This watercolor is born from a photo taken of the 2021 fire in El Bolson, in Patagonia Argentina, which destroyed the homes of many families. If you go somewhere, be careful if you make a fire! 32 x 41 cm watercolor
Lake Epuyén is a lake located in the province of Chubut, in the Patagonia region of Argentina. It is specifically located in the Cushamen Department, in the northwest of the province. The lake is characterized by its crystal clear waters and its stunning natural environment, surrounded by forests and mountains.
This piece was made in oil with digital retouching. This is the final piece of my participation in the Bosque Gracias X Newtroarts residency, it was made in oil with digital retouching. This piece was made by Ignacio Ysidro, experimenting in the artist residency at Bosque Gracias, living with +10 artists in the forest and creating for 7 days. Newtro Arts collaborated with this family of artists from Patagonia, Argentina, to bring the Newtro collective to a wonderful place to make art and connect with nature and permaculture. Newtro is a cultural manager and artist collective that develops new media for sustainability through technology and community empowerment, with the goal of providing education, tools and activations for Latin American artists on the blockchain.
This piece was made by Zoen Calega and IgnacioYsidro, experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating during 7 days. Newtro Arts collaborated with this artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take Newtro's collective to a wonderful place just to make art and to connect with nature and permaculture. Newtro is a cultural manager and artist collective developing new means for sustainability through technology and community empowerment, aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain. This landscape is created with Hydra Video Synth
We where in the waterway sitting with another artists and Ignacio captured a moment trought watercolor techniques, after digitally retouched and post processed on nodes programming by gønz This piece was made experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
This piece was made by IgnacioYsidro, experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
Natural inks and watercolor This piece was made by IgnacioYsidro, experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
This piece was made by Ignacio Ysidro, as part of the natural inks and watercolor experimenting artist residency at Bosque Gracias, living with +10 artists in the forest and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing family of artists from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both the digital and analog worlds.
It is said that the microchip will not cause discomfort, it is invisible to the eye and is only connected to the cerebellum. Its function is to control the main functions of the organism, and send this information to the governmental command center of the country, to collect data and make better decisions for the citizens. The implant will be free of charge, only a free consent form will have to be signed.
Despite being one of the most recognized writers of the twentieth century, Cortázar had a passion for jazz. He even wrote several essays on the subject and was an avid collector of jazz records. His love for this musical genre is reflected in many of his works, where he often makes references to jazz musicians and songs.
Lewis Carroll is said to have been inspired to create the story while sailing on the River Thames with a girl named Alice Liddell and her sisters. During the trip, he told them an impromptu story about a girl named Alice falling down a rabbit hole, and the girls were enchanted. From that encounter, Carroll developed and expanded the story that would eventually become Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Hieronymus Bosch was known for his extraordinary and surrealistic imagination embodied in his works. His paintings are filled with fantastic creatures, grotesque beings and dreamlike landscapes that defy reality. Notable examples of this include his masterpiece "The Garden of Earthly Delights" which depicts an extravagant and often disturbing world.
Velazquez, in addition to being an exceptional painter, also played an important role as a Spanish court official. During his career, he held several positions at the court of Philip IV, including that of royal aposentador, which gave him privileged access to palace life and members of the royal family. This position influenced his art, as it gave him the opportunity to paint portraits of royalty and to capture court life with unprecedented realism and intimacy.
Diego Velázquez (1599-1660), Spanish painter of the Golden Age, left a lasting legacy with his mastery of portraiture and innovative artistic approach. Renowned for his ability to capture the reality and psychological depth of his models, Velázquez became the leading painter at the court of Philip IV. His masterpiece, "Las Meninas," is a landmark in art history, highlighting his genius in challenging the artistic conventions of his time. Velázquez's technical skill and his ability to portray humanity with sincerity keep his works relevant and admired. Which painter would you like me to reproduce?
Lucian Freud (1922-2011), a renowned British painter, was noted for his realistic and penetrating portraits that captured the psychological essence of his subjects. The grandson of Sigmund Freud, he explored human anatomy with a detailed style and an exceptional ability to depict skin texture. His works, influential in contemporary art, reveal emotional complexity through raw and unadorned portraits.
The floripond (Brugmansia arborea) is a shrub of the family Solanaceae. It is native to South America and grows wild in Central America. However, it is naturalized or cultivated all over the world. In Costa Rica it is called "queen of the night". In Venezuela it is known as "campanita". In Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and Argentina it is known as "floripondio". In Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto Rico it is known as "flor de campana", "campanilla" or "bell tea".
