Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,

Is our destined end or way;

But to act, that each to-morrow

Find us farther than to-day.

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A Psalm of Life

This is a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow!

On reading “A Psalm of Life” , you might just feel an instant urge to live your best life. The poem rejects the idea that life can be broken down into meaningless, emotionless metrics. It advocates that life is neither made to suffer through, nor is it made to solely enjoy. While both these emotions are a part of the journey, the purpose of life is ‘to act’, improve oneself, and make each day better than the previous one.
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By Jacques Louis
Bonaparte crossing
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Great Painting!
7500 $Enjoy
9800 $Enjoy
4900 $Enjoy
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6000 $enjoy
wow. lovely.
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