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I'm tired of trying to predict the next move, I don't care if I win or not. What I was looking for was just fun, but my opponent took the game so seriously that the game itself turned into a war and an enemy against me. If I don't get the game here at the table, I will definitely go after it and win. Losing scares me now, and even though I try to erase this possibility from my mind, the points I lose are suffocating me. I sit across from my opponent with a sullen face, thinking about the possibilities and consequences. If I lose, I will go after him, but I haven't planned what I will do if I lose yet. I think I'll scream like crazy again and ignore everything and continue to experience my joy. I destroy everything that comes my way, I crush everything that gets stuck in my feet, and I stomp on anyone who tries to silence my joy. I can celebrate what I have finally achieved with as much indifference as if the world would soon end.

February, 2024
by Demon Ego
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Omg this is really cool
Love your work!!! Mega fan.
Your work is insanly cool !
love it!<3<3<3
maestro please don't stop
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