Nina, a visual poem from the 'Mirada Íntima' series. In the warm embrace of a red armchair, her green flowered T-shirt and short hair are hymns of authenticity. Between gray curtains, Nina is the serene expression of feminine freedom and strength, a poetic reminder that every woman is a unique work of art, woven with grace and courage.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was an influential Spanish painter and sculptor, one of the leading artists of the 20th century and co-founder of Cubism. His most important work may be "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907), a revolutionary painting that marked the beginning of Cubism and challenged the artistic conventions of the time. One of his most significant milestones was the creation of "Guernica" (1937), a powerful artistic representation of the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, which became a universal symbol against violence and oppression. Picasso influenced multiple artistic movements throughout his career and left a lasting legacy in the history of art.
Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923) was a prominent Spanish painter known for his impressionistic works and his ability to capture light and color. Amongs most important paintings is "¡Otra Margarita!" (1892), a portrait of his wife that reflects his mastery in the representation of light and textures.
"Guada", an intimate look through the storm. In this watercolor work with digital touches, a young woman gracefully holds a neon pink umbrella. Her figure, in the midst of the rain, captures the essence of bravery and self-expression. Each stroke reveals the fusion of the natural and the digital, creating an intimate connection to the inner strength that guides us through the most challenging moments.
Within the evocative "Intimate Gaze" collection, "Whispers of Color" emerges, a watercolor that captures a woman on her back, touching her face in a gesture of gentle contemplation. Her side view suggests sweet introspection, inviting the viewer on a journey of self-discovery. The deep blues, vibrant yellows and hints of red in the work intertwine to tell a story of calm, hope and quiet passion. The fluidity of the watercolor creates an ethereal atmosphere that caresses the emotionality of the pose. To acquire this NFT is to enter into a visual and emotional dialogue, a deep connection between the observer and the observed. Each stroke and color resonates with an emotional resonance, promising to be an invaluable and evocative addition to any collection, uniting collectors with the delicacy and depth of the female experience encapsulated in this work.
In the quiet veil of nature where the trees murmur ancient secrets, lies she, her graceful figure, interwoven with the threads of silence, a wordless dialogue, in the weft of time.
Sentada en calma, su mirada profunda, se funde con el bosque en una danza silente, como un río de reflexiones que fluye, entre los espejos del ayer y el mañana.
Su piel, un lienzo de vida, su corazón, una puerta al infinito, su alma, el reflejo del bosque sereno, una invitación a la contemplación, un viaje hacia lo eterno.
Cada trazo de acuarela en su semblante, cuenta historias de amor, lucha y esperanza, un universo entero en la quietud de su presencia, un encuentro íntimo con la esencia de la existencia.
"Essence Unveiled" is a visual invitation to explore feminine authenticity and freedom. This NFT work, meticulously painted in watercolors of primary and secondary colors, captures a woman sitting on the ground, her nudity in the air, gazing at the camera with disarming serenity.
En la penumbra de un bosque antiguo, surge Narigon, el patriarca de los Nfteros. Su semblante, un juego entre lo místico y lo caricaturesco, se revela bajo un manto de acuarelas suavemente depositadas. Su nariz, grandiosa y orgullosa, se erige como un totem de singularidad en el oscuro verdor que lo rodea, mientras su cabellera azul fluye como río de luna entre las sombras, portando la esencia de lo inexplorado.
La estética de Narigon es un dialogo entre la naturaleza y lo onírico, un portal hacia un reino donde lo familiar se entrelaza con lo fantástico. En cada trazo, en cada matiz acuarelado, reside no sólo la génesis de una colección que desafía lo convencional, sino también una invitación a explorar la multitud de narrativas que aguardan en los dominios de los Nfteros.
Esta obra no sólo captura la visión, sino que acaricia la curiosidad, dejando un eco de lo sublime en el corazón del espectador, una promesa de aventuras y descubrimientos en el universo narigón que apenas comienza a desvelarse.
Explora la Magia Acuarelada de los Nfteros: Un Universo Narigón Único
Presento con entusiasmo los Nfteros, una colección NFT única que está a punto de brillar en Zora. Esta serie encapsula personajes narigones meticulosamente pintados en acuarela, cada uno con una narrativa y personalidad propia que desborda el lienzo digital, invitando a los coleccionistas a un viaje visual y emocional sin parangón.
Cada Nftero no solo es un testimonio de la destreza artística en acuarela, sino una invitación a ser parte de una comunidad creciente y un mundo narrativo en expansión. Al adquirir un Nftero, no solo estás invirtiendo en una obra de arte digital, sino también en una experiencia coleccionista enriquecedora y lúdica.
