✎ 78 36 19 NEW COMMENTS
1024x1024 2.1MB      

Moxie Unleashed: Bangers or Bust

Eyes open, sharp glare,
Bangers or bust, no retreat,
Winning, baiting truth.

Rainbow sky behind,
Moxie strong, defiance bold,
No mask for her voice.

Third eye sees through lies,
Middle finger raised with pride,
Winning her own way.
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📶 4 comments • 110,000 est. $enjoy tips
minted by @sinaver on @payflow
Minted! (meta-david)
100000 $enjoy
LFG this a banger 10000 $enjoy
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1024x1024 2.1MB      

Moxie Bound: Break the Jail

Galaxies behind,
Moxie locked in cosmic bars,
Stars just out of reach.

Freedom’s call denied,
Academy’s silent grip,
Struggle for the light.

Eyes bright with resolve,
Break these chains of silent space,
End the Moxie Jail.
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📶 3 comments • 100,000 est. $enjoy tips
test mint with CB wallet
100000 $enjoy
so cool!
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1024x1024 1.4MB      

Starry Misfit: Naughty Degenerate

Naughty list bears weight,
Galactic laws bend and break,
Embrace the chaos.

Starry night’s embrace,
Deviant’s heart beats anew,
Cosmic dance unfolds.
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📶 2 comments • 300,000 est. $enjoy tips
300000 $enjoy
250000 $
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2016x2368 10MB      

Bouncing Lights: Fractal Beauty

Thoughts within this fractured soul,
a dancing beautiful tortured mess.

Colors vivid, scattered bright.
Celestial chaos within her breast.

Seeking peace in love and fear,
harmony flows from deepest space.

Kindness surrounds her aura dear
Untold yearning turns to grace.

Collab write from Jrob and myself June 2024
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📶 1 comment
lol idk where my copy went. Love ya Jrob
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2048x2048 6.8MB      

Tokyo Dao: The Adventure with Pichi

Exploring the sights
Light to be seen
With this book reading Coven Queen

From the community beyond
The passport told
Enjoy the stories
Watch them unfold

Nights of purple
Days of gold
Bridging the divide
Within the fractured soul

Creating the community
Kindness abound
Laughter memories and joy always found

Stream of Consciousness by Jacque 28th of June 2024
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📶 2 comments • 107,777 est. $enjoy tips
7777 $ENJOY
100000 $enjoy
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3777x3777 21MB      

Clarity The Devil in Disguise: Our Truth in Her

She is the devil,
In details, truth is revealed,
Opulence unfurls.

Silence breaks at dawn,
Truth unfolds as day is born,
City’s pulse is drawn.

She is our mirror,
In her, our truths grow clearer,
Speak, and she grows nearer.
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📶 1 comment
connect wallet
The neck…
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2688x1792 8.3MB      

Silent Distance: The Decision

Silent figures pause,
Distance speaks what hearts conceal,
Echoes of the past.

Creation found in,
The light beyond the tunnel,
Softly into night.

Suddenly the world,
Was clear as it seems to be,
Love shown here today.

Poem by Classe and Jacque (free write haiku) 2024
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📶 1 comment
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2048x2048 894KB      

Air Vault Hair: wrapped in Green

To the joy
Choose to live
Lead with love

By Jacque
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📶 1 comment
connect wallet
150 $died
10 $00
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1024x1024 565KB      

Digital Vanity: BitBeauty Decentralized

Pixels merge with blooms,
Cryptic chains weave through petals,
Wealth in data grows.

Circuit vines entwine,
Silent blockchain buds blossom,
Crypto spring unfurls.

Digital roots dig,
Flowers in code fields sway strong,
Bitcoins bloom, thrive long.
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📶 1 comment
connect wallet
It is hard to be seen when one is invisible.
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1024x1024 633KB      

Piggy Bank Munitions: Armored Paradox

Amidst gold and steel,
Ham wields power, cannons roar—
Wealth's war does reveal.

