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3:38 1280x720 89MB View on Zora

Yards: ...A New Music Industry?

Lemons into lemonade
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📶 11 comments • 47,777 est. $enjoy tips
10000 $Enjoy
Bro, have you ever tried sniffing three-week-old panties with cottage cheese? If you haven't, you should, bro! Way better than sniffing the sneakers!
10000 $enjoy
27777 $enjoy
present & future
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3:44 1280x720 107MB View on Zora

Yards: I Don't Wanna Be The Best Rapper

Being the best is overrated
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📶 6 comments • 836,716 est. $enjoy tips
20000 $enjoy 🌹
Happy Friday ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 444444 $Enjoy
261161 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy
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2000x2000 3.3MB      

AGP Cover Idea 1

This was almost the cover for Aspiring Gundam Pilot, my recently released album
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📶 4 comments • 30,000 est. $enjoy tips
30000 $Enjoy
;( i r no. 16
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3000x3000 8MB      

AGP Cover Idea 4

Something I made that was almost a cover for Aspiring Gundam Pilot, my recently released album
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📶 3 comments • 1,111 est. $enjoy tips
1111 $ENJOY
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3000x3000 691KB      

AGP Cover Idea 6

One of the considered cover arts for Aspiring Gundam Pilot, released recently.
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📶 2 comments • 111,111 est. $enjoy tips
"Battle Mech, Robo Tech, Ready to Flex" - Apathy (Demigodz)

111111 $enjoy
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3 pages 57KB View on Zora

Why I'm Still in Music NFTs

Yo! Black Dave here. I recently started going by Black Dave MK2 on music platforms but we’re still the same old Black Dave in the streets. For the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to pen something that talks about why I’m still in music NFTs, and honestly, I’ve been struggling…so I decided to take a different approach to this and talk about something that’s a bit easier:
Why it sucks to be in music NFTs in 2024
Right now it feels like it’s easier to quit music NFTs than it is to stay. It feels easier to quit NFTs altogether than it is to stay. You’re working hard on something just for a memecoin to take the wind out of your promotional sails. You put together a stellar marketing campaign for yet another Cryptopunk derivative on the L2 blockchain that came out that day to suck up all the air in the room.
All of our favorite platforms are becoming social. So far, this has meant that instead of charging people a premium for your work, you accept tips. This isn’t a strict Zora complaint, this has been happening across the ecosystem as a music creator. Catalog Radio (which I love) was an effort at creating a social experience using tipping (cosigns) as a way to reward creators for being involved. In a slow market, I know everyone is trying to find what they can do. Sound shifted to prioritizing amount of mints over minting volume, as soon as things started to take a downturn. Free mints ran rampant, because that was the best way to land in the algorithm they had created. Manifold has put forth zero effort to create a better music minting experience. You can mint a song there, but prepare for it to be a less than stellar user experience, on top of having no platform to support pushing forward your work (or for you to be mad that they didn’t push your work).
There are a lot of people in the NFT ecosystem who have collected zero NFTs who have had a lot to say about them. I’m lying, they probably collected an Ed Balloon NFT because my dawg knows how to play the game and I’ve always envied that, shout out Ed. Your favorite NFT content creator spaces host who hypes things up to dump on you hasn’t participated in the ecosystem enough to understand our desired outcomes as participants but just goes “how am I supposed to play this” like they’re Kobe Bryant doing a between the legs dunk in the 1997 dunk contest. Guess there isn’t enough flip potential for music like there is a picture of a goblin brought to you by some anonymous dudes on the internet who you were praying were Beeple instead so you could sell it for more.
Speaking of flip potential, I think music artists kinda fucked up, too. We didn’t get better. We didn’t become bigger or more well known. Our NFTs ended up being worth the same thing because we…ended up doing more and more of the same thing. We priced our NFTs at their maximum possible value because so many artists who were showing up in 2021 had already had such a negative experience with the music industry that they saw it as a way to finally get back what was lost…and collectors were paying! What a time. Finding success as a musician is fucking hard, so I get it…but aside from a couple of edge cases, no artist has been able to really find a way to make it from what I call a “traditional music NFT” which is essentially one that puts the song into focus. Without PFP rarity mechanics or some AI addition or inclusion of stems that you’ll never use by a producer that you’ve definitely heard of, artists couldn’t find it.
I typed all these words to say that the state of platforms sucks, the state of interest sucks, and the state of artists sucks…but I’m still here trying to figure it out.
So, what doesn’t suck about music NFTs?
Honestly, at this specific moment, everything sucks about them…but I know there are a ton of folks who are passionate specifically about music and blockchain and NFTs who are thinking about the landscape and the tech offerings and are looking for and building ideas that could lead in this direction. I’ll be here trying as we all figure it out.
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📶 10 comments • 508,781 est. $enjoy tips
Truth hurts but blindness kills $ENJOY 55,555
Music NFT's actually changed my life after 3 decades of releasing through major and indy labels and diy. Saddened by the state of the virtual experience across the board, blockchain chasing adoption and volume for protocol fees turned what felt magical into a worse feeling experience than web2... but no matter the noise, no matter the narrative, Music NFT's changed my life for the better so i'll be eternally grateful. 175,448 $enjoy

