✎ 154 20 34 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 0 / 288,344 (0%) $ENJOY
1545972 $ENJOY
⚡️believe in higher athletic power⚡️
tangled up in blue
hamazon prime
1800000 $ENJOY
here for some zorbital co-creation!
50000 $ENJOY
social onchain browser ftw
500 $ENJOY
let us not succumb to boredumb lest we .............. sorry, what was i saying?
based and fun!
2000 $ENJOY
very emotion, very iconograph
1000 $ENJOY
no dirty laundry allowed
420.69 $ENJOY
2000 $ENJOY
the more i know, the bother
5000 $ENJOY
tense, relax, repeat
5000 $ENJOY
tell me an onchain story?

5000 $ENJOY
co-create, attest, and own your collaboration graph, forever ✊

5000 $ENJOY
we like the ice
huzzah for pollinators! 🎉
10000 $ENJOY
seeking alfa
5000 $ENJOY
try and try again
10000 $ENJOY
mmm mmm good
5000 $ENJOY
tending the degen garden 🎩🌱
5000 $ENJOY
creators rule everything around me


get the money


420 $ENJOY
you best protect ya neck
toward a framework for the Ankyverse
5000 $ENJOY
on zerion
everything, onchain
higher, together
we are so early ... and so are our pets
the helmet stays on
5555 $ENJOY
higher, together
on C001
let's play
gleaming the cube
6666 $ENJOY
tell me a story
5000 $ENJOY
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.
— John Muir

50000 $ENJOY
higher on 4/20
sendit ↗︎

5000 $ENJOY
↑↑↑ higher ↑↑↑
i'm so excited and i just can't hide it

5000 $ENJOY
hey! I'm walkin' here!
5000 $ENJOY 🍻
5000 $ENJOY
5000 $ENJOY
madness blossoms where hope’s decomposers feast

1000 $ENJOY
let's try spinning. that's a good trick.
2000 $ENJOY
↑↑↑ higher ↑↑↑
1000 $ENJOY
on ∞↑
↑↑↑ higher ↑↑↑
1000 $ENJOY
↑↑ we are so early ↑↑
1000 $ENJOY
enjoy energy
2000 $ENJOY
2000 $ENJOY
2000 $ENJOY
2000 $ENJOY
flex 💪
5000 $ENJOY

1000 $ENJOY
... or did you use your tips to reward more engagement farmers by purchasing raffle tickets from them?
this is a test
send it
"is there maybe a manager around I can speak with?"
1000 $ENJOY
🍏🎩 🤝 🔵🟠
5000 $ENJOY
🍖🫂 🍖🫂 🍖
5000 $ENJOY
5000 $ENJOY
in libro pacem quaere
5000 $ENJOY
align the incentives ✊
5000 $ENJOY
Mmm, mmm, mfer 😋
5000 $ENJOY
we're all just out here staring at the sun, acting shocked when our retinas get scorched

2000 $ENJOY
Stay purple, Pony Boy
everyone talks about the tip of the iceberg but the Base is where the cool shit happens

2000 $ENJOY
2000 $ENJOY
we are so early

5556 $ENJOY
let's pepenjoy ourselves
5000 $ENJOY
Band: Two For Flinching
Album: Saturday Morning Cartoons

5000 $ENJOY
do it on base
2000 $ENJOY
🟪 5000 $ENJOY
tastes rare 🥩
2000 $ENJOY
5000 $ENJOY
🤌🎩 2500 $ENJOY
blocks love

5000 $ENJOY
let's enjoy it while we can
10000 $ENJOY
mmm mmm good! 10000 $ENJOY
meow! 10000 $ENJOY
when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
I'd like to thank the Academy (aka Nounish Prof and Adrienne) for recognizing my meme artistry. This time I feel it. And I can’t deny the fact that you like me. Right now, you like me!
Cozyverse! 🧡
🫸 🌱 🫷
you deserve a break today
on Hey!
Minted from Hey
Arrr, matey, everything is a remix!

on Hey!
we've come a long way, baby ... and there's a long way yet to travel
Minted from Lenster
on Bricks
all in all, you're just another brick in the wall
endure and survive!
if Prince had an Opepen …
bear market frens are the best
polymath, polygon, polychrome
dictatorship at the door and democracy on the dance floor
just another manic zorbday
"Perspective is nothing else than seeing a place or objects behind a plate of glass, quite transparent, on the surface of which the objects behind the glass are to be drawn" – Leonardo da Vinci
Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
on Eissa
Wishing Eissa and Family serenity, liberty, Prosperity, and community
on Canvas
tabula rasa
🔆🔆🔆 E = MC² 🔆🔆🔆
on Cast
Cast it! 🪄
