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GIGATURA: Beginning

Gigatura Story: In the year 2045, the first techno monarchy on earth is born. It is called Mirage, a place where social credit scores dictate status, and Ai algorithms determine destinies.

In this world where human potential is harnessed and stifled by the ever-watchful eye of Ai, Tura stands at a crossroads, grappling with the choice to either conform to the dictates of a monitored life or join a rebellion against a system that threatens to erase the very essence of humanity.

The Gigatura project is also on Objkt: objkt.com/collections/KT1D4XKW6u6bN7VAzAo6eSspiANP51pSxRwh
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0:31 896x896 3.8MB View on Zora

GIGATURA: Nora Link and the Mood Organ

In the year 2045, the first techno monarchy on earth is born. It is called Mirage, a place where social credit scores dictate status, and Ai algorithms determine destinies.

In Mirage, where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of daily life, there exists a device known as the Mood Organ—a modern innovation that governs emotions and mental states with precision, akin to a symphony conductor. The Mood Organ is able to fine tune human moods and is used primarily to enhance productivity and focus especially while doing repetitive tasks.

The Gigatura project is also on Objkt:
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📶 3 comments • 390,065 est. $enjoy tips
Govern emotions
89,531 $Enjoy
300534 $ENJOY
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