111111 $enjoy
Minting on inpublic
⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 111111 $Enjoy
111111 $enjoy
this documentation is necessary. $enjoy 555,555 keep going and stay heartFULL!
Music should be simple to enjoy. Music NFTs today are not. Appreciate your journey. Keep pushing.
We in this together
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3:19 1920x1080 79MB View on Zora

Yards: Bring Back Gatekeeping

I'm excited for everyone to have an opportunity.
I'm not excited for everyone to have an opportunity.
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📶 3 comments • 360,000 est. $enjoy tips
Agreeeeeeeee—————- 360000 $enjoy
this space needs seasons on multiple layer levels. $enjoy 222,222 keep going and stay heartFULL!
We need to bring back gatekeeping so that we can bring back gatecrashing
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2268x4032 4.1MB      

6:10 PM Partly cloudy 87°F

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111111 $enjoy
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5168x2912 13MB

Me myself and I…and me, again.

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264848 $enjoy
111111 $enjoy
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7:09 1280x720 95MB View on Zora

Yards: I Hate The Phrase "Race To The Bottom"

Another conversation about price and the creator economy in web3 or whatever...
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📶 9 comments • 996,782 est. $enjoy tips
111111 $enjoy
yards is my favourite show
More wise words from Dave 🎓
111111 $enjoy
Appreciate you adding to the convo.  I would assume at this point, the platforms (obviously the main pain point for most creatives and artists) already are fully aware how bad this all feels for artists and creatives but also realize there aren't enough real humans using the platforms to keep the lights on, so everyone is rushing to change what made this all special in an attempt to try to scale with hopes of mass adoption, when we aren't ready for that clearly.   And it seems like the ones making the calls think the ability to "possibly" make income for uploading compared to legacy web2 social is the thing that would be so intriguing to already skeptical normies, whom if did magically all onboard rn, would quickly realize, they jumped into a new ecosystem minus their existing following only to land in a void that just adopted the same broken discovery mechanisms where following and having followers have no meaning...           sustainability, income are a bonus, the majority of creatives I've crossed path with the past 30 years main concern beyond the creative process is their art making meaningful connections.           This mass pivot to obviously farm creatives and users for frequent traffic i can't see having the successful outcome whoever sacrificed and sunset our control over contracts, pricing, what and who we see on our feed, etc seems to be hoping for.        Wish it made sense, and wish all that retrofunding would have just went into creating an app experience separate from the magical goated web platforms.         but i'm also thankful because this all happening at once was very eye opening and taught me a valuable lesson once again.        So i'll do my best to not repeat the same bright eyed, heart full trusting mistake again. <3

500,000 $enjoy

real talk as always, thank u king
team building is everything
274560 $enjoy
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3000x3000 18MB      

I Love This Shit! (Alternate Artwork)

Here's an unused artwork for the song I did with Stonez called I Love This Shit!
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📶 16 comments • 117,978 est. $enjoy tips
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Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
6867 $enjoy
Love this shit *))
Minted on floor.fun
animated graphic energy. $enjoy 111,111 keep going and stay heartFULL!
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
Minted on floor.fun
111111 $enjoy
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26:22 1920x1080 144MB View on Zora

