thunderous drum
The first thing I found was an eastern-european drum, that was mainly in use in the Balkan-countries. The name reminiscent of the Turkish word for typhoon: tayfun. At least, I cannot but make that connection. Even the sound of the Tupan, as you can find it online, is very much like thunder and lightning strikes. An extreme weather drum. But this was not the only think I found. The next one took me to another continent, making this a globe spanning adventure. I found my name back on the other side of the Atlantic, in Brazil and further down into the Amazon. From ceramics factory (yes, toilets) to sports clubs to a journalist: the name seemed very present in the South American country know for samba and indigenous tribes living deep in the rainforest. A group of tribes, often grouped around the tupi-guarani language, have a pantheon that includes a god of thunder and lightning. And yes, you guessed it, the name of this god is Tupan.
Through my name, I am connected to different place that together span the globe. And now that we have arrived in Barzil, here's the interesting thing. I was not able to watch the qualifying session for the Brazilian GP yesterday, because I was on a long drive. Somehow, heavy rain flushed out the session. It was such extreme weather, that the FIA had to decide to postpone qualifying to the next morning. A much more convenient time for me. Maybe that god of thunder and lightning helped his namesake a little.
A cinquain is a five-line poem. In modern interpretation, it has 2 syllables in the first line, 4 in the second, then 6, then 8 and 2 in the last line.
In poem form: Five lines and the two-times table up to 4 times and then back to two. That is all. Try it!
Happy 1st GM Farcaster birthday, Prof & Adrienne! You are like the explorers of long ago, sailing uncharted seas and mapping out the newly discovered world. That was this inspiration for this highku for you:
Venture into undiscovered territory and draw the map. It's early, time for coffee and GM.
Gagas invited the /poetry community on Farcaster to cocreate a poem. This is the result.
Life's never a bed of roses, Needs a guide like Israel's Moses, Through thorns and winds, we find our way, In the midst of beauty, where shadows play.
And in the midst of all this beauty I Observe a light that shines on only you, A beacon that softly touches the sky, In whispers drifting in the night, so true.
Silent, lonely as the moon, Yet tender in its silver swoon, If you ever see me in your dreams, Hug me tight, for in you, my heart redeems.
The kind of light that doesn't hurt, But fills your being, makes you whole, A gentle warmth in every part, In the silent bloom, your beauty's role.
Alas, my life would mean less without you, For in your light, I find what’s true. In every moment, every breath we take, Together, my love, we'll never break.
Dead poets can inspire, but not as much as the living. This poem is dedicated to Dutch writer and poet Louis Couperus. Collecting it will help fund the trpplffct poetry grant fund.
Kick off at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. And a poem to celebrate the Olympic spirit. Remember what Baron Pierre de Cubertin said: the important thing is not to win, but have fought well.
The highest stage, the game for gold pressure rises, time to be bold. "Fighting well the tradition to uphold.
I struggled: breathing was hard today, so I did just a slow 6K.
=== Struggled a bit with my run today. But days like this happen. And I still managed to do the distance I set as goal. Better luck next time. Earnings are split with the Higher Athletics Program.
Midnight in Le Pecq, right there between Debussy's moonlit compositions and sweeping search light of Tour Eiffel.
A poem inspired by a night walk in the Yvelines. Le Pecq is a commune straddling the Seine, just next to Saint-Germain-en-Laye, birthplace of Debussy. From the higher streets, you can see the top of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
A poem inspired by the Bright Moments Paris event.
The DJ puts on a blue record, and while the cool tunes play softly in the background, we weave through the crowd of crypto citizens to enjoy the art displayed on screens on the walls.
We play a bit with the Dream Machine, enthralled by the Dutch languaged unicorn in a school, the horses in the mountains and the brother with the big nose.
We take home the cookie on which you can write, and many stories to tell of our Bright Moments in bright Paris.
Farcasters love the human connection, and that shows in the tagline for FarCon2: url -> irl. It also shows in all the local-oriented channels on Farcaster, such as /paris and /rome and /new-york. In these channels local meetups are organised. Farcasters meeting Farcasters. I went to one, and it was really fun.
We also have a /postcards channel, in which people meet to send physical postcards t eachother. Mine come with a poem on it.
So, today's tip are actually two: dig into the channels and connect irl as well as url.
A poem inspired by the gift of hot sauce. Joseph Maggio created this sauce from a batch of peppers he scored at a farmer's market. Then he raffled off 1 bottle. I won and love it. All this inspired the poem:
When a friend / starts casting, what do we / recommend? There's so much great stuff here, / where should I start? So I / start with this.
In this week, I saw an old friend return to Farcaster and give it another go. I really want him to stay, so I was desperate to answer his question "what is good here?" in the best possible way.
But what is good here? And can we see the forest for the trees? There's so much amazing stuff going on on Farcaster, that it's easy to get lost. And once you start recommending starting points, you think "and this one, and that one, and that one, too".
New channels were created this week, and the conversation immediately took off. The activity in the F1 channel around races is amazing, a great vibe. The poets and the Parisians also got their home this week on Farcaster. And then, that nice Friday feature: Warps. A reward for early beta testing and activity.
