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13*Chūshū no Meigetsu

In Japan, the Harvest Moon is called “Chūshū no Meigetsu,” or the “Mid-Autumn Moon.” It’s the most beautiful full moon of the year, typically seen in September.
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12*The sun

Observing the sun is both important and fascinating. It’s essential to use special filters or telescopes and never look at it directly. The best times for solar observation are on clear days in the spring or autumn when the air is crisp. You can see interesting features like sunspots and prominences during these periods.
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11*Andromeda galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy is easy to observe in the Northern Hemisphere during the fall and winter months, with October and November being especially ideal. New moon nights, when there’s little moonlight, provide the best viewing opportunities. Located to the northeast of the constellation Pegasus, it can sometimes be seen with the naked eye, but binoculars or a small telescope offer a much clearer view.
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Also called a shooting star

Meteors can be observed with the naked eye, but they are especially numerous during meteor showers.

They emit light as they enter the atmosphere and are visible as streaks of light. They are very small, usually a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size.
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A telescope with medium magnification is suitable for observing craters and mountain ranges on the Moon.
The same side always faces the earth due to the phenomenon of synchronous rotation.

1 day: 27.3 days
1 year: 27.3 days “lunar year”
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15555 $enjoy
8820 $enjoy
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Pluto is very distant, making it difficult to observe with ground-based telescopes. The most notable feature is the heart-shaped region known as ‘Tombaugh Regio’.

1 day: 6.4 days
1 year: 90,582 days
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9000 $ENJOY
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It is not visible to the naked eye, so use a telescope.
Especially in July and August, it appears faintly just above the horizon before dawn.

1 day: 0.67 days
1 year: 60,225 days
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One of the brightest planets observable with the naked eye. It is a fascinating planet with huge rings and many moons, and each observation reveals something new.

1 day: 0.44 days
1 year: 10,759 days
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16000 $enjoy
11111 $enjoy
6800 $enjoy
8000 $ENJOY
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Very dark and difficult to spot with the naked eye, binoculars are used. Its blue-green color makes it easy to distinguish from other stars.

1 day: 0.7183 days
1 year: 30,708 days
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5700 $ENJOY
6000 $ENJOY
6362 $enjoy
7015 $ENJOY
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Observation through a telescope is common. The moment when Jupiter is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth is a particularly good opportunity to see it brightly.

1 day: 0.414 days
1 Year: 4,329.85 days
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10000 $enjoy
6607 $ENJOY
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"Mars Close Approach" is a good time to observe!
They appears particularly bright and large and can be observed with the naked eye.

1 day: 1.02708 days
1 year: 687 days
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6000 $ENJOY
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A very bright star. The best time to observe it is in the western sky at dusk or in the eastern sky at dawn, when the sky is dim. The surface is covered by thick clouds.

1 day: 243 days
1 year: 224.7 days
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29292 $ENJOY
12000 $ENJOY
225000 $ENJOY
77777 $enjoy
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The star is so close to the Sun that it is difficult to observe from Earth. The only chance is for a short time just before sunrise and just after sunset.

1 day: 176 days
1 year: 88 days
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6200 $enjoy
30000 $ENJOY
8500 $ENJOY
20000 $enjoy
6500 $ENJOY
7777 $enjoy
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