✎ 84 36 18 NEW COMMENTS
4096x5120 18MB

Flamingo Spaceship - DEAL WITH IT

This is a Space Flamingo Spaceship, deal with it
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📶 1 comment • 237,089 est. $enjoy tips
237089 $enjoy
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4480x3265 1.8MB

abstract in ink and watercolor

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📶 2 comments • 33,330 est. $enjoy tips
Art can be found anywhere
33330 $enjoy. The colors and love these so much
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4975x3123 2.8MB

a print

a linocut print
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📶 3 comments • 57,878 est. $enjoy tips
           //  ||\ \
 _____    //___||_\ \___
 )_  /|  //    ||    \ \
   |/ | //     ||     \ \
   /  |//      ||      \ \
  /___/ \______||______\__\
7878 $ENJOY
50000 $Enjoy
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2836x3702 19MB    

abstract in pixels and ink

a digital manipulation of an ink drawing
central maine
spring 2024
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📶 1 comment • 100,000 est. $enjoy tips
100000 $Enjoy
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4096x5120 25MB

not all space flamingo who wander are lost, deal with it

this is a raw text to image output created on the theme of my spirit animals, space flamingos
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📶 1 comment
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4096x5120 22MB

space flamingos

this is a raw text to image output based upon the theme of space flamingos
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📶 2 comments • 50,000 est. $enjoy tips
and nebula
50000 $Enjoy
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2048x2560 5.4MB      

a space flamingo as a spirit animal

this is part of my ongoing experiments with the machine exploring space flamingo concepts. This is a raw text to image output, from a prompt that I worked long and hard on
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📶 1 comment • 50,000 est. $enjoy tips
50000 $Enjoy
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4096x5120 18MB

a holographic flamingo-shaped cytoplasm rocket

This is a text to image output based upon a theme/prompt of flamingo shaped space ships. My youngest picked this as my gift to my alfafrens subscribers at the end of May 2024. Thank you all for humoring my insanity and sub'ing to my channel.
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📶 1 comment
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525x525 47KB      

A Penny - Yellow 2001

This is a penny
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📶 1 comment • 50,000 est. $enjoy tips
50000 $enjoy
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2025x2540 6.9MB      

when space explodes and the reverse big boom happens, you won't feel anything any more

this is an image made with AI, sourced from other images I made with AI, sourced from something the machine thought up. I don't usually like the abstract outputs AI gives me, but I did like this one
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📶 2 comments • 500,000 est. $enjoy tips
500000 $enjoy
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2261x3449 14MB   

the impact of multiple recurring winter snowfalls after four teases of spring upon a southern boy's psyche

this is a digital manipulation on my pocket computer of an ink drawing I made during one of the snowstorms in April after multiple teases by the Maine spring to arrive only to get buried in a nor'easter
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Yes plssss. Love it.
Woo, love this one Tele. Amazing piece.
for rphgrc.eth
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2200x3433 12MB    
5000x5000 12MB


this is a digital creation made mostly on my tablet and phone
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📶 1 comment
this will be airdropped to udntknow . . . .
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3921x2886 2.9MB    

ASCII Based Dolly Parton

"I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life. I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. These small actions help remind me that there are so many great, glorious pieces of good in the world." -- Dolly Parton

This is an ASCII Based Piece created from a Dolly Parton Collage I made out of old magazine clipping and gluesticks
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📶 2 comments • 2,228 est. $enjoy tips
2228 $Enjoy
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3508x4961 7.7MB      

i tried to stop drugs, but my brain felt like a pixel smoothie, so I unstopped drugs

a digital work, made on computers and pocket computers
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for ruralidyll
Stuninnnnggg parallax!!!!!
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6229x4772 41MB

a technicolor'd replicated vision of rainbow lines from a closed eye memory from fungal experiments

I tried to replicate a closed eye visualization I saw one evening while in the throws a fungus bender. A monochrome digital creation, printed with a laser jet printer, technicolor'd with colored pencils
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📶 2 comments • 20,000 est. $enjoy tips
20000 $Enjoy
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3422x2640 11MB     

a collage of ink drawings

this is a collage of ink drawings I made over the course of late summer and fall of 2023.

ink on paper, glued to a 22"x28" poster board

this was also my submission for the secret artists' collective secret zine issue 04 that can be found at the link below on objkt, released march 7 2024

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Mew Mew Mew
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5000x5000 6.6MB

a meme as seen by a wash trader whom was eaten by a darwin-esc unicorn-hedgehog

a meme, as viewed from the perspective of an crypto trader, whom after selling early for a loss on purpose for tax purposes, was eaten by an overgrown, darwin-esc unicorn-hedgehog, who got a stomach ache from the bitter taste of the wash trader and barfed on the sidewalk on the busiest of jupiter's moons, who was then intrigued by the output and reworked the remaining genetic materials with a stick and tie dye by imitating the stank-face girl meme until it got bored and left and was later fallen upon by another overgrown, darwin-esc unicorn-hedgehog and replicated on its belly, where it dried, and a selfie was propagated on social media.
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