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In the realm where daylight dared not linger, the Mistress of Shadows, Queen of Night's Domain, held court. Her name was whispered with reverence and fear—Evelara, the sovereign whose eyes glimmered like starlight, whose touch could summon the dusk.

Her kingdom was a tapestry of silken darkness, each thread spun from the dreams of those who wandered her lands when the sun relinquished the sky. Evelara's castle, perched on the edge of the world, was a marvel of onyx spires and moonstone walls, invisible by day, resplendent by night.

Each evening, as the horizon swallowed the sun, Evelara's powers blossomed. She could weave the night mists into cloaks for her children, the nocturnal creatures, and paint the heavens with the auroras of her will.

But the Mistress of Shadows was a solitary queen, for her touch was an eternal twilight, and those who sought her out never returned to the day. They say she longed for the warmth of the sun on her pale skin, a feeling she faintly remembered from a time before her reign, before the night claimed her.

One night, during the peak of the summer solstice, when the boundary between day and night grew thin, a mortal bard, armed with nothing but a lyre and a voice that could tame the wildest of hearts, entered her domain. He sang of the beauty of the dawn, of colors she had not seen for eons, of a world that existed beyond her nocturnal embrace.

Moved by his melody, Evelara emerged from her shadows, and for a fleeting moment, she allowed the dawn to caress her realm. The bard saw the longing in her eyes, a mirror of his own, for he too was a creature of the dusk, forever chasing the sun but belonging to the stars.

As the first light of dawn touched Evelara's skin, the bard's music reached a crescendo, and the Mistress of Shadows did something no one thought possible—she smiled. The Queen of Night's Domain had found a kindred spirit, and though she knew he could not stay, she granted him safe passage to the dawn.

From that day forth, once a year, when the summer solstice arrived, Evelara would let the dawn enter her realm, and the bard would return to sing for her, reminding the Mistress of Shadows that even in the darkest night, there is a promise of the morning.
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I think I've seen this in a magazine before
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