ON THE TIP OF MY TONGUE explores the act of speaking in color, communication through the creative process, regrets and desires.
A snippet from COLOR by Victoria Finlay: “The best way I’ve found of understanding this is to think not so much of something “being “ a color but of it “doing” a color. The atoms in a ripe tomato are busy shivering— or dancing or singing; The metaphors can be as joyful as the colors they describe.”
Created in 2024 using Zbrush, Cinema 4D, Redshift, Adobe Photoshop and Substance Painter. No AI is ever used in Sam Clover's process.
A snippet from COLOR by Victoria Finlay: “The best way I’ve found of understanding this is to think not so much of something “being “ a color but of it “doing” a color. The atoms in a ripe tomato are busy shivering— or dancing or singing; The metaphors can be as joyful as the colors they describe.”
Created in 2024 using Zbrush, Cinema 4D, Redshift, Adobe Photoshop and Substance Painter. No AI is ever used in Sam Clover's process.