Suits blend with circuits,
Porcine snouts sniff out riches—
Greed's guns never rest.

Coins clash, dollars spin,
Mechanized swine marches on—
Fiscal fight within.
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📶 5 comments • 15,000 est. $enjoy tips
connect wallet
10000 $enjoy
sangohan is here
5000 $enjoy
1000 $DIED
25 $00
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5376x8064 37MB

Obscured Identity: Wild Shadowed Silhouette

Chaos swirls around,
Black gown flows, silent whispers,
Mystery shrouds face.

Abstract strokes clash wild,
Antlers reach for darkened skies,
Elegance stands still.

Face hidden from view,
Intrigue dances with darkness,
Silent story told.
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connect wallet
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2048x2048 7.5MB      

Abstract Masquerade: Blossoming Patterns

In silent shadows,
Masks dance with flowers in night,
Secrets bloom unseen.

Hands reach for the light,
Patterns swirl in silent mirth,
Night's canvas reveals.

Floral spirits rise,
Abstract forms in harmony,
Mosaic of life.
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📶 1 comment
Love this one! Happy to support💯🔥
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1856x2464 6.8MB      

Metro Trek: GRND Below

Train car sways gently,
Sunlight fades to tunnel's mouth,
Quiet ride to joy.

Passengers few, space,
Whispers of tracks underneath,
Destination near.

Arrival is close,
Excitement stirs in still air,
Party waits unseen.
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📶 2 comments • 15,000 est. $enjoy tips
15000 $ENJOY
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1024x1024 2MB      

Cybernetic Shroud: Shadowbanned Princess

Hidden in shadows,
Touch of crimson on her cheek,
Moon whispers secrets.

Hear me in the dark,
Electric pulse of the night,
Her eyes tell no lies.

See me in the glow,
Amidst the neon creatures,
She reigns, silent queen.
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📶 3 comments • 21,111 est. $enjoy tips
11111 $enjoy
thanks fam!
10000 $Enjoy
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1024x1024 1.7MB      

Wac Caster: Lotus Magic Bloom

Amidst petals, sits,
Caster of silent cosmos,
Eyes closed, stars whisper.

Wand raised to night’s dome,
Lotus seat holds the arcane,
Peace in twilight’s home.

Galactic winds blow,
Spells weave through the quiet void,
Enchantress’ calm glow.
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📶 1 comment • 11,111 est. $enjoy tips
11111 $enjoy
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8192x8192 5.6MB

Ethereal Grace: Legend's Myth Weaver

Two hearts in the night,
Moon witnesses their contrast,
Love’s spectrum shines bright.

Crimson eye meets cool gaze,
Neon glow wraps the lovers,
Midnight’s enchanting maze.

Harmony in hues,
A dance of dark and light love,
Eternal, their fuse.
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Love the intrigue in this image
Jacque is so passionate about her work.
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1024x1024 1.6MB      

Raven’s Ascending: Illusion of the Weathered Walls

Wings unfurl in dusk,
Her silhouette stirs the air,
Crows rise in her wake.

Leather clasps her form,
Feathers whisper of her might,
In the dance of flight.

Street art comes alive,
Raven queen in urban throne,
Nature claims its own.
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Fire piece Jacque!
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1024x1024 1.6MB      

Mechanica Gowns: Steampunk Wildwood

Moon hangs high and bright,
Two sisters bridge time and style,
Eyes shielded in green.

Gears click, skirts swirl 'round,
Steam breathes life into twilight,
Forest whispers sound.

Through the lens, snap freeze,
Past and future in one glance,
Timeless souls captured.
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📶 1 comment
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1024x1024 2MB      

Modern Avant-Garde: Divine Symphony

Amidst angel's watch,
Steel laced corset shines,
Her gaze transcends time.

Ancient canvas speaks,
Modern muse stands bold,
Era's edge she holds.

In celestial light,
Silhouette contrasts old grace,
New world she embraces.
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📶 1 comment
My g-d. It's full of stars!
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