The "Transmog Potion," a mysterious, iridescent elixir brewed by anonymous alchemists, grants the daring drinker a permanent transformation into a new member of the notorious Degentlemen, adopting their appearance, voice, and subtlest mannerisms with uncanny accuracy.
Introducing Series 1: The Sands of Time! This commemorative series will introduce 30 all-new creatures. Each pack has 5 creatures to collect, trade, or level up in the all-new Monster Catcher game launching on Farcaster. [Limited 2000 Pack Release]
Introducing Series 1: The Molten Abyss! This commemorative series will introduce 30 all-new Farmons. Each pack has 5 Farmons to collect, trade, or level up in the all-new Social Monster Catcher game launching on Farcaster. [Limited 1000 Pack Release]
The inaugural pack drop for Farworld. This commemorative series will contain 5 Farmons to collect, trade, or level up in the all-new Social Monster Catcher game launching on Farcaster. [Limited 1000 Pack Release]
Transmog Potion
[Expiration Date 10:00 PM ET 4/20]
1000 $ENJOY
100 $enjoy
666 $Enjoy
Degentlemen & Farworld
A Degen World
Pack (Series 1 - The Sands of Time)
Pack (Series 1 - The Molten Abyss)
Pack (Series 1 - The Whispering Wilds)
Explorer Achievement