7:12 1920x1080 532MB View on Zora

Connecting with God.

Many times, I partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Knowledge of LIGHT and DARK.
Knowledge of POSITIVE and NEGATIVE.
Knowledge of THIS and THAT.

Worrying about THIS THING or THAT THING, I suffer.
It creates anxiety in the nervous system.

Overthinking is my disconnection from paradise.
Lost in thought, I miss the mark of God.

Thus the importance of returning to a pure mind and heart, undefiled by intellectual content the defines THIS and THAT.

The playing of music — which cuts through the mind — then becomes a sacred practice of returning back to paradise, of connecting back to God.

Play on, friends.

Get lost in the music.
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3:52 1920x1080 286MB View on Zora

Dear Warrior, execute.

Dear Warrior, execute.

The chaos of conflict assumes that perfect conditions are never guaranteed.

Nonetheless, action must be taken in order to complete your mission.

Take a quick moment to formulate a plan.
Then execute it.

Be decisive.
A 75%-complete plan is a good plan.
A good plan executed is better than a perfect plan that’s too late.

You’ll most likely need to improvise the last 25% anyways, as circumstances constantly change.

Circumstances will evolve quicker than the time it takes to figure out the last 25%, at which point your perfect plan will already be useless.

Hence the necessity for speed and timing.

Don’t overthink it; be fluid with what is.
You’ll figure it out and make adjustments the along the way.
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