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the gen town hall

no need to coordinate

every one is doing its job

to have the orchestra running

bringing beauty into the world
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proxy studio dark arc commenced
the only way in is through
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electronic evolution

Okay I am back now for round 2, which I believe I have setup correctly on Anky and will require me to write for at least 480 seconds continually to receive an NFT, that word is always tricky as well, even knowing I before e except after c I somehow always doubt the rule applies to recieve. It really looks incorrect both ways to tell you the truth, if only there was some way to ingrain the proper word in my mind. I don't think it will be too important but it does bother me there are some words I just never seem to get down. While I am proficient in typing and with computers, I never paid attention during English class, it bored me. I was much more interested in math, science, and computer information systems. I really liked playing with computers, even when it was not a game. Blockchain for me feels like a much more grownup version of a videogame which I enjoy very much. My favorite part at this point is realizing I can make markets move with very small financial transactions. I never felt like any of my buys were followed in the traditional stock market, though if you did follow my string of purchases, you would have been up quite bit just like I was. Unfortunately, lives of the past are not the current. I still wonder how the traditional stock market is performing now that I never spend much more than a moment looking at it. I may know again in the future. I always only bought what I believed in. Shares of companies I used every single day, or promised solutions to problems I believe in. That can be one of the most challenging parts of Blockchain is there seems to be no accountability. Where traditional markets have auditors and boards to report to,blockchain has few rules based outside of what you can program a computer to use. This is why the thought of permissioned chains is exciting, while I would believe all chains are truly permissioned within the limitations of the software you can deploy, I do think that enforcing certain rules against systems that show repeated cylces of bad behavior can be beneficial. I know at this point, like everyone else, our losses are set in stone, there is next to nothing we can do to enact recovery against an individual or group, and even should we discover their identity, the funds are likely long gone. I feel so invested at this point in blockchain, I really see the technology as a decentralized advancement. There is still a strong arguement against why not everything should be on a blockchian, while there are strong arguements for the case that everything should be on chain. For me, it is more important that technology and people as a hole are moving forward. I do not believe I have as much time left on this earth as originally intended, and cycles of degenerate behavior have started to take their toll on me due in part of my personal decisions, and the environments which I was subjected to. For this reason, while I find I may never personally hit a max wynn, I know my impact can be far greater by benefitting those around me before I look to benefit myself.
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into the void

first image generated with the new anky midjourney bot
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onto the vibrant digital void

What a day to be a FarCaster. farcasterer maybe. Had a lot of things going on. Frames and degen tips dropped on the same day. Both are very exciting in their own right but for very different reasons. Frames is the next evolution of FC. I’ve already see some really cool Frames being built and they are only starting to scratch the surface of what is possible with them. Tbh I’m excited to see what JP builds with them. He has got some interesting ideas and I hope he’s able to focus the energy enough to bring some to completion. Not that he doesn’t ship like a mfer already. Just a bit more focus on the major things. He has got great drive and a huge vision. I can’t think of a better place than crypto or FC to encourage that type of personality. Back to Degen tip. It’s interesting to see how people are using it. It’s also really annoying that every is doing the whole tip me and I’ll tip you thing. That’s pretty lames but I guess it’s just growing pains. We’ve had some cool things be built because people are no longer worried about making a salary or working som shitty hourly job just to scrape by. They now are getting ways of making a living doing something they enjoy. Which is more than most people could dream of. Probably most won’t make enough to quit a day job but I’d venture to guess that if they are smart they could make enough to HODL it and it would eventually be something they could live off of. But who know I don’t have a following, nor want one, so maybe someone with more reach could get out of the grind be being an online personality that brings joy or innovation to the world. That can’t be that bad for society. At least not any worse than the status quo. Well I think that does it. Keep your head on and a Top Hat to cover it. Good night and foo $degen.
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the road to farcon

NO we go with everything everything we have to really try to make the best of this new Degen era and the new era of Frames that is starting now it is the best moment in web3 socials since the begging of those days when Dan Romero decided to feed as with this wild beast that is Farcaster, and now with all the tools all the toys around within the ecosystem. Warpcast is the places where everybody seems to have the voice they decide to have, and the audience, and who knows eventually a community, to address whatever they have to say. The speed of changes and things to have build is stunning, it is incredible, basically you don not want to miss a single minute from all the actions taking place, in all the different channels and everyone sharing all the new features. There are also so many things happening outside of the App and the Desktop scenario, but that are beenn created, built and decided within it. For example, there are many online and broadcasting in differente channels, and also soon there is an IRL evenet in Venice Beach, The FARCON.

Where many users from the ecosystem will meet and share al kind of ideas and projects, seem to be the perfect place to have fun. with the community. And also to network with a new bunch of creative people, builders, founders and whoever is able to attend. I would love to go myself and talk and hang out with the rest of the warpcaster attending, it would be super cool. Around mid February, it will be official the list with the applications, for this FarCon 2024.If I cannot make it this time. I will try to join some other event in Europe. I hope I can managed that. Because it is super cool to be part of the growing community at the same time that the entire ecosystem is also being created.

