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GM Farcaster episode 97, April 26, 2024 Thank you to our new CLP – Matcha.xyz! Matcha aggregates 130+ DEXs to get you amazing prices on over 5 million tokens. Swap for free, swap without gas, or swap across chains - all in one place! Matcha.xyz: Search, trade, done Show Notes and Links – some of the casts & stuff we talked about: Introducing Priority Mode: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xf087945c warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x40766025 warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xa0924c78 warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0x4a580068 The most interesting casters in the world are in priority mode: warpcast.com/adrienne/0xfdb6c66a Are you an FC idealist or realist? Or both like @vitalik? warpcast.com/horsefacts.eth/0x7c65a06a Calling all questions for FarCon Q&A by @v and @dwr: warpcast.com/dwr.eth/0xd5e8b322 Icebreaker has something fun for you at FarCon: warpcast.com/j4ck.eth/0x6ba46c77 The FLOC team also has something fun for you at FarCon: warpcast.com/victoctero/0xd1ac7287 Automod downvote now available: warpcast.com/jtgi/0x93fd3dfd Matcha and Degen are Warpcast Official: warpcast.com/jacek/0x7998698b Some $degen for the WBTC enjoyoooors on Matcha: warpcast.com/matchaxyz/0xb45b13aa FC is like the matrix: warpcast.com/antimofm.eth/0x3c7b4b13 FarCards are all the rage – and prof’s is cute! warpcast.com/nounishprof/0x3c3173f7 warpcast.com/toadzworld/0xa41beb6f warpcast.com/staraptor.eth/0x37b552db warpcast.com/undefined/0x3e235100 Degen farmers beware: warpcast.com/jacek/0x61400497 Dune dashboard with memecoin social scores: warpcast.com/ilemi/0x17699bc3 And a Dune dashboard with weekly FC streaks (and @dwr is NOT #1!) warpcast.com/df/0x0f92ffc7 Go listen to @nonlinear on Boys Club: warpcast.com/adrienne/0x0c0964e3 And some other casts we didn’t get a chance to chat about: Garden.wtf – it’s like BasePaint but on degenchain: warpcast.com/jacek/0xc6040193 Limitless softlaunch: warpcast.com/rev/0x526b7cc9 FarCon website: farcon.xyz/ FarCon calendar of events: events.xyz/c/farcon And our musings elsewhere: Learn more about sponsoring GM Farcaster: About: paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/an-invitation-to-sponsor-gm-farcaster Interest Form: app.deform.cc/form/bbd8c3b1-a67b-45c9-a568-39c6f38ec14a/ Adrienne: Some of the Things: Memory Ambush someofthethings.substack.com/p/a-memory-ambush FC Scenius Lexicon project: paragraph.xyz/@danicaswanson/the-farcaster-scenius-lexicon And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/four-old-college-friends/id1700592867?i=1000631680007 Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof: paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof GM Farcaster recaps on Paragraph: paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live along with a new GM Farcaster FAQ: paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/gm-farcaster-faq AND our Hypersub is live! And wowow is sold out but we’re still serving mole! warpcast.com/nounishprof/0x5e4684db All tiers: hypersub.withfabric.xyz/gmfarcasternetwork.eth wowow: hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/gm-farcaster-cup-o-wowow-153tp348p8tfk mole: hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/gm-farcaster-cup-o-mole-as1135ef0vsw AND GM Farcaster is now available everywhere you get your podcasts including YouTube, Apple podcasts and Spotify! Copyright 2024 cc-by GM Farcaster - reuse/remix allowed with attribution and link back to GMFarcaster.com. NOTE: Cryptocurrencies are often volatile assets. Nothing in this episode should be considered financial advice and is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing should be considered investment advice, nor solicitation to buy or sell any assets. NFA, DYOR.
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