8:06 940x720 212MB View on Zora

So You're An Artist

With this film, I express the personal relationship I've had with being an artist. For me it has been a very faith based journey and interesting as it continues to unfold before me in real time. It is a continuing conversation for me. This a very vulnerable expression for me and it is one of those projects that have been directly born out of the faith and trust I have in my self and this journey. As crude as this film is, it is also a very honest expression of where I currently am in Life. I've made this film as a bookmark of my journey, I want to look back at it one day and see where I came from. It is indeed a continuing conversation. ENJOY.
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📶 2 comments • 676,827 est. $enjoy tips
121272 $Enjoy
Much respect and appreciation for the documented journey · 👓 🔵 · 555555 $Enjoy
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3:09 2560x1440 386MB View on Zora

Even Among Us

Even Among Us.

Even among us, shadows creep,
Where feasts are laid, yet souls don't sleep.
A banquet grand, with poisoned fare,
We dine on darkness, unaware.

Each morsel bites, the spirit weeps,
While minds grow numb, their vigil keeps.
In blindness feigned, we let it grow,
A festering feast, our overthrow.
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