The poem:
Poets and / race fans; Parisians, too; / find their home in channels old and new. / Suddenly: warps treasure / dropped to you.
Poetry is made to conjure up an image from words. An epic like Homer's Odyssee, a sonnet by Shakespear, a tritriplicata by yours truly, or a poem created by a human-ai duo, words can make you imagine universes.
And now, with large language models such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, you can use words to let AI generate an image. As a poetry newsletter, The Onchain Poetry Digest explores the influence of words in creating images. Primarily by listing all the freshly minted onchain poetry we can find. But also with the art used in each issue.
Every issue has an NFT for collectors, based on the issue's header image, that is generated by AI. After experimenting a bit, the same prompt was used, with up to 5 modifiers for each piece of art. The prompt, a nod to the content of the listing, is always "fresh mint". Only four times, while experimenting, a variation of the prompt was used. All images are created using NightCafé Studio. In it, you can pick from a list of modifiers to give some extra pizzazz to your prompt. To create the header image for each issue, as said, up to 5 of these modifiers were used, thus creating a collection that explores the influence of words on the images they evoke. That is what The Fresh Mint Collection is about.
This animated GIF version shows the 20 different interpretations of the prompt fresh mint and its four variations "freshly minted nft poetry" (issue `1), "A poet of indonesian heritage writing poetry with a fountain pen" (issue 2), "freshly minted poetry" (issue 4) and "Frresh mint with fireworks in the background" (issue 7, including typo).
The Louvre / to yourself, as artists / become louder. We CoCreate and / co-learn coding with a / twilight fox.
This is your Farcaster Weekly poem for the week of 12 to 19 November 2023. The colours are a reference to the Ferrari team colours and the Red Bull suits at the Formula 1 race in Las Vegas this week.
Fall leaves fall / to signal a world's end, / their colourfulness feeding new life / where the purples make fall / the new spring.
Is autumn, or fall as some call it, really the season that heralds the end coming? When leaves are dropping, and the forest floor becomes a bed of decaying organic matter, it is easy to associate that with the beginning of the end.
To me, however, it is very much the beginning of the beginning. The rotting organic matter left by those who have had their best season is teeming with life. Life that is cleaning up the debris, and life that uses it as a feeding ground to grow.
Without the decay, there will not be new life. So this Farcaster Fall, let's celebrate the new life that Web3 brings us, growing on the decaying detritus of the Web2 players of yesteryear.
How networked / are we really, anon? / And during this Farcaster Fall, are / you using poetry / as a tool?
The Network State conference ignited some interesting conversations on Farcaster last week. Adrienne started a viewing guide thread, and Connor McCormick started a thread questioning the network state implementations. Interesting to see it all, and to see these thoughtful conversations. Which brings me to the hot take by Ted about how far being anonymous leads people to be less kind.
Later in the week, Farcaster Fall kicked off. A new art piece every day to celebrate and support artists and Farcaster culture. And Purple. Have you minted all the pieces yet? You should. Finally, we had some interesting thoughts about what poetry means to us in the poetry channel. To some, it is a tool to organise thoughts and emotions. I can assure you: poetry can certainly do that. You can find links to all these conversations below.
Shoutout to ChrisCoCreated for some valuable feedback on this series.
There is a beautiful diversity of topics being discussed on the Farcaster social networks. And that is something worth celebrating. From an AMA with Ethereum founder and legend Vitalik, to a dad who asks for tips to play with his son a sport he himself has not mastered, via an awakening of the poets who have been lurking here and emerging poets. It was another wonderful week on an amazing network.
We've got to keep this up.
The poem:
Bitcoin tee / left on a British train, / dad wants tips on playing football games. / Poetry awakens / in this place.
The world outside of Farcaster exploded again, and the scenius showed its strength by having respectful conversations about that. And then the big thing we all been waiting for happened: Farcaster went permissionless. This was a big event with many commemorative NFTs and a bump in growth of users. Fortunately, we are telling better stories here.
No war, and / no permissionless can / break the Farcaster culture. It's strong / for the better stories / we tell here.
Some casts & conversations that inspired this week's poem:
A speical edition to celebrate Farcaster going permissionless.
As Farcaster becomes permissionless, will a wave of new users come and join us? The Farcaster Scenius has built a strong culture, and we warmly welcome new users into it.
The poem: Now floodgates / are open, a wave of / new users will come. Warm welcome / to the culture of our / scenius.
In the week of 2-8 October 2023, we saw wonderful conversations about consistency, the meaning of showing up and the emergence of the term Conversational Liquidity Providers. And a cast about art and how Piet Mondriaan danced the boogie woogie until the age of 70, but without music.
What did you notice this week on Farcaster?
The poem:
He loved to / dance without music, / as long as he could be consistent - / CLPs cocreate / and show up.
The scenius is alive and kicking on Farcaster. And we all have a taste of home. We are the unreasonables, and sometimes we have a reply-guy. This poem is inspired by some of the amazing conversations happening on Farcaster.
The poem:
Foundations / showing the scenius / of the unreasonable, made with / tastes of home. Who is your / reply-guy?
