With open editions, collecting has taken on the physics of the internet – scarcity can be bound by time rather than quantity of items. This creates whole new markets for folks to collect in, expanding the population of folks who can participate in this action.
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With open editions, collecting has taken on the...

With open editions, collecting has taken on the physics of the internet – scarcity can be bound by time rather than quantity of items. This creates whole new markets for folks to collect in, expanding the population of folks who can participate in this action.
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This is the hardest thing to explain to folks for me. It's a pretty big jump to get people to understand why something that isn't physically scarce is valuable to collect.
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The financialization of collecting continued in this era, and the role of the “art collector” was democratized further. Collecting became a status game that more and more people could play, with more and more items waiting to be collected.
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The financialization of collecting continued in...

The financialization of collecting continued in this era, and the role of the “art collector” was democratized further. Collecting became a status game that more and more people could play, with more and more items waiting to be collected.
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Reminds me of a recent episode of the Founders podcast on Larry Gagosian: founders.simplecast.com/episodes/325-larry-gagosian-billionaire-art-dealer
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The Renaissance ushered in a new era in collecting, characterized by the emergence of Cabinets of Curiosities, or 'Wunderkammern'. These spaces displayed eclectic arrays of artifacts, natural wonders, and art, reflecting the era's burgeoning interest in the natural world, history, and the arts.
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The Renaissance ushered in a new era in collect...

The Renaissance ushered in a new era in collecting, characterized by the emergence of Cabinets of Curiosities, or 'Wunderkammern'. These spaces displayed eclectic arrays of artifacts, natural wonders, and art, reflecting the era's burgeoning interest in the natural world, history, and the arts.
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money comment
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For the first time in history, collecting played a role in the functioning of society, aligning people around shared narratives that played out in faith, politics, work, and more.
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For the first time in history, collecting playe...

For the first time in history, collecting played a role in the functioning of society, aligning people around shared narratives that played out in faith, politics, work, and more.
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Collecting as politics... wild observation. Does this happen today in more subtle ways?
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Collections not only preserve pieces of the past but also serve as lenses through which we can view and understand different eras and cultures. Historically, collecting has always been intertwined with the cultural and societal context of its time.
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Collections not only preserve pieces of the pas...

Collections not only preserve pieces of the past but also serve as lenses through which we can view and understand different eras and cultures. Historically, collecting has always been intertwined with the cultural and societal context of its time.
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Mint what matters
contributing to the preservation of history and culture
collections are context, collecting are expressions...
Collecting isn't a hobby – it's a cultural practice. You can't observe culture without observing what people are collecting, how, and why.
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Collections not only preserve pieces of the past but also serve as lenses through which we can view and understand different eras and cultures. Historically, collecting has always been intertwined with the cultural and societal context of its time.
39 words 248B Read on Zora

Collections not only preserve pieces of the pas...

Collections not only preserve pieces of the past but also serve as lenses through which we can view and understand different eras and cultures. Historically, collecting has always been intertwined with the cultural and societal context of its time.
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connect wallet
the internet before the internet 📚
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