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5774x5946 70MB

LAST page the beginning of a new end

Servant of the eclipse, my blindness is very clear, nothing will satisfy me, deep in my consciousness my hope for a golden city remains, I am so fused into the dirty asphalt of a metropolis that it has liquefied into its own acid. I still feel the light near me and I want to swallow it.
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1440x2048 7.1MB      


Eroding myself and that I touch, destruction materialized in a body, the mind in a burning hurricane waiting for a final destiny, There is no hope, no truth, There are no reasons only screams at the bottom of the dead sea my only god is the eclipse and he feeds me with his eternal darkness, deep down I know I'm not okay
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📶 3 comments • 2,000 est. $enjoy tips
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2000 $enjoy
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3464x3464 12MB      



In my new form, understanding is inert, Silenced screams, in a dark room I see a rotting heart when I touch it I feel like a virus that longs to feed on light to live, the motive and reason are hidden in the fog my memory is cloudy , past, present and future burn me with anxiety, reality has become empty, I am waiting for a flame.
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My first NFT on Zora, Amazing
Mint the new form · 👓 🔵
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5654x8482 111MB


I'm so blind now, the mirror of destiny has shattered, I feel corrupted, begging for a cure my thoughts scramble and unravel in despair, my core has become enveloped in a gloom, a dense purple mist full of desires, I feel entwined in we and each node is a path, each path a possibility, trapped now in possibilities my body freezes, my mind paralyzes, I try to scream but only I can hear myself… I looked at despair and it swallowed me.
I still want to see the light…
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0:04 1080x1620 7.8MB View on Zora


I'm so blind now, the mirror of destiny has shattered, I feel corrupted, begging for a cure my thoughts scramble and unravel in despair, my core has become enveloped in a gloom, a dense purple mist full of desires, I feel entwined in we and each node is a path, each path a possibility, trapped now in possibilities my body freezes, my mind paralyzes, I try to scream but only I can hear myself… I looked at despair and it swallowed me.
I still want to see the light…
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📶 1 comment
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psyho dream
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0:06 1080x1080 6.2MB View on Zora


The true story is a never-ending cycle Men with a thirst for power have intertwined Gaia in their ego and suffocated her in darkness, murdered the earth and still blame us, pure pieces of a game of destruction where their strategy is survival the struggle flirts with hope has become what moves us even knowing the end, With each word my air was suffocating in myself, I find myself in total darkness I feel my skin dissolve Would not having a choice be a choice?
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📶 3 comments • 10,016 est. $enjoy tips
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16 $enjoy
10000 $enjoy
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5460x8192 66MB

Bad Choices.15

We are not to blame for our choices but we take responsibility for them even if we are victims they are our choices the abyss enchants you and we fall into its temptation Gaudiere tries to tell me his determination but the story is always the same in the end he tells me his true story.
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📶 2 comments • 10,000 est. $enjoy tips
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10000 $enjoy 

1000 $imagine 
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1200x1600 4.4MB      

What's your wish?.14

In the shadows of a desert my shadow asks me with a sweet voice what your desire is, materializing in my shadow your voice tells me to go to the abyss
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📶 1 comment • 15,000 est. $enjoy tips
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15000 $enjoy
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1152x1434 4.3MB      

The biggest challenge is yourself.13

In a dialogue with myself. Time freezes and my heart paralyzes and searches for meaning where there was no more meaning. I wonder how things got here, when did humanity give up? In a dry desert of hopelessness the reflection of disillusionment becomes me, face to face with myself my shadows chase me and envelop me in such a beautiful way they speak seek the abyss, bright as a galaxy it enchants you and you consumes , all eyes are looking at me and a question is asked that will seal my fate the biggest challenge is yourself...
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📶 2 comments • 17,777 est. $enjoy tips
love this <3 7777 $enjoy
10000 $enjoy
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2250x4000 16MB      

Voices in my head .12

A greater understanding is established in my mind, my goal is clear, my mind emerges and my body dissociates in a cellular way, in each cell there is one, because in each cell instigates my doubt, in each neuron a voice coerces me, corruption can always return, gaudiere instigates me to stand firm in the dead earth, but the corrupted air enters my lungs, I need to stand firm, I need to move away from the voices
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582x674 969KB      

Discovering a dirty past.11

Together on a journey, we move forward in search of our purpose, exploring territories and welcoming those who have never been welcomed. We stopped under the eternal eclipse and Gaudiere began to start a conversation about past times that would give way to our purpose.
-The meaning of life was lost in the sands of time, human consciousness evolved, the fascination with domination was inevitable, the fear of meaningless loss haunted the entire population “your friend is an enemy you are in a war” fear whispered in their minds ears…
-Would you say we were born this way or did we become this way?
- Human biology has already implemented territorialism but the evolution of consciousness forms a network of connections between humans themselves but it is free will that we decide to do with it, and we think so much about ourselves that we forget that we are one with Gaia and that was our mistake. …
Gaudiere takes off his mask I feel that we are getting closer and closer….
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📶 2 comments • 3,000 est. $enjoy tips
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noice 3000 $Enjoy
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3464x3464 24MB      


Every action generates a reaction, manipulating the sky and space, the black sun laughed at our affection, a devastated earth felt its energy being sucked we can't stop... We won't give up, this land will bloom again...
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📶 1 comment • 3,000 est. $enjoy tips
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3000 $Enjoy
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843x1124 2.4MB      


