1:12 1000x1000 85MB View on Zora
vis text:
this is my cute face
the one i just put on for you
you can tell from my eyes
im being cute just for you
this is my cute face
the one i just put on for you

audio text:
i walk the naked spinning line
beneath the cynic's milky gaze
the hollow hounds of vice
sweat mercilessly
to suck the muscle from my calves
i don't care about you
i don't care about me
i just want to sing to all the babies
before they throw them in the blender
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📶 9 comments • 1,298,712 est. $enjoy tips
111111 $enjoy
this is art 200 $ENJOY
800000 $enjoy
🦝💕 7686 $enjoy 777 $imagine
347,715 $enjoy
32000 $enjoy

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Great piece!
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