Morning Messages #2

🔥 the internet is often a type of hell we all wade through with flames burning at our fingertips. once in a while, we find brief respite among rare friendships like a shimmering mirage.

💖 the real privilege in life is acting with unbridled authenticity. unencumbered by expectations and the monotony of the everyday.

there is much to be learned from every waking moment. the profound curiosity within us all is insatiable but far too many willingly choose to ignore it. the one thing that has frustrated me the most this year has been witnessing sheer ignorance in light of this fact. we would all be nothing without curiosity, and too many have lost their humanity among the burning desires of capital- social, financial, emotional, or otherwise.

i have been dreaming of curiosity capital in exchange for these extractive measures of the modern internet. where wisdom, care, and understanding are deemed more worthy.
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Morning Message #2
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