✎ 35 56 16 NEW COMMENTS
Est. tips sent this week: 158,872 / 83,387 (191%) $ENJOY
we all remember that very road. it leads to our beloved mountains, to the blue ocean filled with breeze. these country paths lead us to our warmest places, to our most tender corners of memory. to a bright childish sky, to a small village house. we all remember this path to our youth and to our purity. I just want village paths to always lead you to your home.
21131 $enjoy
61234 $enjoy
on Pill
8001 $enjoy
27272 $enjoy
nice view
41234 $enjoy
nice rabby! mint from rabby wallet:D

5678 $ENJOY
on OH
5015 $ENJOY
22222 $enjoy
2222 $ENJOY
555 $ENJOY

lets enjoy arts!
Lets tip!

555 $ENJOY

333 $ENJOY
looks so cool!

i like this referense to edvard munch!

333 $enjoy
5555 $enjoy
Nice mint
111 $ENJOY
1111 $ENJOY
for cool kutty and Vang Gogh
111 $enjoy
Need next drop from Zora!
