Ladies and Degentlemen! 😻 My submission for $DEGEN Logo Bounty. No AI generated. She is my queen, Mayla 👑 I can share the Proof of Cat (PoC) if needed! :D The Casino Chip is loyal to the $DEGEN logo. 🎰 The Color is loyal to Farcaster. 💜 The Cat (vs. dog) is loyal to FarCats. 😼 And the Hat is loyal to our all Degentelmen. 🎩 I just loveee it hope you love it too. Let's enjoy the ride 🚀 . Designed by @NimaNourani
BP Day #493 : Candlelit Library
BP Day #400 : Night at the BasePaint Museum
The EnjoyEyeCaster
Enjoy! 🍻
member go enjoy
Blast Member
Degen Early Bird
Degen Couple
Degen Hole
Degen God
Degen Stonks
After $DEGEN
Degen Friends
Degen Bots
Degen Dude
The Degencaster
$DE... ?
hm hm hm hmm hm hm
c'mon :D
Based Nounish Degen Mango!
Here you are and my yellow friend, ma Bro, Mango 💛
Happy Based Yellow Week! 🔵🟡
Paper Hands
Degen Gandhi
My submission for $DEGEN Logo Bounty. No AI generated. She is my queen, Mayla 👑 I can share the Proof of Cat (PoC) if needed! :D
The Casino Chip is loyal to the $DEGEN logo. 🎰
The Color is loyal to Farcaster. 💜
The Cat (vs. dog) is loyal to FarCats. 😼
And the Hat is loyal to our all Degentelmen. 🎩
I just loveee it hope you love it too. Let's enjoy the ride 🚀
Designed by @NimaNourani