This is your weekly Farcaster Poem for 25 September 2023
The week on Farcaster caught in a poem
Mint support
Should we tip / more than 10 percent, will / Max and the / McLarens fight for pole? / But where to mint support? / Arsenal?
Farcaster is not just about Web3 technology. The conversations have a wide variety of topics, and are filled with funny, smart and respectful contributions. Last week I found many of these, including about tipping and transparent pricing, which football/soccer team to support, writing, Farcaster itself, Formula 1 and the different feel and emerging culture of (L2) blockchains.
Experimenting. That's what I love about being at the forefront of new movements. Not to lead the charge, but to be part of the crowd that is experimenting with new things. Dabbling, playing, trying, failing, learning, succeeding. One great example of that is the GM Farcaster show by NouninshProf and Adrienne. It's an experiment, and that is their love language. This poem is an ode to them, and all the other amazing ppl on Farcaster, experimenting and learning every day.
The poem: The tech gives/ us the challenges we /know from previous tech cycles. Still, / we experiment. Our / love language.
This week, I'm sharing a poem about emerging and seeing things. Or about anything you read into it.
Because the Farcaster crowd likes memes, I've done my best to give this one a meme aesthetic.
The poem In the distance:
And in the distance / - obscured by low hanging clouds - / we can see Paris.
This is a priceless mint. You only have to settle the network fee, from which part will come back to me through the creator rewards scheme. 25% of my earnings on this poem will be used to support onchain poets by collecting and commissioning art from them.
It can work. I saw it work. We once were 0-4 behind at half time. We won 6-4. Now will the coach at the World Cup Final make the right changes at half-time? Will the changes make the difference? That's what this poem is about.
The poem Can the coach / make enough changes at / half-time to turn the tide, or will the / opponent's answer win / the final?
Poetry x football x AI images
During the FIFA Women's World Cup, I will search for poetry in matches. When I find it, the poem will be fed to an AI model, with up to 5 modifiers, to generate an image. This image will be combined with the poem and made available for a limited-time open edition. The project explores journalism in poetry form and how prompts guide outcomes when using AI.
For those who need a bit of summer. For those who need a bit of sunshine. For those who are building. For those who love poetry. For those who love life.
For all of us.
A little Onchain Summer Haiku.
a butterfly on / a dandelion, spotted / on a summer hike
It was the replay of the previous final. The champion versus the runner-up. Both teams had been preparing for this, and it was a close-fought battle. The battle was tough. The battle was hard. The battle was fair. Sometimes even leading to team-mates clashing on the pitch.
At the final whistle, the score was even, and team-mates became friends again.
The poem
They fought like / true gladiators for / ninety minutes and some extra time. / And when the match was done: / friends again.
Sleigh Ride
Wishing Tree
What will you wish for.
Lemon & Lime
Bye, bye, lullaby
In Dutch.
Space Invaders en
tijdsongebonden ontbijt -
English translation:
Space Invaders and
breakfast unrestricted by
time - Zeehelden break.
Goodbye mother
13-10-1934 - 12-11-2024
Goodbye mother,
what a life lived,
helping many
to make the most.
Thank you for
being here and wisdom taught.
The Thunder Connection
Two brothers and a typhoon
The story, for me, starts centuries earlier. In the realm of origin stories. It's not precisely known when exactly the events took place, but at one point in time, two brothers were on the ocean in their prahu, or pirogue, a small boat consisting of two canoes connected together. It generally is powered by oars and sometimes a small sail. They suddenly found themselves in extreme weather, and a typhoon split their prahu in two, and both brother drifted apart and found themselves stranded on two very different islands. They both took on the same name, with different spelling, a variation on the, probably Chinese, word typhoon. My forefather named himself Tupan. And so, our family tree was planted on Ambon, an island in the Maluku archipelago, that now forms the eastern part of Indonesia.
Back to the mid-1990s, when I ventured out in the ocean of the then relatively new world wide web, which we navigated with the prahu of Mosaic and Netscape. You would have to navigate to a search engine back then. The likes of Altavista or Hotwired I think I used. So, I typed in my last name on one of those. Tupan. Two notable things came in the search results that initially surprised me. Made me laugh, then made me wonder until I found the connections. I still don't know how it's all connected, but the links are too obvious for it not being connected.
A thunderous drum
The first thing I found was an eastern-european drum, that was mainly in use in the Balkan-countries. The name reminiscent of the Turkish word for typhoon: tayfun. At least, I cannot but make that connection. Even the sound of the Tupan, as you can find it online, is very much like thunder and lightning strikes. An extreme weather drum.
But this was not the only think I found. The next one took me to another continent, making this a globe spanning adventure. I found my name back on the other side of the Atlantic, in Brazil and further down into the Amazon. From ceramics factory (yes, toilets) to sports clubs to a journalist: the name seemed very present in the South American country know for samba and indigenous tribes living deep in the rainforest. A group of tribes, often grouped around the tupi-guarani language, have a pantheon that includes a god of thunder and lightning. And yes, you guessed it, the name of this god is Tupan.
