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In the bustling, floating cloud city of Blus, every 13 year old’s fate is decided by the revered Noggle ceremony - An official eye exam where you are bestowed with a specific pair of glasses that determine your future profession. But when an audacious 13-year-old Noun discovers the plot of the ruthless frowns to use an updated version of the Noggles to enslave its citizens, he has to team up with an unlikely band of misfits to save the ones they love.
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more shorts! more shorts!
Absolutely incredible! Looking forward to the rest of the story!

so good!!
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
The Power of The Hypercommons
I was so excited to watch the Premiere of this first part of the feature animated Nouns Movie. Supriyo and the rest of the Atrium team have knocked it out of the part with the story, character design and overall aesthetic, and I can’t wait for part 2!
It will be obvious in hindsight that this project is a breakthrough blueprint for the funding and creation of film.
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