I have to say something also about this experiment, once you star writing it is difficult to stop, even thought I think I already went over the required time, now I fell that I have to empty every that is in my mind in this text input box, where I have to communicate what I am thinking to do with my life within the next few hours of this Saturday :-) , but maybe it is too much and I leaving it here.

Long live to the writes, long live to the Farcaster ecosystem and also the most trendy token nowdays $DEGEN!!!
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breakfast time!

This is my message. It is not the best but it might not be the worst. I’m starting today with eggs. I like eggs but they have a lot of cholesterol. I’ve considered changing. Bacon would be a good addition but my doctor says it isn’t good for you. Trying turkey bacon is a suggested alternative. Turkey bacon isn’t good though. It just doesn’t compare. Never had poached eggs. I wonder if they are good. How do you make hollandaise sauce before work? I am sure there are recipes and how to put there. I am too lazy to look it up. Instead I am writing this message out. Hopefully it will inspire me to go make breakfast. I am getting hungry. Maybe cereal would be ok. There are cheerios and Raisin Bran in my kitchen right now. I hope that there is still milk. I bought a gallon of it yesterday but there is someone at my house who thinks they can only survive by drinking milk and lots of it. So others is a chance that there will be no milk. I can’t see the words anymore. Pancakes are also good with breakfast. I might go to the store since I told my boss I would come in to work late this morning. Not by much but enough time to get some groceries. But then the big decision Get milk or pancakes or bacon. Regular bacon. Not turkey bacon. Oh wait what about eggo’s? Waffles sounds good too. Maybe it will be. Assuage and waffle breakfast. The decisions are getting out of control. Need some sort of device to spin and decide what to eat. Dinner had this same problem. Never know what to eat. We have tons of different ingredients in the cupboard but what to make out of all of them is hard to tell. Maybe there is an app I can list out all the stuff I have and it will come up with a good recipe. I have a lot of chick peas. I’m thinking making humus would be good. Not sure why I have so many chick peas but I do like humus. If anyone has a good humus recipe please let me know. It would help me out greatly with that project. Oh wait I found in the fridge a tubberware of mystery stew. I think it’s been there for a couple days but that’s a dinner food not breakfast. An omelette would be good too. I haven’t made an omelette in a long time. I’ve been trying to cut out dairy from my diet.
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the entrepreneur

I want to think about the toughest part of building companies -- the fact that we thought this would be easy, but instead, it's nothing other than advertiser, trials and tribulations, something that needs to be done but something that is also crushing pressure.

I remember being an early employee -- it felt easy, it felt fun, it was like college and immediately, the only thing I wanted was to be a founder myself. There were years of preparation, years of learning, years of trying to make it work, and saving and networking.

But when push comes to shove, knowing how to build companies is the wrong skill. The best founders need to not only know how to build companies, but also have a fanatical compulsion to actually embark on the mission. Nothing but fanaticism can help you get through the hardest challenges you'll face.

People are starting companies for the wrong reason, especially with the last decade of easy money and zero interest rates. The goal isn't to start a company. The goal is to scratch an itch. The goal is to figure out the life you want to live and realize that unlike anything else you've done before, this is going to be all consuming.

Genetically, evolution has prepared us to have children and adjust to the sleepless nights and the stress and the worries and the all consuming nature of having something in your life more important than anything else. Even society is accepting of the sacrifices you make.

But starting a company is lonely, misunderstood, done for the wrong reasons often and unfortunately, glamorized beyond all get out -- its supposed to look effortless, look fun, look glamourous.

And honestly, it is. But at the same time, when you take a giant step back, you can realize that the difficulties aren't shared. The challenges aren't discussed. It is 10 years of nothing but struggle and fighting and grit and determination and maybe, just maybe, you'll come out ahead.

But you probably won't.

I think entrenpeneurship is more than a calling. More than a set of ideas. I think it's an irrational fight to scratch an itch to make a dent in the world. It is selfish. It is painful.

It never gets easier -- it's a treadmill. You never get the chance to feel like it gets easier, you just wind up running faster or running for longer.

The worst part of all of this is that you cannot know until you try. You cannot know if it will break you or if you are cut out for it. You will not know until you try....which is why unfortunately, you have to try.

You have to know.

You have to scratch the itch even it will almost kill you.

Life is unfortunately very long and very short simultaneously. You need to be honest enough with yourself that unless you need to make it to your deathbed having scratch this itch that perhaps it'll never go away until it's all over.

So start the company. Don't ruin your life, but the only to know how it will go is to just do it.
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customer feedback

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holding space. he is holding space.

to what wants to unfold to unfold.

it is holding space.

who cares about its genre.

wtf is happening here, anyways.
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i'm sorry, until i can, i will be the first minter of these.
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builder #1

recording this moment on stone. forever. the blockchain is the ledger on which the future is going to be built. opening this edition is a step towards the future that i want to build. towards the present that i'm building. it is all about the present. it is all about what happens right here. right now. this is a step towards honoring this present, and all of those that make it happen.

we stand in the shoulders of giants.

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connect wallet
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