Through my name, I am connected to different place that together span the globe. And now that we have arrived in Barzil, here's the interesting thing. I was not able to watch the qualifying session for the Brazilian GP yesterday, because I was on a long drive. Somehow, heavy rain flushed out the session. It was such extreme weather, that the FIA had to decide to postpone qualifying to the next morning. A much more convenient time for me. Maybe that god of thunder and lightning helped his namesake a little.
Look down
Look up, and
reach for the stars. You can
be anything you could wish to be.
Look down, too, and find love
at your feet.
My feet in the sand
the water is cold as it
rolls over my toes.
What's a tritriplicata?
A poem
with five lines. Each line has
limited syllables: three, six, nine
then six and three again.
Now, try it!
What's a cinquain
In poem form:
Five lines
and the two-times
table up to 4 times
and then back to two. That is all.
Try it!
What's a highku?
What's a highku
When haiku meet
higher spirit:
poetry that
reflect on
becoming a better you.
Highku specs:
Name: highku
Type: syllabic
Count: 26 syllables
Format: 6 lines of 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 and 6 syllables.
Driving north
clouds in the
autumn evening sky
bring fresh views
A Year Of GMs
You are like the explorers of long ago, sailing uncharted seas and mapping out the newly discovered world. That was this inspiration for this highku for you:
Venture into
and draw the map.
It's early,
time for coffee and GM.
Poetry community poem
Life's never a bed of roses,
Needs a guide like Israel's Moses,
Through thorns and winds, we find our way,
In the midst of beauty, where shadows play.
And in the midst of all this beauty I
Observe a light that shines on only you,
A beacon that softly touches the sky,
In whispers drifting in the night, so true.
Silent, lonely as the moon,
Yet tender in its silver swoon,
If you ever see me in your dreams,
Hug me tight, for in you, my heart redeems.
The kind of light that doesn't hurt,
But fills your being, makes you whole,
A gentle warmth in every part,
In the silent bloom, your beauty's role.
Alas, my life would mean less without you,
For in your light, I find what’s true.
In every moment, every breath we take,
Together, my love, we'll never break.
Flat tire
I made that jump,
it was so cool,
even that bump
when my tire blew.
With the bike
upside-down, we fix the leak.
Silver thistle
Lotus corniculatus
Common bird's-foot trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
Common bird's-foot trefoil
Parnassia palustris
Marsh grass of Parnassus
Knautia arvensis
Field scabious
Gentiana lutea
Great yellow gentian
Geum montanum
Alpine avens
Campanula scheuchzeri
Bell flower
Ranunculus glacialis
Glacier buttercup
Leucanthemopsis alpina
Alpine ox-eye daisy
Aster alpinus
Alpine aster
Leontopodium nivale
Arjan Tupan on curation
is where you can get the
power to elevate and promote
the art you really
care about
Wen low
Another chance tomorrow.
When coins go down
breathe and touch grass
maybe buy low
'cause tomorrow
you will see
number will go up gain.
Mountain of hope
I carried these
rocks and arranged
them into this
mountain of hope:
a message
for a better tomorrow.
Dead poet inspiration
Lost dove
Then the crowd cheers.
Not for a won
point or rallye,
or game or match;
but for the
dove that got lost at the Games.
Fight well
The highest stage,
the game for gold
pressure rises,
time to be bold.
"Fighting well
the tradition to uphold.
My shoes touch grass
My shoes touch grass
And asphalt and
Gravel as I
Run one more K
In the park.
Fitter body,.fitter mind
Classic Memory
Classic cars
surround us on the road,
adorned with Tulip Rallye stickers.
Will my first bosses be
among them?
Local legend
Local legend?
I just did a
couple of rounds
in the park,
competing with only me.
Earnings are split 50/50 with Higher Athletics
What if we own
and can help shape
the brands we love,
and their success
is ours, too?
Wouldn't that be just perfect?
This is the vision
Higher energy
A syllabic from, consisting of 6 lines of 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 and 7 syllables, inspired by the higher movement on Farcaster.
Be better than
you have ever
been before, by
putting in the
and always aiming higher.
We go again
Higher always.
Earnings split with Higher Athletics
Here we go again:
four four four four three seven -
another highku.
Food chain
I just hope
the bumble bee being
eaten by the dragonfly has first
pollinated plants in
our garden.
Higher inspired
Higher inspired I
won't let excuses keep me
from running today.
Slow running
was hard today, so I did
just a slow 6K.
Struggled a bit with my run today. But days like this happen. And I still managed to do the distance I set as goal.
Better luck next time.
Earnings are split with the Higher Athletics Program.
Poet higher
Warm sun cooks
my brain on today's run,
but I do what I set out to do:
live higher and poet
this poem.
Happy Global Running Day 2024
I want to do better
I want to go farther
I want to run faster
I want to push harder
Go higher!
Playground King
Enjoy this prompt. And share your results. Find me on Farcaster.
Flight after flight,
in the dark, bringing light,
that's the firefly life.
164460 $Enjoy
The drizzle
The drizzle makes
that we're almost
alone in the park.
This poem is airdropped to Trpplr subscribers.
50 % of earnings go to the trpplffct poetry fund.
Arjan's guiding ideas
We are kind.
We love art.
We respect others.
We build together.
We offer help.
