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In week 6, the book has you "tackle a major creative block– money." The exercises in this chapter were really unique, and asked me to think about money in a way I had never thought about before. In one of the exercises, most of my answers had a negative association with money. That was eye opening. I also enjoyed how this chapter gave me tasks to find natural abundance in my surroundings, for example it asked me to find five pretty or interesting rocks, and to pick five flowers or leaves. This simple exercise was so powerful in reminding me that abundance is all around us. Abundance is a mindset. This chapter shifted me back to vibrate in the frequency of abundance. This week, I hiked the Narrows in Zion National Park, Utah where I took this picture. There, I was surrounded by the abundance of nature. During the hike, sometimes I was so focused on looking down where I was stepping, as walking in knee high water through slippery rocks can be tricky. When I remembered to look up to see where I was, I felt so silly for walking with my head down for so long. It was a good lesson, abundance is all around me, I just have to look for it and I will find it.
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📶 2 comments • 888,888 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
111111 $Enjoy abundance all around us ♡
Abundance all around ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ 777777 $Enjoy
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