✎ 140 167 20 NEW COMMENTS
incredible place to sleep like a dog
Que increible amigo, que bueno poder tenerla en la coleccion
abrazo 🚀🚀🚀
Primer coment!!
increible pieza LeItwo
🕶 ☀ ⛱
Muy ver algo para escuchar en zora
vamo amigo!!
primera pieza en mi colección
on Masked
Muy buena pieza...que ganas de tener una mascara
I love it, amazing all the composition
How amazing everything !!!!
i loved all the dialogue,very good record!!!!!
on Dance
que buenas esas formas
mecha shark 🖤
que bueno ver esto, medio papel y tinta
que bueno ese movimiento!!
muy bueno las distintas texturas y colores !!
que variedad de colores y sabores
que buena pieza chamix!!
me encanta el color y los tonos que se forman!!
que icreible esta
que bueno tenerla en la coleccion
incredible piece!!
increible esto
veo muchas cosas al mismo tiempo
mu weno!!!
what a nice piece, all half amphibian aquatic botanical reptile and some beautiful colors, nice to have one.
como van apareciedo esas formas
ohhhh, que lindo!!
creando corazoncitos
good piece, inteactive is the best
I like the way those lines look, my friend
on trap
It's great to get to know these creatures.

que buenas luces, matices, colores
°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 𝒾𝓈 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 ·._.·°¯°·..·°.·°°°
i want to live there
mario, vamos de paseo
𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓬𝓮, 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓲𝓽
i want to know the dream of this piece
Es muy bueno, me encanta la velocidad
incredible details and process
one day I want to go down to the subway and see you pino 🤎
que increíble que esta, que lindos detalles amigo, really nice work
criaturas magicas
the whale could not be missing, although it is really a killer whale.
how terrifying to see this landscape
viviendo del amor
on Ram0n
que increíble que esta, espectacular amigo
que machote
uihhhhh, incredible
que increible resultado
what a beauty landscape, gorgeus circle compisition
que espectacular !!
i love stop motion
amazing piece
a coffe in any moment of day is the best
ty coffe <3
what a spectacular zorb 🔵
you can feel the heartbeat in this piece
love you too
always incredible
what a beauty of a character
I really like that loop that runs through the image
what a details, i love
incredible the shapes you generate
tellme the spell
How incredible this is, the entire process involved is amazing,
i love see the process
beatiful details
i love the textures
I love Pinocchio and his adventures
pure feeling
what a animation frriend, is spectacular
420 all the time
How good is that Chama, upload it
uhh, amazing, i dont understand anything and understand all
i love this shapes, beatiful
que hombre 🥵
what a pretty skull
beatiful, very good the techniques multiples
planting all the good!!
I would love an earring like that hahaha
on Lovers
on Wu Wei
I feel like it's a mirror
that orb breaks it
gnomo psico rastafaria
the time dont stop
How does that melt, please!
How good the textures and the reduced palette
tremenda zorrita
What an excellent video, what a good experience, a very good perspective
powerful supercolor
How spectacular is that orb, good colors
What a beautiful machine, how incredible to be able to see it from everywhere :OOO
I love that weirdo
printing with light and nature, I love it
I love that place, it looks very colorful
i love the texture
uhhh, quiero tomar coquita con ellos
what a beautiful creature
How beautiful to be able to make landscapes 🗻
