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Eeth is based
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Eeth is Based ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 111111 $Enjoy
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3 pages 9.7MB View on Zora

This is an airplane

Eeth brought some bangers today. When I asked her what she painted, she only focused on the first one and didn't pay attention to the other two. For the first one (red, orange, and yellow paint) she said it's an airplane and showed me where the cockpit is and the flashing lights.
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Thank you Eeth!
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2 pages 4.4MB View on Zora


Today Eeth brought us her interpretation on an airplane.

Materials: walnut, birchwood, green tape, red thread
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Take flight ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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4032x3024 3.1MB      

slow flight in progress

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WORLDWIDE! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
go home
go val fly fly fly! 111,111 $enjoy keep going and stay heartFULL!
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5272x4169 2.8MB

3D Art

Eeth’s description: “I painted with beads and glue!”
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lets quick
eeth modeling and making art. keep going and stay heartFULL!
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7 pages 22MB View on Zora

eeth 92624

Eeth loves tape, blue, orange, green
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Beautiful work Eeth!
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1179x1324 758KB      

(Week 10) Aug 23rd - Aug 29th: IN MY HEAD

Week 10 of the book The Artist's Way helps the reader search out the toxic patterns we cling to that block our creative flow. In this chapter, it became evident that its my self talk. When ever I get excited to do something, or feel really creative to start a project, my thoughts get in the way. The exercises were powerful, especially "Setting a Bottom Line" and her explanations of "Droughts." The dry seasons of any creative life.
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go val, go! $enjoy 333,333 keep going and stay heartFULL!
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0:28 1920x1080 30MB View on Zora

360° over Malibu

today we learned about lift, thrust, draft, and gravity.
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📶 5 comments • 877,777 est. $enjoy tips
thats sick
what a view going ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ $enjoy 222,222 keep going and stay heartFULL!
Flight in session
Flying Higher ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
100000 $Enjoy flying higher
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1518x938 2.4MB      

It's official!

Got my first hour logged in, 39 more to go!
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pilot val here we go $enjoy 333,333 keep going and stay heartFULL!
↑ ↑ ↑
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3 pages 13MB View on Zora

"my name, dots, a person walking and a flor"

we got three drawings today. when explaining what she drew, she used Spanish and English (proud moment).
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spots and dots ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 444444 $Enjoy
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5418x4052 3MB

A Flower

When asked what this was, she pointed to the paper and said, "a flower."
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3134x3910 1.2MB   

(Week 9) Aug 16th - 22nd: Procrastination

Week 9 of the book The Artist’s Way challenges the reader to face their internal blocks to creativity. The main one that stood out to me here was her pro tip of not calling procrastination laziness. Call it fear. Fear is what blocks artists. I felt attacked here. The author even calls out the temptations of wanting to abandon ship at this point of the book. These thoughts have crossed my mind, especially since I have lost a bit of the consistency I had going so strong for seven weeks straight. Many times I’ve thought, I’ll get started or pick it back up next week and in the past when I’ve done this before, it has turned into months, even years.

Thankful for this chapter and wake up call. The chapter’s proposed solution: LOVE. Use love for your artist to cure its fear.
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thank you for sharing your words on this. keep going, val and stay heartFULL!
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1 pages 33MB View on Zora

It's a Flamingo

When asked what she painted, she yelled "it's a FLAMINGO!"
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;🦩🦩🦩 · 👓 🔵 · 33333 $Enjoy
🦩🦩🦩🦩⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 111111 $Enjoy
It’s a flamingo for sure
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3 pages 11MB View on Zora

Glue and Tape are a Favorite

Eeth has been enjoying making art with glue and tape. New discoveries, endless possibilities
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📶 2 comments • 777,777 est. $enjoy tips
love this color ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
the glue, the tape, the art, the moment! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
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1914x1470 4.4MB      

A Light With an Arm or a Foot

Eeth's words: "this is a light and the blue is an arm. no, a foot."

Last week she learned how to use scissors. She proudly mentioned that she cut the bottom of the page, you can see the cut where her name is.
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49217 $enjoy
Shine Bright ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
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1870x1474 4.3MB      

Red Dots and Glue (First Day of School 2024-2025)

Today was Eeth's first day of "school" for the 2024-2025 school year. We didn't know if she would bring school art home today. To our surprise she brought two paintings!