Whatever Happens Happens 003

I didn't love this one but it's what came out. Enjoy!
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111111 $enjoy
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1280x1280 817KB      

Feel Good Original Cover

When I released my song "Feel Good" with NOISE, I submitted this for the cover. They ended up going with a standard format and overlaid their layout on top of my original artwork. Here's that standalone artwork. Enjoy.
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1280x1280 791KB      

Feel Good Original Cover (Golden Egg))

When I released my song "Feel Good" with NOISE, I submitted this for the golden egg cover. They ended up going with a standard format and overlaid their layout on top of my original artwork. Here's that standalone artwork. Enjoy.
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📶 1 comment • 1,111 est. $enjoy tips
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1111 $ENJOY
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4928x3264 3.5MB

Faceless Demo

I really wanted to start minting some of my photo works but wanted to do something different so I was playing with the idea of removing faces from photos I've taken. I think I just got wrapped up in a bunch of other things to take this idea any further, so here's the one I did as a test. If you see this collection come to fruition know you saw it here first.
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5:10 1280x720 120MB View on Zora

Yards: In Matters of Taste

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📶 3 comments • 1,087,888 est. $enjoy tips
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199000 $enjoy
Tasteful, tasty, thank you ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
111111 $enjoy
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3000x3000 235KB     


Note to self
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8 pages 6.5MB View on Zora

Advice Minimag

I dropped a song called Advice on Sound ( www.sound.xyz/blackdave/advice ) & it was selling slowly so I decided to make a lil zine to present the song in a different context. I never released the zine for whatever reason...so here it is now.

PS: You can still mint the song on Sound at the time of this minting
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600x750 19MB      

The Black Comet (Holograph Outtake)

Here's an outtake from my recent-ish drop with Holograph.
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📶 2 comments • 1,333,333 est. $enjoy tips
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1000000 $enjoy

333333 $enjoy
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49:20 1280x720 130MB View on Zora

Whatever Happens Happens 002

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📶 5 comments • 942,188 est. $enjoy tips
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387761 $enjoy
387761 $enjoy
55555 $enjoy
a boom and a bap for the morning. happy friday!
111111 $enjoy
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44:59 1920x1080 158MB View on Zora

Whatever Happens Happens 001

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📶 5 comments • 1,078,861 est. $enjoy tips
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333333 $enjoy
Love the #evolvingportals concept ripple out <3 111111 $enjoy
111 $enjoy
317153 $enjoy
317153 $enjoy
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3000x3000 262KB     

Fear Not The Artist Who Has Minted 1000 NFTs, Fear The Artist Who Has Minted The Same NFT 1000 Times

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📶 5 comments • 111,111 est. $enjoy tips
And then there are those who have done both · 👓 🔵 · 111111 $Enjoy
Fear ‘em! 🎓
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9:02 1280x720 61MB View on Zora

Yards: NFTs Are A Lot Like Streetwear

A take as old as (non-fungible) tokens.
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📶 14 comments • 1,100,888 est. $enjoy tips
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2000 $enjoy
10000 $Enjoy
⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 444444 $Enjoy
no rew
200000 $enjoy
444444 $enjoy
Hell yea Wethemniggas approved
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0:33 2000x2000 5.8MB View on Zora

Black Dave Token

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📶 9 comments • 115,555 est. $enjoy tips
If Dave has one fan, I'm the one
love you dave
💎 Mint & Follow & Bonus 💎
“Take the emptiness you hold in your arms And scatter it into the open spaces we breathe. Maybe the birds will feel how the air is thinner, And fly with more affection.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
100000 $enjoy
3333 $Enjoy
1111 $Enjoy
👓 🔵 · 11111 $Enjoy
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7:26 1280x720 23MB View on Zora

Yards: The Customer is Always Right in Matters of Taste

What if collectors chose what chain your NFTs were on?
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📶 5 comments • 112,222 est. $enjoy tips
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111111 $enjoy
1111 $enjoy
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14:21 1280x720 175MB View on Zora

Yards: Music NFTs State of The Union

Apparently I'm the president of music NFTs, so here's the State of the Union for Spring/Summer 2024.
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Señor Presidente
enjoyed !!
kick ass!
Nature Convo's +1
SZN 2!
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0:32 1280x720 25MB View on Zora

