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Here is the English translation of the story:

Her name was Alice, but in the city where the lines of buildings bent and the angles of reality broke, she was known as the "Lady of the Bend." Alice's life, like the world around her, was fragmented — each day torn into pieces like a painting crafted by the hands of a mad artist. Under the rain, with an umbrella in her hand, she walked through streets where reflections in puddles twisted into chaotic geometric shapes.

Alice was part of this world — her silhouette, like everything around her, refracted, broke, and changed form. No one knew whether she was real or just part of the game of lines and edges created by a cubist genius. She moved against the rules of symmetry, a symbol of freedom from predictability and the usual order. Cubism, surrounding her, was her essence — a world where straight lines were not the end, but the beginning of endless possibilities.

Every step she took shattered the boundaries between reality and art, leaving behind only the blurred shadow of what had once been an ordinary woman.
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sexy lady
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