Finland’s Special Operations Forces (FINSOFs) consist of two units, the Utti Jaeger Regiment (Finnish: Utin Jääkärirykmentti, (UTJR) or Special Jaegers) part of the Army, and the Special Operations Detachment (SOD) part of the Naval Reconnaissance Battalion of the Navy’s Coastal Brigade. The UTJR is responsible for Army Special Operations Forces (SOF) activities and Defence Forces’ rotary-wing operations. The SOD is responsible for naval special operations.
Originally these units were independent, with UTJR being Army and SOD being the Navy. However, in 2021, the Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces unified the activities of the SOFs under the command of the Army. Starting in 2022, the SOD is now placed under the Army and the Utti Jaeger Regiment
Originally these units were independent, with UTJR being Army and SOD being the Navy. However, in 2021, the Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces unified the activities of the SOFs under the command of the Army. Starting in 2022, the SOD is now placed under the Army and the Utti Jaeger Regiment
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War squads 💥