Los Nfteros son más que una colección; son la puerta a un universo donde la diversidad y la comicidad se celebran en cada trazo acuarelado. Esta es una oportunidad única para trascender lo ordinario y sumergirse en una experiencia que promete resonar en la esencia lúdica y creativa de la era digital.
No pierdas la oportunidad de ser uno de los primeros en explorar el encanto narigón de los Nfteros, donde la acuarela se encuentra con la blockchain, desplegando un tapestry de color, humor y creatividad.
En el ferviente dominio del arte digital, surge una figura emblemática, el Tío Rico, prometiendo fortuna a quien se atreva a adentrarse en su esfera. Entre los destellos de color rojo que brotan del fondo, reminiscentes del desorden controlado al estilo de Jackson Pollock, se encuentra el rostro semi-enojado de un ser que custodia el secreto de la opulencia.
Cada pincelada en este NFT no solo configura la estética vanguardista, sino que también teje una promesa de riqueza. Los trazos en rojo ardiente evocan un deseo ferviente, un camino hacia la abundancia vigilado por los ojos escrutadores del Tío Rico, que aunque enojados, parecen retar al espectador a desafiar lo convencional y asir el destino de afluencia que le espera.
El Tío Rico no es solo una obra de arte digital; es un totem de prosperidad, una inversión en un futuro afluyente. Su expresión adusta encierra una invitación audaz: enfrentar la tormenta del riesgo para alcanzar las doradas orillas de la recompensa.
Este NFT es más que una pieza coleccionable; es un pacto con la fortuna, un pasaporte al reino de lo posible donde cada manchón y matiz es un paso hacia la concreción del sueño de opulencia.
Un Degen Vuterin
Base nouns buterin
Let's save ourselves Epoch #1
If you go somewhere, be careful if you make a fire!
32 x 41 cm watercolor
Love it!!
Misha Epoch #1
Lake Epuyen Epoch #2
The Motherhouse
This is the final piece of my participation in the Bosque Gracias X Newtroarts residency, it was made in oil with digital retouching.
This piece was made by Ignacio Ysidro, experimenting in the artist residency at Bosque Gracias, living with +10 artists in the forest and creating for 7 days. Newtro Arts collaborated with this family of artists from Patagonia, Argentina, to bring the Newtro collective to a wonderful place to make art and connect with nature and permaculture.
Newtro is a cultural manager and artist collective that develops new media for sustainability through technology and community empowerment, with the goal of providing education, tools and activations for Latin American artists on the blockchain.
Newtro is a cultural manager and artist collective developing new means for sustainability through technology and community empowerment, aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain.
This landscape is created with Hydra Video Synth
Think about the work
This piece was made experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
Cianotipia Rays of the forest
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
House in Bosque Gracias
This piece was made by IgnacioYsidro, experimenting in the artistic residency at Bosque Gracias, co-living with +10 artists in the woods and creating art for 7 days straight.
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing artists family from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and to connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both, the digital and the analog world.
Jeep truck
Newtro Arts collaborated with this amazing family of artists from Patagonia, Argentina to take the Collective to a wonderful forest, exchange knowledge through workshops and connect with nature and permaculture in a clash of both the digital and analog worlds.
Its function is to control the main functions of the organism, and send this information to the governmental command center of the country, to collect data and make better decisions for the citizens.
The implant will be free of charge, only a free consent form will have to be signed.
man facing southeast Epoch #2
Woman in water Epoch #1
San Valentin Epoch #2
The great Cortazar Epoch #4(last seven piece) the price will continue to rise
Dalí Epoch #3
Misha Epoch #4
Lucid dream Epoch #1
Those who collect it will receive an exclusive nft as a gift.
El Ático (last piece)
Selfie of a new stage
Geronimus Farcaster Epoch #1
Alicia Epoch #1
The future belongs to Geronimos Epoch #1
the fisherman Epoch #1
Map of an unreachable future #3
Map of an unreachable future Epoch #2
Velazquez Epoch #1
Which painter would you like me to reproduce?
Lucian Freud #6
Floripondio #1
In Costa Rica it is called "queen of the night". In Venezuela it is known as "campanita". In Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and Argentina it is known as "floripondio". In Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto Rico it is known as "flor de campana", "campanilla" or "bell tea".