When I picked her up, she proudly ran to me with this painting first. When asked what it was, she shared it was red dots and explained multiple times that it had glue on it.
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Like a "black square")
dots red dots dots! keep going, eeth and stay heartFULL!
Happy Friday ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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1702x2048 767KB      

(Week 8) August 9th - 15th: In Creation Mode

Week 8 of The Artist’s Way calls for recovering a sense of strength. A quote in this chapter that inspired this picture and really stood out to me is “all artists must learn the art of surviving loss: loss of hope, loss of face, loss of money, loss of self-belief.” As a woman, and now a mother, I have experienced that women are very fortunate and have the ultimate gift to be the portal for life. Before my daughter Eeth, my husband and I suffered a loss, a miscarriage. It was really tough. To our surprise, one month later we learned we were pregnant again. The month before, I felt loss on many levels. I felt like a failure. I felt at fault even though it wasn’t. I had loss face, hope, courage. The month before Eeth came along, I turned inward and had to face my fears. With therapy and the help of my husband, I was able to face my fears and move on. It was a big lesson for me. This chapter somehow brought me back to this moment, it was uncomfortable. Somehow at the end of the chapter, I also felt more hopeful and confident as it reminded me that to make progress I have to face my fears head on. I felt strong and inspired. The exercises in this chapter were very powerful. This week was also very interesting, as I had lots going on and took unplanned time off from writing consistently. At first, I felt defeated for breaking the streak. I reflected and realized that I can’t be so militant with myself. I need balance and flexibility. I gave myself grace for taking this time, and two weeks later I started writing daily again and kept up with the exercises in the book. This chapter was the heaviest for me so far, holding the biggest lessons. Looking back, it all makes sense.
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keep going ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
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0:36 1080x1920 55MB View on Zora

(Week 7) July 11th - 17th: I flew an airplane

In week 7, "the essays, exercises, and tasks aim at excavating areas of genuine creative interest as you connect with your personal dreams." In this chapter I did just that. I've always wanted to fly, get a pilot's license. I always heard it was too expensive and seemed so out of reach. I did some research, and actually, is very approachable. So I signed up, and flew an airplane for the first time. It's the start of a new journey.
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11111 $Enjoy
She’s flying! ✈️✈️✈️✈️ ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
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1179x1524 923KB      

(Week 6) July 4th - 10th: A lesson on abundance

In week 6, the book has you "tackle a major creative block– money." The exercises in this chapter were really unique, and asked me to think about money in a way I had never thought about before. In one of the exercises, most of my answers had a negative association with money. That was eye opening. I also enjoyed how this chapter gave me tasks to find natural abundance in my surroundings, for example it asked me to find five pretty or interesting rocks, and to pick five flowers or leaves. This simple exercise was so powerful in reminding me that abundance is all around us. Abundance is a mindset. This chapter shifted me back to vibrate in the frequency of abundance. This week, I hiked the Narrows in Zion National Park, Utah where I took this picture. There, I was surrounded by the abundance of nature. During the hike, sometimes I was so focused on looking down where I was stepping, as walking in knee high water through slippery rocks can be tricky. When I remembered to look up to see where I was, I felt so silly for walking with my head down for so long. It was a good lesson, abundance is all around me, I just have to look for it and I will find it.
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111111 $Enjoy abundance all around us ♡
Abundance all around ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
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1548x1286 2.8MB      

(Week 4) June 20th - 26th: Being with Me

Week 4 calls for "recovering a sense of integrity." The exercises in this chapter are mean to "catapult you into productive introspection and integration on new self-awareness." The biggest task, aside from continuing the ritual of daily journaling, is to do reading deprivation. No reading, no social media, for the whole week. It was challenging, and very rewarding. I spent more time outdoors, reflected on the things that bring me joy via the prompts in this chapter, which led me to this picture. I was in Molokai, HI surfing. I caught this wave, and wiped out. I didn't catch many waves this day, but I was so happy. I'm so happy being outside. This week I made it a point to be outside with my family, spent a lot of time at the beach. Saw hearts everywhere, in rocks, in a bubble in my matcha, the best one was a heart shape made by three palm trees.
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1179x1492 1.7MB      

(Week 3) June 13th - 19th: This is Me

Week 3 calls for "recovering a sense of power." The author does this by asking the reader to complete phrases such as "my favorite childhood toy was..." "my favorite childhood game was..." "my most cheer-me-up music is..." These phrases are meant to help retrieve memories and misplaced fragments of yourself. There are a total of 20 phrases to complete. For some answers, I hadn't thought about those things in ages. It was a really powerful exercise. I thought a lot about myself and the things that made me happy. Many of the phrases took me back to before I was five years old. It reminded me how much I loved to ride my bike, which I still do. I found this old picture and when I saw it, it made me smile. I thought, that's still me.
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She’s riding ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 222222 $Enjoy
Love this photo, love this moment 🚲💖
let's gooo, val! thanks for sharing. keep going and happy friday!
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884x1176 1.8MB      

(Week 2) June 6th - 12th: I'm sore

Week 2 calls for "recovering a sense of identity." Part of what inspired me to start the journey with this book, is that when I transitioned into motherhood, I left a big piece of me behind. I've been feeling lost. This week I was encouraged to reflect, remember, and dream. I realized I hadn't gone rock climbing in 8 years! I hadn't gone salsa dancing in 5 years, I hadn't done things that make me feel alive, happy, free in ages. Why? I somehow forgot. So this week I did it all. I rock climbed, danced, worked out, and boy am I sore.

