I think that the universe, as much as any other rational being, has its own ego. And like every ego, it urges to be defied. It seeks some kind of focal point to direct its existence and attention. It also faces its destiny. I think that defying it can generate mutual infatuation. Sometimes, my actions will bring out its kindness and suddenly change its perspective, for it enjoys the challenge. I defy the universe because I want its attention and friendship. Maybe even some good retribution from my surroundings, from intentional rifts in gravity as gifts for me. It’ll thank me for being rebellious, for resisting its laws, for setting myself free. I’m its favorite character in a cyclic story. ‘I am sorry for the pain. I am sorry for the scorching soil on which I have conceived you barefoot, but I want to see you dance, and if you dance with your soul, you will get to soar and not touch the ground so much.’ it once told me.
I’ve never seen as much disturbing content in my timeline as I’ve been seeing over the last few weeks. Yet I push the algorithm of my social media to keep showing me all of this and reminding me that, among all the beauty and art that I’ve compulsively hoarded and surrounded myself with, I am in the real world, experiencing life in decay at all times. Life will always move the strength and energy I put into my legacy. I believe in Life, Mother Nature, and its Perseverance, so I must not ignore Decay. Above all, I must not ignore the powers that force decay into this world’s precious vestiges of life. I must not ignore the wars of my generation – the ones knocking at my door, the ones that are neighboring me, nor the ones from across the ocean. We’re witnesses with voices and a human share of power within our reach to stand for freedom. I hope that Palestine can not only be free but also ignite all movements of freedom for life.
"I’m used to working under conditions that are far from ideal. Materializing almost anything that goes as far as where my creativity can go always comes as an illusion since I must work with what I get here and now. Limitations shall be a blessing, but it’s never satisfying to trim and shrink your ideas, whether you’re in the field, constructing with whatever material and labor the budget was able to pay for, or editing everything from a computer that could never be as powerful as your vision. But we gotta make it work until we catch a glimpse of a sketch of what our dreams could look like. I’m always thankful for having a network that allows us to look through those blurred lenses and be proud of what we can do, considering every limitation for a moment."