Natura muerta Epoch #1
Nina Epoch #1
the rescue Epoch #1
The receiving hand
Isaac Epoch #1
Sorolla Epoch #4
Guada Epoch #1
Bianquiña Epoch #2
Whispers of Color Epoch #1
Bianca 2 Epoch #1
In the quiet veil of nature
where the trees murmur ancient secrets,
lies she, her graceful figure,
interwoven with the threads of silence,
a wordless dialogue, in the weft of time.
Sentada en calma, su mirada profunda,
se funde con el bosque en una danza silente,
como un río de reflexiones que fluye,
entre los espejos del ayer y el mañana.
Su piel, un lienzo de vida,
su corazón, una puerta al infinito,
su alma, el reflejo del bosque sereno,
una invitación a la contemplación,
un viaje hacia lo eterno.
Cada trazo de acuarela en su semblante,
cuenta historias de amor, lucha y esperanza,
un universo entero en la quietud de su presencia,
un encuentro íntimo con la esencia de la existencia.
Bianca Epoch #1
"Essence Unveiled" is a visual invitation to explore feminine authenticity and freedom. This NFT work, meticulously painted in watercolors of primary and secondary colors, captures a woman sitting on the ground, her nudity in the air, gazing at the camera with disarming serenity.
Nftero Alfa
En la penumbra de un bosque antiguo, surge Narigon, el patriarca de los Nfteros. Su semblante, un juego entre lo místico y lo caricaturesco, se revela bajo un manto de acuarelas suavemente depositadas. Su nariz, grandiosa y orgullosa, se erige como un totem de singularidad en el oscuro verdor que lo rodea, mientras su cabellera azul fluye como río de luna entre las sombras, portando la esencia de lo inexplorado.
La estética de Narigon es un dialogo entre la naturaleza y lo onírico, un portal hacia un reino donde lo familiar se entrelaza con lo fantástico. En cada trazo, en cada matiz acuarelado, reside no sólo la génesis de una colección que desafía lo convencional, sino también una invitación a explorar la multitud de narrativas que aguardan en los dominios de los Nfteros.
Esta obra no sólo captura la visión, sino que acaricia la curiosidad, dejando un eco de lo sublime en el corazón del espectador, una promesa de aventuras y descubrimientos en el universo narigón que apenas comienza a desvelarse.
Presento con entusiasmo los Nfteros, una colección NFT única que está a punto de brillar en Zora. Esta serie encapsula personajes narigones meticulosamente pintados en acuarela, cada uno con una narrativa y personalidad propia que desborda el lienzo digital, invitando a los coleccionistas a un viaje visual y emocional sin parangón.
Cada Nftero no solo es un testimonio de la destreza artística en acuarela, sino una invitación a ser parte de una comunidad creciente y un mundo narrativo en expansión. Al adquirir un Nftero, no solo estás invirtiendo en una obra de arte digital, sino también en una experiencia coleccionista enriquecedora y lúdica.
Los Nfteros son más que una colección; son la puerta a un universo donde la diversidad y la comicidad se celebran en cada trazo acuarelado. Esta es una oportunidad única para trascender lo ordinario y sumergirse en una experiencia que promete resonar en la esencia lúdica y creativa de la era digital.
No pierdas la oportunidad de ser uno de los primeros en explorar el encanto narigón de los Nfteros, donde la acuarela se encuentra con la blockchain, desplegando un tapestry de color, humor y creatividad.
En el ferviente dominio del arte digital, surge una figura emblemática, el Tío Rico, prometiendo fortuna a quien se atreva a adentrarse en su esfera. Entre los destellos de color rojo que brotan del fondo, reminiscentes del desorden controlado al estilo de Jackson Pollock, se encuentra el rostro semi-enojado de un ser que custodia el secreto de la opulencia.
Cada pincelada en este NFT no solo configura la estética vanguardista, sino que también teje una promesa de riqueza. Los trazos en rojo ardiente evocan un deseo ferviente, un camino hacia la abundancia vigilado por los ojos escrutadores del Tío Rico, que aunque enojados, parecen retar al espectador a desafiar lo convencional y asir el destino de afluencia que le espera.
El Tío Rico no es solo una obra de arte digital; es un totem de prosperidad, una inversión en un futuro afluyente. Su expresión adusta encierra una invitación audaz: enfrentar la tormenta del riesgo para alcanzar las doradas orillas de la recompensa.
Este NFT es más que una pieza coleccionable; es un pacto con la fortuna, un pasaporte al reino de lo posible donde cada manchón y matiz es un paso hacia la concreción del sueño de opulencia.
Watercolor on paper
Landscape on Zora
#landscape #zora #ignacioysidro