Full poem:
You look nice
today, send your loved-ones
our regards. We hold your hand and we
have hugs when wanted, 'cause
we are kind.
paintings, photography.
Sculptures, pixels, food. Which medium
you choose to create?
We love art.
You have your
ways, opinions and likes.
Please share them so we can learn about
you, and you about us.
We respect.
You can go
a long way alone, but
the journey is so much much more fun with
others. That's why we build
Do you need
a hug, a hand, a word?
Is there a way we can make your day
better than it is now?
We will help.
462600 $Enjoy
Gentle Giant
What's your favourite mountain?
Majestic Mont Blanc
The giant,
gently ever-present.
Challenging, inspiring, attracting
like only this snow capped
mountain does.
Your favourite mountain
a mountain. Find a poem and the prompt in the video.
What's your favourite mountain?
PS: 50% of earnings of this digital collectible will go to the Trpplffct poetry grant fund
Play-off dromen
Een gedicht:
Dromen van
Ajax uit, en twee keer
2-0 van Feyenoord. Het kan weer.
Alleen niet meer in het
Lake bouquet - Trpplr edition
Algae and
a hint of fresh fish, then
a distant note of alpine herbs and
molten snow: that's the scent
of Léman.
Mountain peace
by croci
we touched snow.
Square Justin Ahn
who has elevated
normal to the highest of higher,
the master of normcore:
Justin Ahn
Paris Squares
The poems, al in tritriplicata form, also combine into a nice exploration tour of the city.
Stop 1: Square de la Tour Saint Jacques
I see a
family happily
snapping holiday shots, while two men
sit on a bench, smoking.
It starts here.
Stop 2: Square Violet
A dad plays
volleyball, his daughters
happy with his time; a couple walks
to the kiosque; words flow
from my pen.
Stop 3: Square Louis XVI
The grass rests
as once royals sans-heads
did, around the corner from where our
good friend lived. The city's
still restless.
Stop 4: Square Louise Marcel
Ride a horse
dreaming of Amélie,
then let your gaze glide up the stairs flanked
by grass: you will find the
Sacré Coeur.
Stop 5: Place Igor Strawinski
A fountain
or art installation?
Where the city bubbles, it's hard to
discern what's square and what's
Enjoy your tour de Paris!
This is a cc0 artwork.
Earn onchain
Want to earn onchain?
The secret: consistency
and $degen tipping.
Drip growth
Drip, drip, drip,
and then you step on a
Lego brick which youbcould be using
to cocreate something
Demo Time
A jpeg
made with self trained AI,
then auctioned off in a magic frame,
curated as asset?
Yes you can.
Multiple passports,
moving across bordes, we're
the blockchain vanguard.
Build this
What do you want to
be built on Farcaster? A
random minting tool?
What You Need
What you ned
is focus - focus to
build the thing you want to build - that one
thing that makes you happy.
Your One Thing.
At 16
What I did
at sixteen? I did not
play with magic internet money,
but just like now, I was
There's so much
joy in Far(away)con
anticipation: trip booking and
getting ready to write
Peace Palace
(I Took A Photo).
I took a
picture of a palace,
it made me dream of peace; peace founded
on justice that calls this
palace home.
Framed poem
to the top of your channel
and let it inspire.
Haiku for OnPoWriMo day 17, prompt word is 'frame'.
Mix & Remix
The word is 'meme', write a poem with or inspired by that word.
Here's mine
Mix, remix
and mix again. Add a
hat, and an arrow that points higher.
share it for the culture,
meme is born.
What is a win?
Finish first: you'll win
the race, but if you'll finish
last you'll have more joy.
Write a poem with or inspired by 'GM'.
Here's mine:
With a cup
of coffee I settle
in the garden - the mornings are not
cold anymore - and write
this GM
Make a sandwich
love on your sandwhich? Ham,
cheese? Or maybe peanutbutter and
chocolate sprinkles? I
like it all.
This week, I challenge you to make a delicious sandwich and then write a poem about it.
Bread pot
Some baguette
and a round semolina
bread with yeast, as Berbers make it;
zaatar spiced melting pot -
our table.
Not going back
The word is 'wallet'. Create a poem with or inspired by that word.
We just sent
you a login link, now
select the pics with buses in them.
Why can't I just connect
my wallet?
Spring cleaning
the rain and lightning cleansed
earth explodes into technicolor
festivals of fresh leaves
and tulips.
Now show me yours.
Hat on
We are so early
so keep your hat on, anon
it will go higher.
OnPoWriMo Writing prompts
This is the list with your daily prompt words. #0 days, 30 words. Write a poem with or inspired by the word of the day.
Have fun!
Trade offer
you receive poem. That's it.
That is the offer.
Whispered poememe
in my ear, and you'll give me
goosebumps all over.
Find a scene
Have fun.
The Marily in me
Find a tiny creature
She is striped black, yellow and white
she sits on flowers oh so bright
maybe you know who that could be
it is the humble bumble bee!
I don't speak meme
An offline GM
The stream is offline
but the chatroom is filled with
keyboard clattering
Naturally fractalised traits
Nature crafts
patterns intricately,
slowly revealing the rarest traits,
every creation a
Arjan's Declaration of Poetry
Mint to support my poetry mission.
