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Gaussian Splatting experiment with no signal noise filmed at El Grifo Bar.
This piece was made by Cosme Andaluz. It’s the result of an artistic festival created by Pamilo Ceirone in Victorica, La Pampa, Argentina. Newtro Arts brought their “Art & W3B” workshop for the whole community, and for this special occasion "Vuela Pelucas 3000" is a collective drop on the Zora network with off-chain and on-chain artists, all together!
Newtro is a cultural manager and artist collective developing new means for sustainability through technology and community empowerment, aiming to provide education, tools and activations for latin american artists on the blockchain.
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Faar out! Limitless!!
this is totally insane! love it!!!
Woooaaa what a strong blunt!
Is this what time travel looks like?
we need more rooms with splatting!
keep splatting rooms
this is so sick and beautiful 😍 desmaterialize everything
I never tire of seeing this scenario
signal not found
dope asf cosme
Vuela partículas!
Waaaaaa! Es como un sueño trippy y pictórico! 😍
🍕🍄 It felt like this, a multidimensional tripp with the best fam 🧉🥲💜
wow total madness, I was there that day and to see it represented like this is cool.
🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤🖤 ❤
Incredible images, great capture!
beautiful piece👌, reminds me of when my DMT journey was just beginning👁️!
this is epic dude!!! I found myself at the end
This place looks like a dream, surreal but also so-real! I love it.
Una locura estoooo! 💜❤️💗💚💙💛
Alta lisergia amiga!
this shit get my rocks off
omg, what a lisergic scene!! love it 🌌 · 🍄 · 💊 · 🧬 · 🛸 · 🧪 · ⚛. 🧠
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