Please stop scrolling, take a moment to stop & smell the flowers and never lose sight of the power of giving those you appreciate their flowers. As the digital world morphed into hyperbolic attention economy & as someone who’s ancient & was always active enough to remember a digital world where it’s most charming & utilized quality was it’s ability connect us to the things & people we appreciate & make them feel seen, I was ultra sensitive & very observant of when, why and how that changed. By design, the algos created lots of the flies. Starved for attention we turned into the cliche plot of every post apocalyptic movie. Dog eat Dog, performative & calculated. The unsung heroes of this world, in my experience usually share a similar quality of not being comfortable with praise or attention. Lifting, inspiring & helping others in the shadows. Imagine if we kept tabs on a good deeds haha, A linked in for positives ripples. In a world where we live in a 72 he attention cycle & people are quick to forget humans worth & depth isn’t encapsulated by their latest status update, a world where mute, block exists & judgement is cast with haste. A good deeds resume sounds necessary but in practice that would look & feel as hollow as Mr. Beast. I likely lost 90% of those who expanded description miles back haha. But I’ve always been a fan of hidden interludes and rewarding patience.
Some absolute truths: without @cxy of @musicnerdxyz
💐 7 years of freestyles would never been released publicly as a 5 album series titled “The Reluctant Clap” (Daily Rambles) 💐 I would have deleted my entire social media footprint ages ago (still fighting this urge daily for obvious reasons) 💐 I will write & record a new album as a vocalist (tho I still am conflicted about being trapped & boxed in the need for Branding. I.e. name/alias) 💐 I am still alive. Crazy to type and prob crazy to read. But you were weeks away from losing present and future (me).
I can go on and on about what C.Y. has done for me personally, which changed my fate & secured future ripples I can create in this world, I am just one of many. If you care about me, music, art. Give 💐 to C.Y.
The Buff of Patronage.
With Love, Respect, Gratitude & Eternal Admiration.
[Searching For A Save Point](
Please stop scrolling, take a moment to stop & smell the flowers and never lose sight of the power of giving those you appreciate their flowers. As the digital world morphed into hyperbolic attention economy & as someone who’s ancient & was always active enough to remember a digital world where it’s most charming & utilized quality was it’s ability connect us to the things & people we appreciate & make them feel seen, I was ultra sensitive & very observant of when, why and how that changed. By design, the algos created lots of the flies. Starved for attention we turned into the cliche plot of every post apocalyptic movie. Dog eat Dog, performative & calculated. The unsung heroes of this world, in my experience usually share a similar quality of not being comfortable with praise or attention. Lifting, inspiring & helping others in the shadows. Imagine if we kept tabs on a good deeds haha, A linked in for positives ripples. In a world where we live in a 72 he attention cycle & people are quick to forget humans worth & depth isn’t encapsulated by their latest status update, a world where mute, block exists & judgement is cast with haste. A good deeds resume sounds necessary but in practice that would look & feel as hollow as Mr. Beast. I likely lost 90% of those who expanded description miles back haha. But I’ve always been a fan of hidden interludes and rewarding patience.
Some absolute truths: without @cxy of @musicnerdxyz
💐 7 years of freestyles would never been released publicly as a 5 album series titled “The Reluctant Clap” (Daily Rambles)
💐 I would have deleted my entire social media footprint ages ago (still fighting this urge daily for obvious reasons)
💐 I will write & record a new album as a vocalist (tho I still am conflicted about being trapped & boxed in the need for Branding. I.e. name/alias)
💐 I am still alive. Crazy to type and prob crazy to read. But you were weeks away from losing present and future (me).
I can go on and on about what C.Y. has done for me personally, which changed my fate & secured future ripples I can create in this world, I am just one of many. If you care about me, music, art. Give 💐 to C.Y.