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Sometimes we need to log off and take time away from the too-connected online world and just enjoy the feeling of warm sand and fresh salt air and to remember what it's like to engage with other humans, IRL.

It's my time to do that. See you again soon 👋
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📶 2 comments • 64,217 est. $enjoy tips
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62,217 $enjoy
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1080x1080 1MB      

Transcendence (Alternate Take)

Transcendence which stands is one of the most important NFTs of the DEGENerations - Burn to Mint game. Minting one requires the burning of 45 NFTs in total and the maximum supply is only 14 editions.

Fortunately this Alternate Take, which is NOT PART OF THE GAME, is available without burning anything. It's just a cool output of the model I used to generate the other artworks and I wanted to share it with you all.
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Minted With Jeeves :)
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Canvas x AI
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looking clean
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1080x1080 1.4MB      

Welcome to the Garden

Lens Protocol is officially permissionless! LFGrow!
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I've generally been pretty smart about my taxes. I set aside a good portion from any big wins and (try to) hold onto a bit of my earnings from content creation.

for example, I already have the money ready to pay my taxes from last year, but recently I got a letter from the government saying that now they want me to start prepaying based on what they expect I'll earn, relative to previous years.

now, even though airdrops and content creation income are wildly inconsistent from year to year, I need to drum up several thousand extra dollars and it's got me pretty stressed.

I'm really not an antitax human, but these are antihuman taxes.

117 words 652B Read on Zora

antihuman taxes.

mint this to help me sort out this mess
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I hope your problem is solved
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3KB View on Zora

f /art

cmd or ctrl + click
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📶 1 comment • 7,777 est. $enjoy tips
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7777 $Enjoy
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Hey Friends! v2

Working together with animator Joshua Franco (who worked on Robot Chicken among other projects), we produced this incredible claymation—that's real clay, recorded in stop-animation and edited into a video which was then converted to gif format—as part of a special project called Hey Friends!

This animation was available at one time across several chains as an ERC-721, open edition, but is no longer. This new, capped-supply collection is just 1000 editions. Holders of the old ERC-721 received an airdrop of 1 per address,
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📶 6 comments • 10,000 est. $enjoy tips
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For my mutualist💛💚
Where is the Zora upthumb button?!
10000 $enjoy
Keep up the good work!
-- Tempe Techie
gl fren, looking forward to seeing more claymations
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for over three years I’ve been writing, making videos, tweeting (and now casting) and just generally creating things in my own particular style.

and it’s a style that’s unapologetically me. it’s probably not for everyone but I don’t care. nothing’s truly for everyone.

things that are broadly popular are usually just so inoffensive that a larger group of people can tolerate them.

that’s not what I want to create. I create what I would want to see. I create for me.
88 words 486B Read on Zora

I create for me.

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This is inspiration

My inner writer needs to channel this vibe
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that’s the note.
5 words 30B Read on Zora


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Pipe Dream

The finale of DEGENerations is a two part series where you can choose your own adventure. Each token consists of 210 editions for a total of 420 between them.

Minting "Hat in the Clouds" is a bullish vote.
Minting "Pipe Dream" is a bearish vote.

You can also "burn your bearishness" along with 1 copy of Pipe Dream to mint Hat in the Clouds (Manifold Edition) which you will need to mint the DEGENerations O.G. NFT.

To burn go here: app.manifold.xyz/br/hat-in-the-clouds
For the next phase, go here: app.manifold.xyz/br/degen-og
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Farcaster is a Vibe

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📶 8 comments • 1,121 est. $enjoy tips
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10 $enjoy
1111 $Enjoy
Just Entered the Gate
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1024x1024 1.2MB      

The Optimistic Gateway

Farcaster will be the entry point for a lot of people into the world of Ethereum, and more specifically Optimism, whether they ever realize it or not.
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Afternoon in the Woods

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Glad to mint this masterpiece
Nature heals
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1080x1080 1.5MB      

Hey Friends! - The Thumbs Up Patronage NFT

Hey Friends! v1 has been deprecated and its functions replaced by two separate entities:

Hey Friends! v2 is a capped supply ERC-1155 on Base network. All holders of v1 were airdropped one edition.


The patronage features of Hey Friends v1 are now part of Subs Up, an onchain patronage subscription powered by Hypersub. This new offering is far more robust and sustainable.

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