"GOODBYE SALÒ" EP out now. Stream here: brutalismus3000.lnk.to/GOODBY...
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WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Presented by YouTube
Brutalismus 3000 @brutalismus3000
produced by Theo Zeitner
performed by Victoria Daldas & Theo Zeitner
Master by Lex Barkley
Artist Audio by Mélissa Cleal & Alexander Agor Cowan
Directed by Jonas Vahl @jonasvahl
Production: Spingun Media @spingunmedia
EP : Torge Hill @torgehill & Dan Teterin @dan.teterin
Creative Director: Hannah Rose Stewart @6footstranger
at TOR STUDIO @tor_tor_tor_studio
Creative Producer: Leona Tiemessen @leona.elisa
Art Director: Elza Ozolite @elzaozolite
Creative Director Moving Image: David Löcker @davidloecker
DOP: Cezary Zacharewicz @amcezary
Choreographer: Adam Russell-Jones @adamrj__
Lighting Designer: Shaly Lopez @shalopez__
1 AD : Francesco Molteni
Assistant to Director: Aurélien Bellugeon @aurelien.bellugeon
Producer: Bennet Laurel @bennetlaurel
Junior Producer: Poppy Frazer
Producer assistant: Mateus Sant’Anna @santannamat
Runner / driver: Luiz Neugebauer | LFE
Runner / driver: Linus Wilm | LFE
Runner : Lena Krämer
1st AC : Julien Bauer
1st AC : Paul Rohlfs @paul.rohlfs
DIT / VTR : Julian Hopff @julianhopff
Remote Dolly: PMT
Remote Dolly technician 01 : Udo Schmitz
Remote Dolly technician 02 : Philipp Schmitz
Remote Dolly technician 03 : Oliver Böhm
Best Boy : Periklis Lazarou
Electrician : Konstantinos Venis @_k.venis
Stylist : Zachariah De Melo @1zakky
Stylist assistant : Lucas Avid @lucasavid
Make-up Stylist : Darja Crainiucenco @dasch.c
Hair Stylist : Ruby Howes @rubyhowes
BTS photographer : Janosch Raabe
Editor: Brenkhof @brenkhof
Asst. editor: Julie Roubinet
Grading: Olha Kriukova @rainbowfoxcolor
Sad Cheerleader : Isabella Duckworth @isabelladuckworthlimapinto
Cheerleader Group : MCC MAGIC Cheerleader
Chav Kid : Adam Russell-Jones @adamrj__
Gymnast 1 : Brayan Farías
Gymnast 2 : Dominga Dolores Hurtado Hurtado
Emo 1 : Julie Carrere
Emo 2 : Shy
Security : Nitsan Margaliot
Camera EQ: RGB @rgbrental
Light EQ: TLT Event AG @tlt.event.ag
Prod. Equipment TRANZEPT : C. Benjamin Tack, Wladimir Gette @thevladmachine
Sound & Monitors : Melissa Sara Cleal
Vocal Effects : Alexander Cowan
Catering; Co bui @cobuis.kitchen
MGMT: LIVE FROM EARTH @live_from_earth
Poem by Nick Cave
Special thanks to TRANZEPT