Arjan's Declaration of Poetry
I search for
beauty in the mundane,
extraordinary beauty in
ordinary objects,
love in all.
I will not
assume you see what I
see, have read what I have read, have lived
what I have lived. You add
to my world.
We do share
many things, but also
bring our own perceptions, own stories
to the game, creating
new canons.
It's us three:
poet, poem, reader.
Together we will create meaning,
build understanding and
make beauty.
that's the key. Together
we will bring kindness, beauty and more
understanding. We'll bring
Mint to support my poetry mission.
Arjan's Statement of Poetry
I search for
beauty in the mundane,
extraordinary beauty in
ordinary objects,
love in all.
I will not
assume you see what I
see, have read what I have read, have lived
what I have lived. You add
to my world.
We do share
many things, but also
bring our own perceptions, own stories
to the game, creating
new canons.
It's us three:
poet, poem, reader.
Together we will create meaning,
build understanding and
make beauty.
that's the key. Together
we will bring kindness, beauty and more
understanding. We'll bring
Erect a poem-statue
Have fun, and share if you like.
The Line
Photo by Arjan Tupan
Poem by Sojournous
Step across the line
To where the secrets are held
And speed comes to rest
Dead wood 2
The birds no
longer build their nests on
these dead branches, we just return to
search fat beetles feeding
on dead wood.
Celebrate women on International Women's Day
Mothers, daughters, sisters,
girlfriends, wives;
no matter how you look at it,
they play an important
role in our lives.
Share your poem with the women you admire.
And me, if you want.
Daffodil Degen
Daffodils bloom in
the park - $DEGEN I hodl
will follow suit soon.
Make it rain my friends
Share yours if you want, but you are doing this for you. And for fun.
Midnight in Le Pecq
Le Pecq, right there between
Debussy's moonlit compositions
and sweeping search light of
Tour Eiffel.
A poem inspired by a night walk in the Yvelines. Le Pecq is a commune straddling the Seine, just next to Saint-Germain-en-Laye, birthplace of Debussy. From the higher streets, you can see the top of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Bright Moments, Bright Paris
The DJ puts on a blue record,
and while the cool tunes play
softly in the background, we
weave through the crowd of
crypto citizens to enjoy the art
displayed on screens on the walls.
We play a bit with the Dream Machine,
enthralled by the Dutch languaged
unicorn in a school, the horses in the
mountains and the brother with
the big nose.
We take home the cookie on which
you can write, and many stories to tell
of our Bright Moments in bright Paris.
Running Stories
and fish stories have slown and grown me
to the point that now I
need to run.
- Poem on AI video of a stick man running in a park, created with Runway ML.
So early
this is the new norm; we know
something others don't.
Pegasus Bridge
is omnipresent here,
from Sword to Utah beach; Normandy
reminding us: never
this again.
Location: Pegasus Bridge Memorial, Bénouville, Normandy, France.
Farcaster For Poets Tip 4: Channels and IRL
We also have a /postcards channel, in which people meet to send physical postcards t eachother. Mine come with a poem on it.
So, today's tip are actually two: dig into the channels and connect irl as well as url.
There once was a caster in Paris
who wanted to meet and share his
postcards and galette
with the people he met
onchain in the channel called /paris.
Farcaster For Poets Tip 3: Sources of culture
GM Farcaster by Adrienne and Nounish Prof
and Outcasters by Ghostlinkz.
Twenty-one minutes?
Time for cofee and culture
GM Farcaster
Farcaster For Poets Tip 2: Engage
Dear valued
followers, please know I
appreciate you. "Follow-back"
that's too Web2. My ask:
just engage.
Farcaster For Poets Tip 1: Links
No need to hide links
In the replies, we rather
Mint from your main cast.
Q: How would you define poetry?
A: Words that touch the soul?
Can I reach
into that most inner
part of you, stir it, shake, it, move it
and let it dance for joy,
with my words?
Tip To Grow
Just tip me
warps or tip me $DEGEN
and we will grow, 'cause we are regen.
This Warpcast thing, really
is next gen.
No follow
/paris meetup
Thanks to Justin, Kugusha and Speakup for organising.
of crypto /paris and
degens and builders and anons and
guests and a poet: we
all showed up.
How many words?
An image
is said to say more than
a thousand words. So does this image
say more than a thousand-
Cloud Gazing
50 GMs
Quieter these days?
Is everybody hiding in Direct Cast Groups?
A new Farcaster Weekly Poem:
Could we have
secret societies
now? Or Hunger Games? The public square
seems quieter these days.
Or am I?
Gift of fire
Joseph Maggio created this sauce from a batch of peppers he scored at a farmer's market. Then he raffled off 1 bottle. I won and love it. All this inspired the poem:
Fire captured like a
genie, from peppers coloured
like my hometown flag.
Best way to round 3?
The question now is: how to make it to round 3...
Do I vote
for the boisterous one?
Or another with few followers?
Which one I fear most? The
Silent One.
but who to pick? Not friends,
for sure. Or those three who are in cahoots.
I'm just in to observe.
And write this.
but who to pick? Not friends,
for sure. Or those three who are in cahoots.