Yards S2E00: A Chant

We're back! Better? Idk honestly. I guess we'll see.
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Excited for Season Two! Keep going Dave! 💪🏾💪🏾
season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2 season 2
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14:55 1280x720 126MB View on Zora

Yards 021

1 Year of Black Dave Token
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14 pages 43MB View on Zora

Black Dave Shopping Guide

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👓 🔵
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4:41 1280x720 37MB View on Zora

Yards 020

"Don't be surprised to hear that your favorite creators are VC backed in a few years."
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📶 3 comments • 111,111 est. $enjoy tips
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111111 $enjoy
bet on culture.
VCs backing creators would be a net improvement over things like Record Labels (galleries, publishers etc) given that VCs tend to want 5%-25% instead of >80% and generally* have a more positive-sum mindset.

I'd hope that we can continue to cultivate onchain funding sources so that VCs have a lot of competition. If that happens, they will have to go above and beyond to be the best option amidst communities who may be able to offer the same amount of capital. Which would be great for all involved.

Either way, the ever increasing power of the creator is revealing itself.
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6:52 1280x720 120MB View on Zora

Yards 019

25 ETH!?
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i wonder what more we can do to bridge the gap between the value and connection trade off.

it should be possible for musicians and artists to both earn from their work AND have a space to connect with their present and future fans. instead of needing web3 for value and web2 for distro, there can be a secret third thing where both are possible.

im hoping we can make it this place right here :~)

loving these videos by the way, insightful and thoughtful as always.
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6:28 1280x720 154MB View on Zora

Yards 018

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mint more that 5 zora nfts and you will get drop
minting again to let everyone in the Zora comments know that this is both informative, and ASMR to the 9s
discord comeback 2024 lfg
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3:44 1280x720 126MB View on Zora

Yards 017

The REAL problem with music NFTs
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📶 1 comment
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more "thought nfts" pls
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10:13 1280x720 165MB View on Zora

Yards 016

Insights from the CryptoPunk meetup
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111111 $enjoy
2-3 people chatting on discord?
that's fine!!!

slow growth = sustainable growth
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4:23 1280x720 47MB View on Zora

Yards 015

Think of your wallet like a closet and not like a hard drive.
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6:44 1280x720 38MB View on Zora

Yards 014

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organic growth is a sign you're on the right path
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5:38 1280x720 407MB View on Zora

Yards 013

Social Tokens (feat. New York City)
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4:30 1280x720 101MB View on Zora

Yard 012

This is to everyone who says music in web3 sucks.

Alternate title: Fuck making music, are you making culture?
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0:14 1280x720 5.3MB View on Zora

Yards 011

One line.
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4:54 1280x720 60MB View on Zora

Yards 010

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4:42 1280x720 66MB View on Zora

Yards 009

This is a ✨curated✨ intervention.
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11:31 1280x720 378MB View on Zora

Yards 008

Get the fucking token!
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4:52 1280x720 81MB View on Zora

Yards 007

Somebody get this man a turtleneck and gold chain!
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111111 $enjoy
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1:38 720x720 60MB View on Zora

Yards 006

If you thought you missed it, you didn't.
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111111 $enjoy
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3:17 1280x720 65MB View on Zora

Yards 005

Me vs myself
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111111 $enjoy
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1:43 1280x720 88MB View on Zora

Yards 004

Is your favorite NFT influencer just a news anchor? 😴
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111111 $enjoy
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3:55 1280x720 299MB View on Zora

Yards 003

How do we feel about the name "Tower Squad"
kinda like Terror Squad?
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111111 $enjoy
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2:42 1280x720 204MB View on Zora

Yards 002

Your NFT PFP says nothing about you.
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111111 $enjoy
oh, really?
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0:14 1280x720 17MB View on Zora

Yards 001

Pilot episode.
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📶 2 comments • 111,111 est. $enjoy tips
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111111 $enjoy
Great Yard.
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14 pages 9.2MB View on Zora

Black Dave Token Strategy Guide v1.0

Black Dave Token Strategy Guide v1.0
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hell yeah dave. this is fire.
fuck yeah!!!
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