Used to the higher of clouds, this divinity roams the earth looking for high altitude moving objects or beings, just to watch them. In the ancient past this was not an issue, but with the advent of flying technology Tzeomeki is more active than ever. "Pilots either hate to see them or love the chance, there is no in between" claim some journalists.
A divinity that lives in the mountains. It usually materializes near people trying to capture images from the ice peaks around the world, enhancing (or ruining) pictures and paintings alike.
the ultra-rare compound Xatyne can be used in many ways. one of those is to measure time. each rotation is about two human earth seconds, and 73223 less cells in the retina for those who watch it
the ultra-rare compound Xatyne can be used in many ways. one of those is to measure time. each rotation is about two human earth seconds, and 73223 less cells in the retina for those who watch it
the ultra-rare compound Xatyne can be used in many ways. one of those is to measure time. each rotation is about two human earth seconds, and 73223 less cells in the retina for those who watch it