I'm just in to observe.
And write this.
Closer to the fire
Come closer to the fire.
Collect more art
Boost 2024
resolution? Mint more
poems. Cast more art. Gaze at the sky.
Boost more poetry casts.
Say GM.
Some casts that inspired this poem:
Have you generated your New Year's Resolution?
A poet mints her first poem
Can casts be art?
The sky-inspired casts by my friend wordstobepoetry are inspiring
GM is a thing, and GM Farcaster should be a (bigger) thing
A's Book Rhyme
This book belongs to only me
until I go and set it free,
and then it is for you to read
and keep it for as long you need.
So, don't take it before your time
because that is a heinous crime.
Maps of the Times
decorating the walls,
extras, just as the fashion, tools and
furniture - signs of the
painted times.
A poem inspired by a lesson learned at the Vermeer Center in Delft, The Netherlands.
visited in my dreams.
It was wonderful seeing him there,
given he's been dead for
five years now.
Hello, Old Man
The point of piano x poetry
The casts that inspired this poem:
A piano picture kicked off a jam
The $points saga seemed to have started here (thx GM Farcaster):
You cannot name your favorite art piece.
How to get warps, when you are not sure what the question means. Or maybe are... (From the AMA with @elad).
The reciting poet
This poet / recites poetry of / love and wonder; of the miracles / of the past and dreams for / our future.
Where to start casting?
In this week, I saw an old friend return to Farcaster and give it another go. I really want him to stay, so I was desperate to answer his question "what is good here?" in the best possible way.
But what is good here? And can we see the forest for the trees? There's so much amazing stuff going on on Farcaster, that it's easy to get lost. And once you start recommending starting points, you think "and this one, and that one, and that one, too".
So, why not start with a little poetry.
Channel warps
New channels were created this week, and the conversation immediately took off. The activity in the F1 channel around races is amazing, a great vibe. The poets and the Parisians also got their home this week on Farcaster.
And then, that nice Friday feature: Warps. A reward for early beta testing and activity.
The poem:
Poets and / race fans; Parisians, too; / find their home in channels old and new. / Suddenly: warps treasure / dropped to you.
Keys to x-mas
Tezpole cast by Cameron
Writing fun with limericks
and a limerick example:
Looking towards the 2024 F1 season
Sharing Alicia Keys songs inspired by wordstobepoetry
Christmas gifts for kids tips in this thread by Justin
The Fresh Mint Collection - First 20
And now, with large language models such as DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, you can use words to let AI generate an image. As a poetry newsletter, The Onchain Poetry Digest explores the influence of words in creating images. Primarily by listing all the freshly minted onchain poetry we can find. But also with the art used in each issue.
Every issue has an NFT for collectors, based on the issue's header image, that is generated by AI. After experimenting a bit, the same prompt was used, with up to 5 modifiers for each piece of art. The prompt, a nod to the content of the listing, is always "fresh mint". Only four times, while experimenting, a variation of the prompt was used. All images are created using NightCafé Studio. In it, you can pick from a list of modifiers to give some extra pizzazz to your prompt. To create the header image for each issue, as said, up to 5 of these modifiers were used, thus creating a collection that explores the influence of words on the images they evoke. That is what The Fresh Mint Collection is about.
This animated GIF version shows the 20 different interpretations of the prompt fresh mint and its four variations "freshly minted nft poetry" (issue `1), "A poet of indonesian heritage writing poetry with a fountain pen" (issue 2), "freshly minted poetry" (issue 4) and "Frresh mint with fireworks in the background" (issue 7, including typo).
Reimagine rituals.
Treasure tradition.
The art of making it together
This is your Farcaster Weekly poem for the week of 12 to 19 November 2023. The colours are a reference to the Ferrari team colours and the Red Bull suits at the Formula 1 race in Las Vegas this week.
Links to some of the conversations that inspired this poem:
How to best enjoy the Louvre
The art conversation seems louder on Farcaster
Farcaster Fall CoCreated launch event
A call to learn coding together
Fennec release announced
Boost the fall
Some links to the conversations that inspired this poem:
One thing about wowow
One of the Warps announcements
Chris CoCreated Crowdfunding campaign
On Boosts, watch GM Farcaster episode 23 and a meme
My Farcaster Fall Thread
How many likes?
Fresh Farcaster Fall
Is autumn, or fall as some call it, really the season that heralds the end coming? When leaves are dropping, and the forest floor becomes a bed of decaying organic matter, it is easy to associate that with the beginning of the end.
To me, however, it is very much the beginning of the beginning. The rotting organic matter left by those who have had their best season is teeming with life. Life that is cleaning up the debris, and life that uses it as a feeding ground to grow.
Without the decay, there will not be new life.
So this Farcaster Fall, let's celebrate the new life that Web3 brings us, growing on the decaying detritus of the Web2 players of yesteryear.
Happy Farcaster Fall, welcome to your future.
Networked anons?
The Network State conference ignited some interesting conversations on Farcaster last week. Adrienne started a viewing guide thread, and Connor McCormick started a thread questioning the network state implementations. Interesting to see it all, and to see these thoughtful conversations. Which brings me to the hot take by Ted about how far being anonymous leads people to be less kind.
