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Congrats Ely! You have achieved what nobody has ever achieved before. 💯 mints is epic!

And Seize, you will always be #1 in my book. 🖕🏼
I got 99 problems... and Seize is 98 of them
Seize's aura invokes the smell & feel of Amber Heard's mattress
I will never recover from this Frequencies campaign. 100 days of being mogged by Seize is too much for any mere mortal to withstand.
Whenever I need advice, I call those I know in order of intelligence. Seize is always the Last Call.
I am going to miss Seize after this collection mints out. And by "miss", I mean I will go out of my way to avoid him at every opportunity.
farming Blast was fun, but not as fun as minting here daily and seeing Seize obsess over my sex life (or lack thereof)
Seize once lost a fight with a bear. A gummy bear. (ba-dum-tss)
I drive just like I drink. Alone. And dangerously.
there is nothing better than traveling at a decent speed, knowing that with each passing moment you are getting farther and farther away from Seize
Let's all hope Seize does not have a rebirth. His being born once was already one too many times.
on NUB
way too easy, I'll pass on calling a NUB a NUB
"Can You Feel It?" is a question Seize learned long ago that he should never ask his partners.
Seize's "old ways" involve: stealing toys from orphanages, rooting for the hunters in Bambi, and wiping back to front.
Seize is more dangerous than a snake. But not as pretty.
I panic HODL
As a little kid, I loved orange sherbert. That's it. No punchline. No follow up. I just liked it.
"No Air" - what teammates of Seize say when they see his lack of vert
Seize would never Pay In Full. In fact he goes to KFC to lick other people's fingers. And when it is cold he huddles around a candle. If it's really cold, he might even light the candle. Yeah, Seize is cheap AF.
I warned Seize previously about eating cabbage through that chain-link fence. One day he will listen to good advice.
Easy choice: I choose the one without Seize
Seize was excited he could finish the puzzle in 2 days. The box said 3 - 5 years!
"BLOCKED" = what happens to Seize after he sends unsolicited DMs to females
Seize has the imagination of a child. And the IQ of a child as well.
When Seize smiles it looks like he is about to eat a cabbage through a chainlink fence.
Don't underestimate Seize's ability to simp. They don't call him the whiteknight incel for nothing.
No clout + no rizz = bussy Seize
Today's comment is dedicated to Ely missing yesterday. WTF bro?
I honestly wish nothing but the best for Seize. Sadly, God had other ideas.
Seize is scared of two things: Lights and People
Seize is tone deaf
Seize doesn't really "lose control" ...but rather he just starts involuntarily slobbering with his mouth agape
Seize is scarred in more ways than you could ever imagine. I pray for him daily.
Seize has a journal to record all of his sexual encounters. Hopefully one day he will be able to start writing in it.
I would never waste a Blue shell on Seize, regardless of the track.
In the land of the blind, Seize was voted most beautiful.
There's only one thing in life that I trust 100%, and that is that Seize will be a disappointment to anyone and everyone.
The Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks was based in large part on Seize. George Lucas had once bumped into him on the street, where Seize was begging randos for spare change. Seize's appearance and speaking mannerisms left a lasting impression.
there's nothing more VALUABLE than bring FREE of Seize
Seize's pump cycle is exactly 4 hours. 30 minutes for the little blue pill to take effect. And 3.5 hours at the ER describing to the nurses that he really did meet a girl online even though she never showed up.
Seize thinks Keith Gill was a founding member of New Edition
Seize is the biggest Mother I know
While Seize is correct about the nickname my partners have given me, it completely ignores the fact that my partners are real, unpaid, consenting, and are not my relatives. Sadly, Seize cannot say the same.
"THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" - the exact phrase used during Seize's court-ordered, childhood monthly visits to the lobotomist.
on RGB
Seize's favorite color is Corduroy
Seize's conception was a "Side Quest"

The mission was a total failure.
Seize sharing his fantasies on a Zora mint page is a desperate cry for help.
Seize is the Vanilla Ice to my NWA
on SN
Happy Saturday Night to Seize and his new love, Jenny Tulworts
Seize is my best friend.
Seize's wardrobe is 100% velvet shirts and corduroy shorts. God bless him.
Let's send Seize to the moon. I'll pay for the one-way trip.
Seize laughed watching Bambi.
No missing link jokes, no chained up insults... today is a day of peace. Love to all.
I have seen Seize take the high road many times. It's the path the Short Bus he is riding on takes every day. If you look closely enough, you most likely can see him licking the windows. They really should have him harnessed in for his own safety.
Seize asked his doctor: "Will I always resemble the syphilitic aborted remains of a Mongolian gangbang?" To which the doctor replied, "TIME WILL TELL"
When Seize touches grass, he first has to look around carefully to make sure Park security officers aren't in range of seeing him.
String Theory, AKA the supposition that Seize can get an erection
I wish Seize well every chance I get. One of these days I hope it works.
Seize's obsession with my sexual activity is both interesting and disturbing. Which is the same way many people describe his overgrown back hair.
Rip from Yellowstone? He's a cool dude. Unlike Jamie, the guy Seize models himself after.
To Seize, a coffee break is that period of the work day where his lack of production is actually justified.
"The Halving" is what they call the night Seize ate his Conjoined twin while still in the womb.
"Fight Night," aka, "Seize's struggle to have a successful Fap evening"
Every time Seize attacks me a dolphin in heaven gets their angel wings
Seize thought a vegetarian was a vegetable doctor.
If ignorance is bliss, Seize must be overjoyed.
Seize’s spirit animal is a fat raccoon trying to get inside a dumpster.
Seize has a lot of hidden talents. Hopefully one day he will be able to find them.
Statistically speaking, Seize was probably born on a highway. Because that's where most accidents happen.
Seize still roots for OJ Simpson.
I would tell a few jokes about Seize's career, but none of them work well.
Seize doesnt play PacMan because he is too scared of ghosts
Seize is the reason Taco Bell discontinued the Mexi-Nuggets menu item.
Contrary to popular belief, Seize does not suffer from insanity. He enjoys every second of it.
I once advised Seize to just be himself. I guess that was a pretty mean thing for me to say.
Another day, another frequency!
This will be my last comment until Seize comes out of hiding
Today is Golden Egg day, and despite staring at his calendar non-stop - Seize still cant find it
April is national clitoris month, and despite looking at his calendar non-stop, Seize still can't find it.
I love Cheryl Hines
Seize doesn't like puppies
Seize dips his fries in pickle juice
it's true, I love cheese
Seize has a tramp stamp inked on his left hand
Someday Seize will go far. And I really hope he stays there.
Seize ate one of my fingers
Seize is impossible to underestimate
on 1988
in Jack we trust
in a world where anyone can be anything, I will never understand why Seize chose to be mediocre
Seize wipes back-to-front
Seize swims with a T-shirt on
Seize, your web3 accomplishments have impressed many. The zookeeper who raised you must be so proud!
no shade, just shine today
on MOG
Seize's obsession with Nuts continues to plague web3
Does Seize own a Golden Egg?
oh I'm Real, and I'm spectacular !
Oh I'm real, and I'm spectacular!
where Seize?
where Seize?
