This piece is so deep. Yesterday, I stared at it for a long time, thinking about all these years on the blockchain and all the work that remains to be done. I love that you are a part of this collection Estelle! ✨
Quillanina, I cant believe your work! H=N memories, because we are the seeds of everything that happens right now. A big hug for you, and all my admiration! 💜✨
Sending the best energy to the best amigaaaa that I have, y que me regaló todo este mundo W3B. Nos vemos antes de que te vayas, y cuando vuelvas estaré esperando jaja.
Love your art, cocofrox! <3
4042 $enjoy
This boot are made for waaaaalkng 66294 $Enjoy
Wtf this collab, ah jajaja. Gaturro CHORRO! 1111 $Enjoy
11111 $Enjoy
11111 $Enjoy
Tomorrow we have a awesome day, with a lot of matecitos. 33000 $Enjoy
<3 ✨
Todos los éxitos para ustedes <3
Love it 💜✨