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How networked / are we really, anon? / And during this Farcaster Fall, are / you using poetry / as a tool?

The Network State conference ignited some interesting conversations on Farcaster last week. Adrienne started a viewing guide thread, and Connor McCormick started a thread questioning the network state implementations. Interesting to see it all, and to see these thoughtful conversations. Which brings me to the hot take by Ted about how far being anonymous leads people to be less kind.

Later in the week, Farcaster Fall kicked off. A new art piece every day to celebrate and support artists and Farcaster culture. And Purple. Have you minted all the pieces yet? You should.
Finally, we had some interesting thoughts about what poetry means to us in the poetry channel. To some, it is a tool to organise thoughts and emotions. I can assure you: poetry can certainly do that. You can find links to all these conversations below.

Shoutout to ChrisCoCreated for some valuable feedback on this series.

The links

Network State viewing guide thread, built by Adrienne

Questioning network states by Connor McCormick

The hot take on anon hot takes by Ted
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