Eeth brought some bangers today. When I asked her what she painted, she only focused on the first one and didn't pay attention to the other two. For the first one (red, orange, and yellow paint) she said it's an airplane and showed me where the cockpit is and the flashing lights.
Today was Eeth's first day of "school" for the 2024-2025 school year. We didn't know if she would bring school art home today. To our surprise she brought two paintings!
When I picked her up, she proudly ran to me with this painting first. When asked what it was, she shared it was red dots and explained multiple times that it had glue on it.
Eeth's teacher said she painted this in the morning, and held it all day to give it to us. When I asked Eeth what she painted, she pointed to the bottom right of the page and said, "it's a strawberry."
Today was Eeth's first day of school. She was confident and curious. She created this water color painting and was really proud of it and excited to give it to us.
a watch
material: blue tape
Eeth brought us today “purple” 💜
This is an airplane
Materials: walnut, birchwood, green tape, red thread
3D Art
eeth 92624
"my name, dots, a person walking and a flor"
A Flower
It's a Flamingo
Glue and Tape are a Favorite
A Light With an Arm or a Foot
Last week she learned how to use scissors. She proudly mentioned that she cut the bottom of the page, you can see the cut where her name is.
Red Dots and Glue (First Day of School 2024-2025)
When I picked her up, she proudly ran to me with this painting first. When asked what it was, she shared it was red dots and explained multiple times that it had glue on it.
I made it! 2
I made it!
Pink Paint on Blue Paper
Orange Strawberry
Art On Green Paper (5/7/24)
Art On Yellow Paper (5/7/24)
First Day of School
Today was Eeth's first day of school. She was confident and curious. She created this water color painting and was really proud of it and excited to give it to us.
🥹 Eeth knows how to enjoy 7777 $enjoy