Feels good.
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📶 4 comments • 1,716,666 est. $enjoy tips
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let’s go val! 444444 $enjoy keep going and happy friday!
happy friday ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
111111 $Enjoy
50000 $enjoy
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1406x1038 2.8MB      

(Week 1) May 29th - June 5th: I discovered I like to write

In the book the Artist's Way, the author asks the reader to write 3 pages of whatever comes to mind, a brain dump, every morning for 12 weeks straight. She calls them morning pages. I was intimidated. To my surprise, by the end of week one I discovered I like to write. I actually look forward to writing my morning pages.
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📶 7 comments • 705,555 est. $enjoy tips
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111111 $enjoy
I love that you discovered this! 100000 $Enjoy
50000 $enjoy HF! ✍️
143 D⚡️V
Enjoying the process ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 444444 $Enjoy
go val and keep going. happy friday!
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5712x4284 2.9MB

I made it! 2

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⌐◨-◨ 777777 $Enjoy
EEETH!!! XOXO 100000 $enjoy
Infinity circle vibes ⌐◨-◨
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5334x4172 2.3MB

I made it!

Paint, tape, cotton ball, and cotton swab on paper. When I asked her what she created, she said, “I made it!”
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Made it! Love the multi dimensional work and fun found objects. Keep going! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
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5533x4282 3.4MB


Eeth was very proud of this piece when she showed it to me. I asked her what it was, she said “an airplane”
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jet fuel and for the airplane. happy friday, eeth!
🍊111111 $Enjoy
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1814x1378 3.9MB      

Pink Paint on Blue Paper

No comment on this one, just handed with great excitement.
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Go Eeth! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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1874x1426 3.7MB      

Orange Strawberry

Eeth's teacher said she painted this in the morning, and held it all day to give it to us. When I asked Eeth what she painted, she pointed to the bottom right of the page and said, "it's a strawberry."
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🍊🍓 ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
a beautiful colour choice combo with purple and orange, eeth! happy friday!
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0:05 1920x1440 12MB View on Zora

Ben in his Element

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⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 50000 $Enjoy
Yes Ben ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 222222 $Enjoy
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0:10 960x1280 3.6MB View on Zora

First Time At Top Golf

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val rock in ít with the swing. happy friday!
First Top Golf visit? First Top Golf Mint? ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 1111111 $Enjoy
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488x622 697KB      

Caption This

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1046x1358 2.7MB      

First Time At The Music Studio

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1774x1352 4.1MB      

Art On Green Paper (5/7/24)

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📶 3 comments • 777,777 est. $enjoy tips
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there is good energy here. harmony and kinetic focus. happy friday!
🌱🌱🌱🌱 777777 $Enjoy
What do you see?
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1800x1372 4.4MB      

Art On Yellow Paper (5/7/24)

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1000 $Enjoy
Yellow Submarine ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
Yellow Sunny Rays
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1886x1404 4.3MB      

First Day of School

April 30th, 2024

Today was Eeth's first day of school. She was confident and curious. She created this water color painting and was really proud of it and excited to give it to us.
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📶 8 comments • 1,129,999 est. $enjoy tips
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Love the depth of the black used in this one.
11111 $enjoy
Enjoying 1111111 $Enjoy

Eeth knows how to enjoy 

7777 $enjoy
747 $crash
just pure energy and atomic colours. happy friday!
She’s going it! ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
Love love love. Thank you for this moment in time Eeth!
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1440x1800 470KB      


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You so cool 😎
332,117 $Enjoy what a moment ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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0:38 312KB Listen on Zora

Yellow Sunny Rays

Second original song demo by Eeth. Recorded in Honduras March 21 2024.
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777 $enjoy $higher $degen
Yellow Sunny Rays 🥹 777,777 $Enjoy
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240x320 2.4MB      

⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ Honduras ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ

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📶 4 comments • 500,000 est. $enjoy tips
yellow sunny rays 500,000 $Enjoy
this is SO TRIPPY, cool kaleidoscope energia. happy friday!
⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ HN ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
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