Later in the week, Farcaster Fall kicked off. A new art piece every day to celebrate and support artists and Farcaster culture. And Purple. Have you minted all the pieces yet? You should.
Finally, we had some interesting thoughts about what poetry means to us in the poetry channel. To some, it is a tool to organise thoughts and emotions. I can assure you: poetry can certainly do that. You can find links to all these conversations below.
Shoutout to ChrisCoCreated for some valuable feedback on this series.
The links
Network State viewing guide thread, built by Adrienne
Questioning network states by Connor McCormick
The hot take on anon hot takes by Ted
Royalties are allocated to the trpplffct wallet, used to support onchain poets.
The poem:
Suddenly, / after a long, tiring / campaign of hope and despair, triumph! / Dan made a new home for / poetry!
Conversational diversity
There is a beautiful diversity of topics being discussed on the Farcaster social networks. And that is something worth celebrating. From an AMA with Ethereum founder and legend Vitalik, to a dad who asks for tips to play with his son a sport he himself has not mastered, via an awakening of the poets who have been lurking here and emerging poets. It was another wonderful week on an amazing network.
We've got to keep this up.
The poem:
Bitcoin tee / left on a British train, / dad wants tips on playing football games. / Poetry awakens / in this place.
The links:
AMA with Vitalik
What to do with a ball:
Poetry channel, please:
Poem by Adrienne
The stories are strong here
The world outside of Farcaster exploded again, and the scenius showed its strength by having respectful conversations about that.
And then the big thing we all been waiting for happened: Farcaster went permissionless. This was a big event with many commemorative NFTs and a bump in growth of users.
Fortunately, we are telling better stories here.
No war, and / no permissionless can / break the Farcaster culture. It's strong / for the better stories / we tell here.
Some casts & conversations that inspired this week's poem:
Permissionless FC
As Farcaster becomes permissionless, will a wave of new users come and join us?
The Farcaster Scenius has built a strong culture, and we warmly welcome new users into it.
The poem:
Now floodgates / are open, a wave of / new users will come. Warm welcome / to the culture of our / scenius.
Cocreated dance of consistency
What did you notice this week on Farcaster?
The poem:
He loved to / dance without music, / as long as he could be consistent - / CLPs cocreate / and show up.
A Bowl of Scenius Rice
This poem is inspired by some of the amazing conversations happening on Farcaster.
The poem:
Foundations / showing the scenius / of the unreasonable, made with / tastes of home. Who is your / reply-guy?
This is what you are
Your Unlock
A poem inspired by casts - messages on Farcaster.
Hold the key / unlock the secret / if it is your secret to unlock. / Not your key? Then it's not / your unlock.
Mint Support
The week on Farcaster caught in a poem
Mint support
Should we tip / more than 10 percent, will / Max and the / McLarens fight for pole? / But where to mint support? / Arsenal?
Farcaster is not just about Web3 technology. The conversations have a wide variety of topics, and are filled with funny, smart and respectful contributions. Last week I found many of these, including about tipping and transparent pricing, which football/soccer team to support, writing, Farcaster itself, Formula 1 and the different feel and emerging culture of (L2) blockchains.
Many thanks to
@cameron, @nounishprof, @adrienne, @chriscocreated, @giuseppe, @ccarella, @j-valeska, @thechandresh, @hutch2u, @satanism, @indy, @ayushm, @ghostlinkz, @chukwukaosakwe
and all you amazing casters for the wonderful conversations here.
Happy Week, FC
One great example of that is the GM Farcaster show by NouninshProf and Adrienne. It's an experiment, and that is their love language.
This poem is an ode to them, and all the other amazing ppl on Farcaster, experimenting and learning every day.
The poem:
The tech gives/ us the challenges we /know from previous tech cycles. Still, / we experiment. Our / love language.
In the distance
Because the Farcaster crowd likes memes, I've done my best to give this one a meme aesthetic.
The poem In the distance:
And in the distance / - obscured by low hanging clouds - / we can see Paris.
This is a priceless mint. You only have to settle the network fee, from which part will come back to me through the creator rewards scheme. 25% of my earnings on this poem will be used to support onchain poets by collecting and commissioning art from them.
Coaching at half-time
Now will the coach at the World Cup Final make the right changes at half-time? Will the changes make the difference? That's what this poem is about.
The poem
Can the coach / make enough changes at / half-time to turn the tide, or will the / opponent's answer win / the final?
Poetry x football x AI images
During the FIFA Women's World Cup, I will search for poetry in matches. When I find it, the poem will be fed to an AI model, with up to 5 modifiers, to generate an image. This image will be combined with the poem and made available for a limited-time open edition. The project explores journalism in poetry form and how prompts guide outcomes when using AI.
Onchain Summer Haiku
For those who need a bit of sunshine.
For those who are building.
For those who love poetry.
For those who love life.
For all of us.
A little Onchain Summer Haiku.
a butterfly on / a dandelion, spotted / on a summer hike
90 minutes
At the final whistle, the score was even, and team-mates became friends again.
The poem
They fought like / true gladiators for / ninety minutes and some extra time. / And when the match was done: / friends again.