- [ ] My heart was fluttering, my skin was trembling, my stomach was once again tingling, I couldn't take my vision away from that scene, a scene so beautiful that it carried hope to the world... Loneliness was no longer an option. Nightcrawlers, once hungry, thirsty creatures, feeding an insatiable rage and hunger... they were just victims flooded with their own fear and fortified by ego... ego that solidified their hatred, that corrupted their soul and unleashed their wrath, floating in incomprehension in the end they were just victims of a system destined to fail... who swallowed all the evil in the world and lost themselves, corrupted his immaculate soul into disillusionment.
- [ ] Once they experienced rebirth, they now found themselves in a state of formatting their bodies and a reset of their soul, all fear and hatred were diluted into such pure innocence, and their ego began to cry, tears shed with such verocity wrapped around their bodies, waters that shone and purified them, they again felt they , they felt again, a love, a self-love that they called FORGIVENESS looking like children in a crib, so confused by their environment and by everything that happened that my heart fluttered every second of that scene, as I approached this luminus, the first words he said to me were: Again they will be able to start over, my name is Gaudière, and my struggle is to return the glow of goodness from within people. - [ ] I've finally found an ally...]
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📶 4 comments • 5,000 est. $enjoy tips
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Love the art. Keep it up!
omg this is very very nice!!!
5000 $enjoy ❤️
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754x754 1.2MB      

A possible way?.8

As I get closer I feel the mist around me condense into an incandescent light, the air ava lighter with each step I took, the light was so strong that it blinded me when I centered my vision I see the source of this light that emanated a green hue, I have never felt such a closeness until today. Inexplicably I felt welcomed, and intuitively knew that I was an ally a being of pure determination, every time I got closer I saw that it was full of nightcrawlers. An immense determination consumed them in a dense sphere of energy, sucking all the evil and hatred that was inside it, after imploding I was faced with a new birth, a new possibility, a new path. These dark beings were now small and helpless as children, for the first time I could see their faces...
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📶 1 comment • 2,000 est. $enjoy tips
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2000 $enjoy 

2000 $imagine
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3464x3464 24MB      

Endless journey.7

On an incessant walk I find myself in a territory where the air was once pure and is now filled with an abyssal mist full of nightcrawlers thirsty for my light...
Ruins disguised as corporate buildings reign their mission for the complete destruction of GAIA happens without any hindrance... Very toxic in the background I can feel a green spark disguised in green smoke I follow it looking for hope...
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📶 1 comment • 10,000 est. $enjoy tips
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10000 $Enjoy
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3464x3464 24MB      

Endless journey.7

Endless journey
On an incessant walk I find myself in a territory where the air was once pure and is now filled with an abyssal mist full of nightcrawlers thirsty for my light...
Ruins disguised as corporate buildings reign their mission for the complete destruction of GAIA happens without any hindrance... Very toxic in the background I can feel a green spark disguised in green smoke I follow it looking for hope...
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📶 6 comments • 5,777 est. $enjoy tips
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coo art
777 $enjoy
5000 $enjoy
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3464x3464 24MB      

Endless journey

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843x1124 2.4MB      

Hermit Wanderer.6

In a labyrinth of funny dreams I find myself on an expedition surrounded by a dense darkness, the rarefied air freezes my lungs always knew it would be a challenge never hid it from me. The scene is of chaos the sky is an obisidian, I protect myself in my affective armor.Emanating heat, I observe a dense mass with eyes so deep and empty facing me...
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📶 2 comments • 1,000 est. $enjoy tips
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1000 $enjoy
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800x1280 2.2MB      

Tegmine spem.5

I find myself in a comfortable cocoon where I can find hope, My mind emanated a clean aura, my eyes shone like sparks, my skin tingled, time no longer had its value, I have never been so present... and so distant. Even though I was reveling in internal harmony, my heart still pointed out that something still had to be done. my intuition screamed that I had a mission, I was witnessing a spark of hope in a dark and dense vortex filled with a fog of ignorance, the world still needs to be saved...
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800x1280 2.2MB      

Tegmine spem.5

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📶 2 comments • 1,611 est. $enjoy tips
500 $enjoy $imagine
1111 $Enjoy
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3024x4032 14MB      

Abyss of Lux.4

sucked to the end of the abyss the darkness became light in my eye retina I experienced for the first time the experience of seeing colors, I see so clearly now, I see so much beauty now, my desire and determination have become so strong now that they are intertwined in my body Covering me completely in sparks, I feel my body dissolving in colors about to materialize in a form never seen before. Leaving everything behind, all I felt was Love...
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📶 10 comments • 4,000 est. $enjoy tips
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Looks nice
real amaz
1000 $Enjoy $Imagine 777
1000 $Enjoy $imagine
1000 $ENJOY
1000 $Enjoy
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2316x3088 13MB      

Refractive Errors. 3

In the errors of a dysmorphic matrix, time no longer exists... and the color is not known, a huge abyss is formed in humanity, full of desires. At the bottom of this abyss, a spark of light materializes, chaining my desire and pulling it towards the end of an abyss and the beginning of aeternal lux.
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📶 1 comment • 1,000 est. $enjoy tips
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1000 $Enjoy
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3024x4032 15MB      

Dysmorphia Temporalis

submersus in anemoia, pectus exuberat, et mens in Dysmorphia temporali perit, testa me frangit et desperationem detegit.
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📶 2 comments • 500 est. $enjoy tips
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the fuck am I looking at g
500 $enjoy
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720x1280 337KB      

. Anemoia

Anemoia brings the sensation of drowning in
Nostalgia for a time you never lived in.
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📶 9 comments • 89,898 est. $enjoy tips
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S.E.E.D. #2024
88888 $ENJOY
Use one's imagination.
1000 $ENJOY
10 $enjoy
PiKA dms
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