un collagito glitcheado que hice en el bosque :) este lugar me inspira tanto que tenía que crear, así que hice esto con lo que tenía en la galería pues no había wifi juju
Tonight I start my journey to BosqueGracias to participate in the Spring Artistic Residency, and I wanted to express my excitement about embarking on this journey with this animation.
Spring Art Residency is starting soo soon!! November 5th we receive all the artist for this edition. we are going to be 9 artist living and coworking in nature.
Images from summer edition with: Ekeko, Moranicol, Ohde
direct contact
stay in the grass
Spring Art Residency at bosquegracias during first day walking trip.
embrace yourself
Chiri Ecoprint in Bosque Gracias
between the layers of this dimension I am mutating
Radioactive Chiri
collage of meme - con lo que haiga
one of many pieces created here... stay tuned ;)
The woods are calling me.
to participate in the Spring Artistic Residency, and I wanted to express my excitement about embarking on this journey with this animation.
Explanation of the entire process:
Bosque Art Residency support token
November 5th we receive all the artist for this edition. we are going to be 9 artist living and coworking in nature.
Images from summer edition with: Ekeko, Moranicol, Ohde
Pilu Da Queen
Lazaro feat. Chiri
Niko Alerce
Stanis By
Rocio Mio
and local artists craftworks and workshops like
Gaby Kova
Kecheu Ceramica
7 Days Community driven experiences of creation and collabs; in a forest enviroment, lake, river and mountains.