✎ 2 56 75 NEW COMMENTS
Awesome, I will definitely need to listen to this a little later. Right now I'm just minting this
Great episode. It's always great to hear about how Coinbase thinks about repeatable innovation. Loved hearing a Zora mention too!
Here for media theory from 70s
Attention EraImagine we're already in the attention economy era.
discovered, minted and listening via interface.social P.S. Erik don't forget to register an ENS domain
It's so awesome to hear Dan's big picture thinking about the Farcaster protocol across all dimensions.
excited to listen to this pod on surreal ✨ minted via surr.app
Please cast at least 16 times today, ser. Team more is counting on you!

Ain't nothin' else shakin' so you might just as well. You might as well, Midas Whale.👑🐋
Really enjoyed this interview, officially a dwr stan
I really enjoyed this episode. There's a lot of wisdom in here for founders and anyone who is building a startup.
It’s fun watching the Farcaster 2024 predictions knowing what happens no more than a month later!
